Rache glanced between the two.
She felt strangely left out, as the two were glaring at each other and Donncahd had simply forgotten to introduce the two of them to each other, or perhaps it was simply that he considered Rache beneath introduction. It could have simply been that Donncahd had no desire to introduce the woman, given his simmering anger and hostility, too.
It still felt awkward to watch the two staring at each other in silent challenge.
Much as the woman reminded her of Donncahd, standing face to face, glaring without glaring at each other just underlined for Rache how different they were from each other.
Rather, in her own mind, it was how different the woman was from Donncahd. After all, no matter what Rache thought of Donncahd as a person, or whether she liked or approved of him and his villainy, she knew full well he was the true antagonist of the world - the only one who would truly rival and endanger Altoran on his quest.