The Drama

Princess Airie's hair swayed softly as the wind brushed through the curtains.

Donncahd held his hand out to her, and she placed her delicate hand on top. The man pulled her into his chest and smiled as he whispered to her. The smile didn't touch his blood-red eyes, however, as they looked at her hungrily, like a beast that caught a rabbit in its trap.

"I am glad you've come to love me."

"Y-you." The Princess stuttered. "How can you tell such a lie so easily?"

Donncahd leaned over and nibbled the side of her neck. She turned away and refused to let the prince steal her lips again. "We. Do. Have to do our duty."

"You're right." Donncahd agreed, the smile still in his voice. He placed his chin on her shoulder and traced her shoulder blade with his finger. The Princess felt his hard muscles pressing into her side, and the scent of leather and blood overwhelmed her. She shuddered.

"We are but a mere pawn of the kings." She looked up at the man.