The Startled Goat

Conor watched her as she coughed.

Donncahd watched her, too.

The room was silent but for her own struggle for oxygen.

Her hand had instinctively covered Darrach's head and protected his ears during her fit. Her fingers rubbed behind his ears, stroking through his soft tufts of fur.

She wasn't certain how sensitive a goat's ears were.

But he deserved not to be startled by her sudden coughing fit.

"Child?" Donncahd's voice was almost as cold and distant as Conor's.

But it had an edge to it.

A very small hint of disbelief that made him sound...almost human.

She got the feeling he hadn't been anticipating the question. Or hadn't been interested in entertaining the idea.

Or something along those lines.

She didn't want to read too heavily into his expression or reaction. How Donncahd felt about children, much less with her, wasn't relevant to her to know.