Demon Slaying Sword Art

At the heart of Skywood Village, after eight grueling hours of mana training, the children finally began their physical exercises.

"All right, kids, enough with the mana training! Now, let's see what your legs can do. Start running laps around the training grounds. No slacking! You'll need strong bodies to back up that mana if you want to become real warriors!" the village chief screamed, his voice carrying authority and a hint of encouragement.

"Yes, sir!" the kids shouted in unison.

The kids took off, their small feet pounding against the dirt path as they ran around the village center. Some struggled to keep pace, huffing and puffing as their legs began to tire. But Elion, with a natural grace and strength that set him apart, ran effortlessly at the front of the group. 

His strides were smooth and steady, barely breaking a sweat as he pulled further ahead of the others. 

The village chief watched, noting the ease with which Elion led the pack, a subtle smile playing on his lips as he recognized the boy's potential.

'Wow, Valen, I can already feel the results of harnessing mana and distributing it through my body. This is amazing!' Elion thought, exhilaration coursing through him as he effortlessly led the group.

[It's great that you're feeling the benefits, but don't get too carried away.] 

Valen cautioned in his mind. 

[Remember, it's important not to show too much of a difference between yourself and the others. Blend in, don't stand out too much just yet.]

Elion nodded subtly to himself, easing his pace just enough to keep his lead but not too far ahead of the others.

Valeria was right behind Elion, taking the second lead. Though her small body was struggling to keep up, her fierce determination and surprising strength shone through with every step. It was evident that, despite her size, she possessed an unyielding spirit that pushed her forward, determined to stay close to her brother no matter what.

After running about 5 kilometers the chief called them to stop.

"Great! I can see everyone is eager to train. Now, let's move on to the basics of weapon training. Here are the instructors who will guide you through the fundamentals. Each of you should head to the instructor specializing in the weapon you've chosen. They'll show you how to start wielding it with skill and precision."

Valeria, who had chosen the spear, followed a tall and muscular woman brandishing a spear. Meanwhile, Elion, having opted for the katana, joined a short yet powerfully built man who wielded twin blades.

"Alright, kids, I see many of you have chosen the sword. We'll start with the basics," the instructor announced, his voice steady and commanding. "I'll demonstrate the fundamental moves: cutting from above, cutting horizontally, cutting from below, and thrusting."

With a fluid motion, he stepped into a low stance, his feet firmly planted on the ground. He raised his sword high above his head and swung down in a powerful, precise arc, demonstrating the cutting from above. The blade sliced through the air with a sharp whistle.

Next, he transitioned smoothly into a horizontal cut, moving the sword from one side to the other with controlled precision.

Shifting his stance slightly, he performed a cutting from below, raising the sword from a low position and sweeping it upward. Finally, he stepped forward and executed a thrusting move, extending the blade straight ahead with pinpoint accuracy.

The kids watched in awe, captivated by the instructor's flawless technique. Each movement was deliberate, showcasing the discipline and skill required to master the sword.

"I want each of you to fully integrate these four basic moves and stances into your muscle memory. Practice them until they become second nature. Once you can execute each move seamlessly, you can visit the village library to select a sword art of your choice. But remember, mastering the basics is crucial before advancing. Aim for at least one hundred thousand swings to build that foundational strength and precision. Now, get to it!"





The sound of swords slicing through the air echoed throughout the training hall. Elion, too, dove into his training with determination, swiftly following the instructor's guidance.

[Good job, kid. Keep it up. Once you've mastered the basics, I'll teach you my prized sword techniques, the Demon Slayer Sword Arts!]

'Uh, what a generic name,' Elion chuckled to himself.

[What do you know, brat? A sword art's true value is in how effectively it can end a fight, not in its name. Fancy titles are just distractions.]

Valen's voice added with a hint of amusement.

[The name might sound cliche, but there's a lot of history behind it. The Demon Slayer Sword Arts were developed over decades of my own battle experience against demons. I poured all my expertise into creating these techniques, focusing on precision and efficiency to counter the formidable abilities of our enemies. Mastering these arts will give you a significant advantage against even the most powerful foes.]

Elion grinned and set his sights on the goal.

"Alright, let's get to it! One hundred thousand swings, here I come!"

Valen's voice echoed in his mind, encouraging him.

[That's the spirit. Go for it!]

In the grand city of Nocturnis, where towering spires and shimmering fortresses touched the sky, the anticipation for the young Princess Seraphina's first day at the royal palace training hall was palpable. 

