Embarking on the Mage Path

One year had passed since Elion arrived in Alastor. During this time, he quickly adapted to his new world with Valen's guidance. In the first six months, he learned to write and speak.

The language was relatively easy for him to master due to its similarity to Latin. 

Elion's first year in Alastor was a period of significant learning and adjustment. He absorbed the basics of the world around him and became proficient in communication, setting him apart even at the tender age of one.

His exceptional abilities and early achievements made him a remarkable figure in the eyes of his village, which saw him as a genius for his age.

Although he didn't show that he could also read and write, just speaking was already enough to set him apart from his peers.

Janice, his new mother, was exceptionally loving and attentive despite raising two children on her own. She showered them with affection and ensured they ate well to grow healthy.

In Elion's first year, he never saw her working. It appeared that she had received financial support from the kingdom, as her husband had been killed in the war. Janice had planned to return to work once the children were old enough to care for themselves, which would be around four to five years old in Alastor.

Elion's thoughts echoed in his mind as he called out, 'Hey, Valen, are you there?' He reached out mentally, hoping to connect with his partner and mentor.

[I'm always here, kid. What's up?]

'I already know how to write and speak in Alastor's language, and I'm one year old. But you still haven't told me how to get stronger. Aren't you going to help me learn how to fight demons or something?'

[Calm down, kid. You can barely handle an ant, let alone a demon. Alright, it's time to start talking about mana and how it works.]

[Mana is the fundamental energy that flows through Alastor and every living being in it and inanimate object. It's like the lifeblood of the universe, and mastering it is crucial for both warriors and mages. For now, the most important thing for you is learning how to absorb and harness mana.]

[To start, you'll need to focus on the environment around you. Mana permeates everything, but it's often subtle. You can begin by practicing mindfulness and sensing the energy that flows through the air, the ground, and even the creatures around you.]

[Sit quietly and focus your mind. Breathe deeply and rhythmically to attune yourself to the mana around you. Imagine a soft, glowing energy surrounding you. Visualize yourself drawing this energy into your body.]

[Once you can feel and draw mana, I'll explain more about the paths to strengthen yourself and how to effectively use that mana.]

'Okay. I'll do it right now!' Elion's excitement was palpable as he eagerly focused on learning about mana. The thought of finally beginning his training and discovering how to harness this mysterious energy filled him with a sense of exhilaration and purpose.

Elion, brimming with excitement, settled into a comfortable seated posture, his small frame poised with determination. He crossed his legs and placed his hands on his knees, closing his eyes to shut out distractions.

With a deep breath, he began to concentrate on the air around him, sensing the subtle flow of energy that Valen had described.

He imagined the mana as a delicate, invisible current weaving through the atmosphere. In his mind's eye, he pictured this energy as a shimmering stream, flowing gently around and through everything.

Elion focused on feeling this energy, trying to attune himself to its presence. He pictured himself reaching out with his senses, attempting to draw the mana closer, to connect with it and understand its nature.

As he continued to concentrate, he felt a faint, tingling sensation in the air. It was as though the mana was responding to his intent, gently swirling around him. Elion's excitement grew with each small breakthrough, knowing that this was the first step in his journey to mastering his abilities.

Five hours after Valen's explanation, Elion opened his eyes with a burst of excitement. His tiny hands clapped together in glee as he eagerly called out in his mind, "Valen, are you there? I manage to feel mana!"

Valen's voice echoed in his thoughts, a mixture of surprise and admiration. 

[Well, I'll be damned. Have you managed to feel mana already? That's incredibly fast. Vampires usually take about a week to even begin sensing it, the fastest can do in two days, but that would usually be the royal family]

Elion's excitement bubbled over. "Really? I felt something. It was amazing!"

Valen's tone softened with a hint of pride. 

[Yes, it's quite impressive. Vampires are naturally attuned to mana; their very essence is crafted to harness its power. Over centuries, our race has developed to not only sense mana but also to refine and control it with great precision. We're born with an inherent ability to wield this energy, which is why it usually takes longer for others to feel it. But you, well, you're showing a remarkable aptitude right from the start.]

'So, what should I do now?'

[First, let me explain the two paths one could take to become stronger.]

[The Warrior Path is structured into several realms: Body Refinement, Cell Refinement, Muscle Expansion, Soul-Strengthening, Body and Soul Fusion, Domain Creation, Paragon, and Demigod.]

[The Mage Path, on the other hand, progresses through these realms: Mind Refinement, Core Creation, Meridian Expansion, Soul-Strengthening, Body and Soul Fusion, Domain Creation, Paragon, and Demigod.]

