First Hunt

Six years after arriving in Alastor, Elion had reached the pinnacle of both the Body Refinement and Mind Refinement realms. 

[Good job, kid.]

Valen's voice echoed in his mind. 

[You're finally ready to break into the second stage. This is just the beginning of your journey, but every step you take now is crucial.]

'So, you said I should try to break through both realms at the same time, but how am I supposed to pull that off? Never mind the fact that I need to focus on creating my core and infusing mana into every cell of my body. How can I possibly gather enough mana to do all that simultaneously?'

[Haha, you are right, but I have the solution.]

[You should know by now that every being, whether animate or inanimate, possesses mana. What we need to do is find a living or inanimate object with enough mana to help you break through.]

'Uh, why didn't you tell me this before? It would be helpful to use those kinds of objects to improve my realm, wouldn't it?'

[Well, first off, you didn't ask me.]

Valen replied with a hint of sarcasm. 

[Second, you'll have to find them yourself. You need at least some strength to handle that.]

'Okay, okay. So where can I find them?' Elion asked.

[Calm down, kid. There are two main options you can use. The first are natural treasures that can store large quantities of mana, typically minerals that need to be extracted from the earth. The second option is monster cores.]

[Only beasts that are in the Second Stage, similar to a warrior Cell Refinement or Mage Core Creation realm, have monster cores.]

"Oh, so I should go after a monster core! Let's do it! My first fight in another world!" Elion exclaimed, his excitement barely contained.

[Impatient as always. You're correct, but first, you need to prepare. Start by fighting an animal much weaker than you. This will ensure you won't hesitate to kill in battle, because hesitation could be deadly.]

'You're right,' Elion nodded. 'I'll start by looking for an animal that hasn't embarked on the path. There are plenty of those in the forest outskirts, so it won't be dangerous.'

Elion quietly went to his room, careful not to wake his sister, who was still sleeping soundly in the bed beside his own. He grabbed his katana, the blade gleaming faintly in the early morning light, and slipped out of the house, heading toward the forest.

A few minutes after entering the forest, Elion spotted a small rabbit grazing in the underbrush. The rabbit showed no signs of begin on the path, making him an ideal target for an easy fight.

Elion silently, his footsteps barely making a sound on the forest floor.

When he was about ten meters away, he halted and channeled his mana into his hand, forming a crackling ball of electricity.

With a focused breath, he released the energy, sending it straight toward the rabbit.

The creature had no time to react. It was instantly killed, its body collapsing.

"Well, that was easy. Time to move on to the next target," Elion thought to himself as he prepared to continue the hunt.

[Stop! What do you think you're doing, kid?]

Valen's voice cut through his thoughts.

'Huh? I'm going to look for another prey. Isn't that the point of this hunt? To learn how to fight and kill real opponents?'

[Listen carefully, kid.]

Valen's tone was stern. 

[We don't kill just for the sake of killing. We do it because we need to. You've taken the rabbit's life, so now you should honor it by using its meat to nourish yourself and your family. That was a life you ended, and you owe it respect, even in death. Ensure that it serves a purpose beyond its final breath.]

"I see, but I'm not sure how to clean the game," Elion admitted.

[No problem.] 

Valen's voice was reassuring. 

[Let me teach you.]

Elion paid attention as Valen guided him through the process. Valen instructed him to carefully position the rabbit on its back, then to make a precise incision along the belly with his katana. Elion followed Valen's directions, his movements slow and deliberate.

[First, you need to make sure you cut just deep enough to open the body cavity without piercing the internal organs.]

[This will prevent the meat from being contaminated.]

Elion worked methodically, opening the cavity and pulling out the entrails.

[Next, you'll need to remove the fur around the legs and neck. Use your blade to separate the meat from the bones. Clean any blood or debris to ensure the meat is fresh and safe to eat.]

With Valen's guidance, Elion soon had the rabbit cleaned and prepared. He wrapped the meat carefully and secured it with a strip of cloth. 

[Good job. Now you're ready to take it home. Next time, remember to bring a bag so you don't have to return home every time you kill a small animal. Luckily for you, you didn't stray far from home this time.]

'Okay, let me—'

Before Elion could finish his sentence with Valen, a sudden sense of danger overwhelmed him. Instinctively, he rolled to the side, narrowly evading the lethal swipe of a large wolf's claws that had lunged at him from the shadows. 

If he hadn't moved in time, the claws would have left a deep gash across his chest.

[Great job on the evasion. This is your first real battle, kid. Do your best!]

The wolf lunged at Elion with terrifying speed, its right claw slicing through the air in a vicious diagonal arc. Elion quickly reacted, instinctively raising his katana to parry the blow. 

The force of the impact reverberated through his arms, and he quickly realized that the wolf was in the initial Second Stage.

Though Elion had reached the peak of the first stage for the Warrior and Mage realm, his still-developing body placed him at a disadvantage. The sheer strength behind the wolf's attack was overwhelming, and Elion struggled to hold his ground as the beast's power threatened to overpower him. 

Each clash of claw and blade reminded him that, despite his cultivation, his physical form was not yet fully matured, leaving him vulnerable in this deadly encounter.

