Hunter Squad

Two years had passed since Elion first began studying magic. As a young child, he had few responsibilities, and his time was largely his own. You could say he had three simple hobbies. 

The first was training. Just twelve months after starting his journey on the mage path, he had already reached the peak of the Mind Refinement realm, a remarkable achievement for someone so young.

The only reason Elion hadn't yet advanced to the Core Creation realm was because of Valen's advice to keep his progress in both the warrior and mage paths similar. 

Since he couldn't begin warrior training until he turned five, he focused on mastering various spells and refining his mana control, biding his time until he could synchronize his advancement in both paths.

Elion concentrated his studies on two primary branches of magic: Lighting and Space. He was drawn to these elements because they reminded him of the heroes in the novels he used to read on Earth, wielding lightning to fry their enemies and teleporting effortlessly across battlefields. 

The thought of mastering such formidable powers excited him, fueling his determination to become a force to be reckoned with in Alastor.

Elion's second hobby was listening to Valen's stories. Despite finding Valen a bit silly at times, Elion knew the old knight had been incredibly strong in his prime. 

Valen told him tales of slaying countless demons on the battlefield and rescuing damsels in distress. However, Elion couldn't help but notice that Valen had passed away single. 

While he did admire Valen's bravery, Elion resolved not to follow that particular path. He definitely didn't want to die a virgin again.

His third, and perhaps most cherished hobby, was spending time with his sister.

Elion's sister, Valeria, was the very definition of cuteness in his eyes. With her bubbly dark hair that curled naturally at the ends and her big, dark black eyes that sparkled with curiosity, she was a bundle of joy that Elion couldn't resist doting on.

Her laughter was infectious, a sweet, melodic sound that filled their small home with warmth and light.

Every morning, Elion would wake up to the sight of Valeria's wide, innocent eyes peering at him over the edge of his bed. She would giggle and tug at his hand, urging him to play with her. One of their favorite activities was exploring the small garden behind their house. 

Elion would gently hold her hand as they walked, pointing out the different flowers and bugs that fascinated her. Valeria, in turn, would excitedly try to mimic his explanations, her tiny voice bubbling with enthusiasm.

On rainy days, when they were stuck indoors, Elion would sit by the fire with Valeria beside him, reading to her from the simple picture books they had. Though she was still too young to fully understand the stories, she would stare intently at the pages, her little fingers tracing the illustrations. 

Sometimes, Elion would make up stories on the spot, weaving fantastical tales that made Valeria's eyes grow even wider in wonder. These stories were often filled with brave heroes, magical creatures, and epic battles—tales that captured Valeria's imagination and left her begging for more. 

Without admitting it, Elion often adapted these stories from the ones Valen had shared with him. He would take Valen's grand adventures, add a touch of whimsy, and spin them into narratives that were just right for his little sister.

Her favorite stories were always the ones where Elion was the hero, bravely battling monsters and saving the day!

Elion showed his sister a small display of magic, telling her to keep it a secret between them. From that day on, Valeria truly believed that her brother was destined to be a hero.

Whenever Valeria struggled with something—like tying a ribbon in her hair or reaching for a toy just out of her grasp—Elion was always there to help, his patience endless when it came to her. 

He loved how she would puff out her cheeks in concentration, then break into a wide smile when she succeeded, clapping her hands in delight.

Elion couldn't help but think that Valeria was the most adorable creature in all of Alastor.

She was his precious little sister, and he was determined to protect her at all costs. The bond they shared was unbreakable, and every moment spent with her only strengthened his resolve to keep her safe from the dangers of their world.

Today, like every other day, Valeria eagerly approached her big brother, craving more of his incredible stories.

"Brother El, please continue me telling that story about the human warrior that slayed the demons with his mighty sword!"

"Of course Val, where did we stop? Ah, that's right, the warrior was planning on invading the demon realm, but…"

Before Elion could continue the story, he was interrupted by his sister, Valeria.

"Wow, big brother, look at that!" Valeria exclaimed, pointing excitedly at a beast being carried by a group of five hunters. "What is that?"

Elion turned around, following Valeria's enthusiastic pointing. His eyes widened as he saw five hunters making their way down the village path. They were carrying a large, wooden stretcher, their faces etched with the satisfaction of a successful hunt.

On the stretcher lay a massive, one-horned bear, its once formidable presence now still and lifeless. The bear's dark fur was mottled with grays and browns, and its single, curved horn gleamed dully in the sunlight. Its powerful claws and formidable teeth were visible, though now they posed no threat.

The hunters moved with a steady rhythm, their movements smooth and practiced as they transported the prize. They appeared relaxed, their task complete, chatting amongst themselves and sharing stories of their hunt.