[It's worth noting that no one has ever achieved Soul-Strengthening in both paths. Attempts to reach this realm in one path while being engaged in the other result in the practitioner being permanently stuck at the threshold and having to abandon the other path. This enigmatic barrier has puzzled many, as it appears to be a unique limitation of the world's magical system.]

'I see, so which one should I learn?' Asked Elion.

[Both! The Prophet foresaw that you would wield both magic and the sword. You are destined to break through this barrier. This extraordinary strength will be crucial for saving Alastor. I'll instruct you in the Warrior Path and the art of the sword, while the knowledge left behind by the Prophet in my soul will guide you in mastering magic.]

'Isn't that risk? What would happen if I'm stuck in one and lose precious time?'

[It's a valid concern. However, the Prophet's foresight and the knowledge I possess will help you navigate this challenge. While the risk exists, it's mitigated by the guidance you'll receive. By training in both paths, you'll develop a unique strength that will be essential for your role in saving Alastor. We'll work together to ensure you make the most of your time and avoid potential pitfalls.]

[Additionally, the Prophet's vision indicated that you must advance to the Soul-Strengthening realm in both paths simultaneously. If there is even the slightest disparity in your progress between the two paths, you will be permanently unable to advance in the other.]

'Ugh, it looks like I've got a tough challenge ahead of me even before I start training. This is going to be a real struggle.'

[Don't worry, kid. I'm confident you'll find a way to handle it.]

'Alright, but which path do you think would be better for me to start with?'

[Commoners typically go with the warrior path, as it's more straightforward and doesn't require as much theoretical knowledge. However, given that you're still growing and have access to the necessary knowledge, we'll start with the mage path. Mastering it will give you a solid foundation in mana manipulation and set you up well for the warrior path later on.]

'Ok, bring it on!'

[Unfortunately, I won't be teaching you that directly. Instead, the Prophet's wisdom has been inscribed in ancient tomes that I carry within my soul. Let me show you.]

Valen's presence grew more tangible as he began to focus inwardly. A faint, shimmering light appeared before Elion, visible only to him, forming into a series of intricate, ethereal books. These tomes floated gently in the air, their covers adorned with ancient symbols and runes.

[These books.] 

Valen explained. 

[Contain the deep knowledge and secrets of the Mage Path. Each volume is infused with the Prophet's teachings and is crucial for mastering from Mind Refinement to Demigod level. You'll need to delve into their contents and practice diligently.]

As Valen spoke, the books opened, revealing glowing pages of arcane scripts and diagrams. The pages turned slowly, offering glimpses of complex spells and mystical theories. The sight was both awe-inspiring and overwhelming, a testament to the profound knowledge awaiting Elion's study.

Elion wasted no time and immersed himself in his studies. His ability to read proved invaluable as he delved into the complex material.

The texts detailed how a mage could draw mana from the atmosphere and channel it into their mind, thereby enhancing their mana senses and refining their connection to the magical energy around them.

The more he read, the more perplexed he became. The complexity of the knowledge was daunting, was he expected to master all of this, pursue the Warrior Path, and still learn sword arts? It seemed almost insurmountable.

Yet, despite the challenges, Elion's excitement and determination burned brightly within him. He embraced the difficulty as a challenge to be conquered, resolute in his mission.

"Wait for me, demons!" he declared with fiery resolve. "I'll be the storm that brings your damnation and the beacon of hope for Alastor!" His commitment to grow stronger was unwavering, and his spirit was fueled by an unbreakable will to rise to the occasion.

Elion's determination only grew stronger. In the year he had spent in Alastor, he had come to cherish this world deeply.

The thought of letting demons rule over a place he had grown to love was unacceptable to him. His resolve was unshakeable; he was not only driven by the desire to grow stronger but also by a profound sense of duty to protect his new home.

His affection extended to his new family as well. He adored his mother, Janice, who had shown him nothing but love and care, and he found his twin sister, Valeria, irresistibly cute.

The bond he felt with Valeria was strong, and his protective nature towards her was already evident, hinting at a future where his devotion to her would only grow stronger. A future siscon, for sure, but he still didn't know that.

On Earth, he had been a solitary soul, never knowing his parents. Here in Alastor, he found himself embraced by a loving family that he would protect unconditionally, no matter what.

"Wait for me, demons! I'll be your damnation," he vowed again, with fierce conviction, ready to face any challenge to safeguard Alastor.