Realizing that it would be hard to win in a physical battle against the wolf, who was stronger and faster than Elion, he decided to use his greatest advantage, magic!

He channeled an electrical current through his sword, the blade crackled with energy.

When the wolf attacked again, its claw clashed with the electrified sword, the current surged through the beast and paralyzed him for half a second.

Elion didn't hesitate. In that brief moment, he slashed downward, severing the wolf's paw. The creature howled in agony, its roaring echoing through the forest.

Without missing the chance, Elion formed another electric ball in his hand and hurled it at the crippled wolf. The beast, unable to dodge due to its missing paw, was struck directly.

The thunderous impact sent it jolts of unimaginable pain.

Elion seized the opportunity and dashed forward, his blade sliced cleanly into the wolf's head.

The beast's head tumbled to the ground, a fountain of blood spraying across Elion's robes. With that final stroke, Elion's first real battle in this world came to a decisive and bloody end.

[Good job, kid. You're getting more and more proficient with magic]

Valen praised.

"Thanks," Elion replied, a faint smile on his face. "I think lightning really suits my fighting style."

[Now, open the wolf's abdomen and retrieve the core.]

Valen instructed. 

[Beasts have a different constitution than intelligent species. Although they are more aligned with the warrior path, they typically have a core that stores their mana. This core is what gives some powerful beasts access to incredible inherited abilities.]

"Strange. Such a powerful beast shouldn't be this close to the village. It's clear the demons are becoming more aggressive at the borders."

Elion knelt beside the wolf's lifeless body, his hands steady as he made a precise incision along its abdomen, just as Valen had instructed. 

As he carefully peeled back the layers of flesh, he saw the glimmer of the core nestled within the wolf's insides—a small, glowing orb pulsating with residual mana. Gently, he pried it free and held it in his palm, feeling the warmth and power it still radiated.

With the core safely stored, Elion turned back to the rabbit he had hunted earlier, picking it up and wrapping it securely. He then rose, casting one last look at the fallen wolf before heading back home.

When Elion returned home, he was greeted by Valeria, who immediately noticed the small bundle wrapped in cloth.

"Brother! I can't believe you went hunting in the forest without me. Hmph!" she pouted, crossing her arms in mock anger.

Elion chuckled, ruffling her hair. "I'm sorry, little sister. I promise to take you with me next time, okay?"

Valeria's eyes lit up, but she wasn't ready to let him off the hook just yet. "That's a promise! And if you break it, I'll tell everyone in the village that you were staring at Miss Veronica's breasts. Brother is such a beast," she threatened with a mischievous grin.

Elion's eyes widened in surprise. "Wha—what? When have I ever done that?" Although he denied it, It was true. Elion sometimes stared a little at Miss Veronica's huge racks, he has never seen such big breasts in his life.

Valeria leaned in closer, her smile widening. "Well, who do you think they'll believe? You, or me, the cutest little sister?"

Elion sighed, defeated by her playful logic. "Alright, you win! Next time I go hunting, I promise to take you along."

"Yay!" Valeria cheered, her earlier pout replaced by pure joy.

Although Valeria was a little mischievous, she was already a formidable warrior. 

Even the village chief praised her skills, confidently stating that she would one day surpass him. Remarkably, in just a year since she began training, Valeria had already advanced to the late stage of the Warrior Path.

"Alright, let's cook the rabbit. Mom should be back soon from work, and I'm sure she'll be thrilled to see her beautiful twins cooking for her," Elion said with a grin.

After cooking the rabbit and enjoying the meal with his family, Elion slipped away to a secluded spot near his house. 

After Elion and Valeria finished cooking the rabbit, they set the table. The aroma of the freshly cooked meat wafted through the house, reaching Janice as she approached. 

She opened the door and was immediately greeted by the enticing smell. Her face lit up with a warm smile as she saw her children waiting eagerly. "It smells wonderful here! Did you two cook this?"

Valeria beamed, her cheeks flushed with pride. "Yes, Mom! We wanted to surprise you. Elion went hunting today, and we made sure to prepare a special meal for you."

Janice embraced her children, her eyes shining with happiness. "You both did a fantastic job. I'm so proud of you."

They all sat down to eat, Janice savoring every bite of the rabbit. The meal was filled with laughter and stories as Elion and Valeria shared their day's events. The warm, familial atmosphere made the day feel truly special.

After lunch was finished, Janice returned to work, while Elion and Valeria took care of cleaning the kitchen. 

After cleaning the kitchen, Elion excused himself, claiming he needed some fresh air, while Valeria opted to practice her spear techniques. 

Now that both siblings had reached the mid Body Refinement Realm, they no longer needed to attend the village hall for training and could practice wherever they chose.

To the village, Elion only revealed that he was at the mid Body Refinement Realm, just below his sister's level. 

He slipped out and made his way to the secluded spot near the house.

Once he was sure he was alone, he carefully retrieved the wolf's core from where he had hidden it inside his robes. The core pulsed faintly in his hand, a reminder of the power it held.

It was time to finally push past the first stage and advance to the next level in both his Warrior and Mage Paths.