The Destined Arrival

As the newborn princess was being welcomed into the world, the chamber where she was born was graced by an unexpected visitor. Eldrin Valthor, an elven mage renowned for his ability to see and interpret the threads of fate, arrived with a sense of urgency and excitement. Eldrin was a figure of ethereal grace, with long blonde hair that shimmered like sunlight and eyes that glowed with an inner light, reflecting his deep connection to the mystical forces of the universe.

His robes, adorned with celestial patterns and imbued with enchantments, flowed as he entered the grand chamber of Thornspire Keep. The room, already steeped in the magic of the newborn's arrival, seemed to resonate with Eldrin's presence. He approached the king, Roderic Nightshade, with a mixture of reverence and enthusiasm.

"Your Highness," Eldrin began, his voice carrying the weight of both awe and excitement, "the skies have spoken. The celestial event witnessed tonight—those radiant streaks of light and the harmonious hum—are not mere coincidences. They are a profound omen, marking the arrival of the destined child."

Roderic, intrigued and somewhat taken aback by Eldrin's sudden appearance and fervor, raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, Eldrin? How is this event connected to our daughter?"

Eldrin's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "The convergence of stars and the ethereal glow seen in the sky are ancient signs, foretold by prophecies long past. Such phenomena signal the arrival of a child destined to alter the course of history. It is said that these celestial markers are aligned with the birth of one who will bring great change."

He stepped closer to Roderic, his excitement palpable. "Tonight, as I gazed upon the heavens, I saw the threads of fate intertwining, forming a tapestry that is both rare and remarkable. This child, your daughter, is a beacon of hope. The prophecy is not just about the birth of a royal heir but about a new era dawning upon us."

Roderic listened intently, his gaze fixed on Eldrin. "And you believe my daughter is truly the child of prophecy, as foretold by The Prophet King?"

"No, Your daughter's fate is intertwined with the fate of the child prophesied by the prophet king," Eldrin replied, his voice filled with conviction. "The signs are unmistakable. The skies have welcomed him and her, and so has fate itself. It is a moment of great significance, one that will be remembered and celebrated for generations."

As Eldrin spoke, the air seemed to crackle with an almost palpable sense of magic and destiny. The king, moved by the mage's words and the gravity of the situation, looked upon his daughter with renewed awe and reverence. The excitement in Eldrin's presence only heightened the sense of anticipation and wonder surrounding the newborn princess, marking the beginning of a new chapter in the annals of Alastor.

"Eldrin, can we identify the child destined to save our realm?" Roderic asked, his voice filled with a mix of determination and hope. The weight of his words was evident in his intense gaze and furrowed brow.

"I wish to adopt and protect him, ensuring he can grow up to fulfill their destiny. Our realm faces the vile threat of demons, and this child must be nurtured to become the beacon of hope we need to expel these dark forces and secure the future of Alastor." His resolve was unwavering, a reflection of his deep desire to safeguard the future of Alastor and ensure that the child's potential was realized.

Eldrin, his expression a mixture of regret and empathy, shook his head slowly. "I'm afraid it's impossible to determine the exact whereabouts of the destined child at this time," he said, his voice tinged with sorrow.

"The threads of fate are concealing the child from any prying eyes, including mine. However, this isn't entirely negative. The same protection that shields the child from us also prevents the demons from locating him. The most they will know is that the child has been born, but they won't be able to pinpoint his location."

Roderic, his eyes still burning with determination despite the setback, nodded resolutely. "Then so be it. I have faith that the child's brilliance will soon shine, revealing his path in time," his muscular frame and dark red hair seemed to radiate a fierce resolve, while his dark red eyes held a glimmer of unyielding hope.

"Oh, right. Liliana, what shall we name our daughter?" The king, having been momentarily distracted by Eldrin, realized he hadn't yet heard the name from his wife.

Liliana, her eyes soft with maternal warmth, smiled at Roderic. "Her name will be Seraphina. It means 'fiery and ardent,' reflecting the light and strength we hope she will bring to our realm."

"That's truly a wonderful name," the king said, his face lighting up with a warm smile as he gazed at Liliana.

Upon waking up the day after arriving in Alastor, Daniel, now going by the name Elion, opened his eyes and noticed his sister, Valeria, peacefully lying beside him.