Valeria's eyes sparkled with fascination as she took in the sight. The dead bear, despite its imposing size, was a symbol of the untamed and majestic world that surrounded them.

This wasn't the first time Elion had seen the group of hunters. He had always been intrigued by their skill and bravery, and the idea of joining them was a thrilling prospect. However, he knew it was still too early. 

To be part of such a group, one had to at least be at the initial Body Refinement realm, a milestone he wouldn't reach before turning five.

Until then, he would have to wait and continue his training, dreaming of the day he could prove himself alongside these seasoned hunters.

If he demonstrated his magical abilities, he might have been able to join the group, despite his mother's likely disapproval. In most commoner villages, a practitioner of the Mage Path was highly valued, as they were often seen as a rare and beneficial addition compared to the more common Warrior Path practitioners. 

Elion knew that his skills could open doors for him, but he also understood the importance of waiting until he was older and more skilled, respecting the expectations and norms of his community.

Valen had also advised him to keep his magical abilities a secret for now, emphasizing the need to be able to protect himself before revealing his skills. 

It was essential for Elion to bide his time until he was more capable and had allies to protect him, as even within the vampire realm, some had betrayed Alastor's unity by selling their souls to the demons.

Additionally, Valen suggested that once Elion reached an appropriate level of skill, he should seek an audience with the vampire royal family. They would undoubtedly be interested in supporting his development, given their vested interest in nurturing the potential of those connected to the downfall of the demons.

"How about we get closer and ask them about that monster, Val?" Elion suggested with a mischievous smile, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Oooh, let's go see, El!" Valeria exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. 

"That bear looks huge! I wonder how many strikes it took to bring it down. Do you think it was really as fierce as the stories say?" She tugged at Elion's sleeve, eager to see the bear up close and learn more about the incredible creature that had been slain.

The two of them dashed toward the hunters, their excitement palpable. As they drew closer, the lead hunter, a burly man with a muscular build, noticed them approaching and flashed a friendly smile.

"Ah, Janice's twins! How are you two today?" he called out, his voice warm and welcoming.

"Ah, big brother Jean, we're doing great!" Valeria said, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she flashed a beautiful smile. "We saw you all bringing in this massive monster and just had to come over and see. What's this creature called? How did you manage to take it down?"

"This is a one-horned dark bear," Jean explained, his voice carrying a tone of pride. "It's a formidable monster, comparable to a warrior at the initial Cell Refinement realm. If the five of us hadn't joined forces and set up an ambush, at least one of us might have been killed."

"Cell Refinement?!" Elion exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise. "But brother Jean, shouldn't this forest only have beasts at the Body Refinement level at most? Why is there such a powerful beast here?"

Jean's expression shifted from his usual easygoing demeanor to a hint of concern.

"Well, Elion, Valeria," he began, his voice carrying a note of unease, "the disturbance in the border has been more significant lately. The demons have been causing chaos and pushing the beasts closer to our village. This one-horned dark bear isn't supposed to be here, it's usually found much farther from our territory."

He looked at the dead bear, his brow furrowing. "The increased activity from the demons has driven many creatures to migrate from their usual habitats, forcing them into areas where they wouldn't normally be found. It's made the forests more dangerous for everyone."

Jean's expression softened, and he quickly regained his usual easygoing smile. "But don't you worry too much, kids," he reassured them.

"Our kingdom's brave warriors are holding strong at the borders. They're doing everything they can to keep us safe."

"I've heard that powerful elf mages have been dispatched from the capital to reinforce our defenses. They're working alongside the warriors to push back the demons and protect the villages. So, while things might be a bit tense right now, we have some of the best fighting for us."

Jean's smile was comforting, a stark contrast to the seriousness he had shown earlier.

"I see, that's very reassuring. Thanks, Brother Jean," Valeria said with enthusiasm, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "When I grow up, I'll be as strong as the heroes from the stories and go to the fort to defeat all the demons!"

Jean chuckled heartily, his laughter warm and encouraging. "That's the spirit, Valeria! I have no doubt you'll grow up to be a great warrior, just like your father. He was an amazing hero. Keep that determination, and who knows? Maybe one day you'll be leading the charge against the demons yourself. Just remember to stay strong and never give up on your dreams."

"We have to head out now, kids. The village chief is expecting us, and you won't want to miss the big banquet tonight. We'll be feasting on bear meat! Hahaha!" Said Jean, while walking away from the kids.

Elion watched the departing hunters, a frown forming on his brow. 

'Monsters changing their habits is never good news,' he thought, a complex expression shadowing his face. 

'Hopefully, this is just my bad feeling acting up.'