Seraphina, now five years old, was the epitome of royal grace and latent power. Her long, silver hair cascaded down her back like a flowing river of moonlight, shimmering with every movement. Her striking red eyes hinted at the extraordinary potential within her. Though young, her gaze was both piercing and calm, revealing a depth that belied her tender age.

On the hall Seraphina was dressed in an elegant robe of deep crimson and silver, the colors of her house.

The robe was adorned with intricate embroidery that spoke of her royal lineage. As she walked through the grand corridors, her steps were light but deliberate, each one echoing the importance of the occasion.

Eldrin, accompanied by the King, Roderic, and the Queen, Liliana, presented her with a crystal orb, a tool used to gauge the depth of one's affinity.

Seraphina placed her hands upon the orb, and a radiant light enveloped her, signifying her connection to mana. The orb's light intensified, confirming her strong potential for both the mage path and warrior path.

Eldrin turned to Seraphina with a nod of approval. "Your affinity for both the mage and warrior paths is evident, as expected of the vampire princess. Which path would you like to choose?"

Seraphina met his gaze with a calm yet determined expression. "I want to master the mage path, like my mother. Specifically, fire and blood magic. I believe these arts will be crucial in defeating the demons and protecting our kingdom. I want to harness their power to ensure the safety of Alastor and uphold our legacy."

"Excellent choice! From this day forward, I will be your teacher in the arcane arts. I do not doubt that you will become one of the most formidable mages our world has ever known and that you will fulfill your destiny to drive the demons out of Alastor," Eldrin said, his eyes gleaming with pride and encouragement.

"First, let's start by sensing and feeling the mana in the atmosphere around you. Once you've mastered this, I'll guide you on how to harness that mana to refine your mind," Eldrin instructed with a reassuring tone.

"Thanks for your guidance, elder Eldrin," said Seraphina with a smile.

Seraphina took a seat in the center of the training hall. She closed her eyes, her long silver hair cascading over her shoulders like a silken curtain.

Eldrin watched with a keen eye as Seraphina began her meditation. Her small hands rested gently on her lap, and her breathing was slow and even. She focused inwardly, attempting to sense the mana that flowed invisibly through the air around her.

The hall, though grand and imposing, was filled with a serene silence, broken only by the soft rustling of Eldrin's robe. Seraphina's red eyes fluttered beneath her closed lids, and her brow furrowed slightly in concentration.

As hours passed, a subtle, almost imperceptible change occurred. The air around her seemed to ripple, and the faintest glow began to emanate from her body. Eldrin's eyes narrowed in approval, sensing the nascent connection Seraphina was forming with the mana.

Seraphina's delicate features relaxed into a look of quiet focus as she gradually began to perceive the flow of mana more distinctly. The once intangible energy now felt like a tangible presence in her senses.

"Very good," said Eldrin, his voice filled with approval. "You're even faster than your mother and father. It took less than 30 hours to establish a connection with mana."

"Haha, indeed, my pride, the pride of our entire vampire race," said Roderic, his smile beaming with warmth and affection as he looked at his daughter.

"I heard that Dorian Blackthorn, son of Evelyn Blackthorn, also started his training yesterday. I wonder how well he'll perform. Given that he and our daughter were born at the same moment—a rare occurrence—they might be connected in some way. Perhaps he's the destined child, whose fate is intertwined with our daughter," said Roderic, his gaze thoughtful and intrigued.

"Very well done, my son," said Evelyn, her voice brimming with pride as she looked at Dorian. "You managed to connect with mana in just two days. I'm confident that you will become a splendid warrior!"

Dorian Blackthorn, at just five years old, already exuded a quiet intensity that hinted at his future prowess. His dark, tousled hair framed a face that was both striking and thoughtful, with deep-set eyes that glowed a vivid crimson—his gaze unwavering and sharp. 

Dorian's features were a blend of youthful innocence and an enigmatic aura, marked by a subtle but undeniable air of confidence.

He wore a tailored robe in deep hues of midnight blue and silver, signifying his noble lineage and the high expectations placed upon him. The robe, adorned with subtle patterns of ancient runes, hinted at his family's heritage.

"Of course, Mommy!" Dorian said with a determined gleam in his eyes. 

"I'll become the strongest warrior and fight the demons alongside Princess Seraphina. We'll protect the kingdom together!"