They were in a modest room, typical of a small village house. The rough-hewn and unadorned wooden walls gave the space a rustic feel, with a single window letting in the morning light and casting a soft glow over the room.

The air smelled of fresh hay and wood, and in the corner, there was a simple wooden crib, where they had been placed after birth. The room was sparse, with only a small table and a few chairs, but it felt warm and secure—a humble beginning in a new world.

'Hey, Valen, are you there?' Elion thought, his mind reaching out for the ancient knight trapped within him.

[I'm here.] 

Valen's voice echoed in Daniel's mind, tinged with a mix of relief and nostalgia. 

[It's strange to be back in Alastor after all these centuries. Earth was a prison for my soul, but now... now I'm home.]

'Home, huh? This is all so surreal to me. I guess it must be different for you.'

[Very different.] 

Valen replied, his tone carrying the weight of ages. 

[To finally return after being bound to that book for so long… it's like waking from a dream, but the world has changed, and so have I.]

'Valen, can you explain what's going on? Why was I brought here?'

[It wasn't my decision alone.] 

Valen began, his voice was solemn. 

[The Vampire King, known as the Prophet, foresaw that only you could save Alastor from the demons. He sent a fragment of my soul into that book, hoping to seek out the destined child across the multiverse. And now, after centuries of searching, you're the one he chose.]

'Chose me? And where is he? I want to throw a tantrum at him right now,' Daniel thought, a mix of disbelief and frustration bubbling inside him.

[He… he's gone. I can't feel his energy anymore. The king would never leave Alastor unless the demons were vanquished, and I can still sense their malevolent presence. That means the king has already passed on, though it's something I struggle to accept.] 

Valen's voice faltered, a deep sadness tinged with the weight of centuries.

'I see… I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure he was an amazing king.'

[You're damn right he was.] 

Valen's voice grew firmer.

[But I knew this day would come when he asked for my help. Now, let's focus on you, kid. My duty is to prepare you for what's ahead and trust me, it won't be easy.]

'Well, it's not like I loved my life on Earth anyway. Even though I still find this story hard to believe, I'm curious. What's your grand plan for turning a nerdy kid like me into a battle-hardened warrior who's supposed to kill demons and save the world?'

[Haha, take your time, kid. First, you need to grow up a little and learn the common language of this world. I'll teach you how to write and speak, and after you learn, we can discuss making you stronger. Do you remember how the doctor used magic to analyze your health?]

'Sure do! That was amazing. I still can't believe it's possible.'

[It was just a simple trick. Wait for me to teach you how to fight. You'll learn from the best. I was the strongest warrior in my time, and I have all the books on learning magic from the Prophet King in my soul.]

'All right! Let's do this!' Elion's excitement bubbled over as he eagerly anticipated learning about this new world. The thrill of adventure and the unknown had him practically bouncing with enthusiasm, ready to dive into whatever challenges lay ahead.

[No need to rush, kid. First, let me tell you about the enemy you'll be facing.]

[Thousands of years ago, demons emerged from chaotic portals that tore through the fabric of Alastor. These demonic forces arrived with an insatiable hunger to conquer and devour. Although individual vampires were vastly stronger and more skilled in the use of mana, the demons had a significant advantage in their sheer numbers.]

[The demons' high birth rate allowed their numbers to swell rapidly, overwhelming the relatively few vampires who could stand against them. This numerical superiority enabled the demons to spread their influence and seize territories with relentless aggression.]

[Over time, the demons established footholds across Alastor, chipping away at the vampire strongholds and gradually conquering more land. Despite the vampires' superior combat abilities and mana manipulation, the constant pressure from the demon hordes wore them down. The vampires, though formidable, struggled to sustain their defense against such a massive and unending assault.]

[Thus, the demons' ability to outnumber and outlast their enemies allowed them to slowly, but steadily, take over Alastor, shifting the balance of power and casting a long shadow of despair across the realm.]

[Of course, the battle against the demons wasn't fought by the vampires alone. Dwarves, elves, humans, and orcs all joined forces to resist the demonic invasion. Before the demons arrived, vampires were revered as the kings and protectors of the realm, but even their combined strength and leadership couldn't withstand the overwhelming tide of the demonic onslaught.]