Fill the Cells, Create the Core!

Elion sat cross-legged and placed the wolf's mana core in his lap. He closed his eyes and began to focus, drawing mana both from the core and from the surrounding atmosphere.

With a deep, steadying breath, he began channeling mana from the core and the ambient energy around him into his body. 

He envisioned the mana as a flowing river, directing it meticulously into each cell of his body. As the energy coursed through him, Elion simultaneously concentrated on his abdomen, where he focused his will on creating a new core. The process was delicate and demanding, requiring precise control.

Gradually, the mana accumulated within his abdomen, coalescing into a dense, glowing sphere. Elion could feel the core forming, its power building with each passing moment. His body thrummed with energy as the mana also infused his cells, strengthening and harmonizing with the newly formed core. 

The place was silent except for the subtle hum of energy. Elion's focus was unwavering, his mind deeply immersed in the intricate process. 

Elion's body suddenly convulsed with intense pain, a sharp, agonizing sensation coursing through him as the simultaneous efforts of creating the core and injecting mana into his cells clashed within.

The pain was overwhelming, a searing heat spreading from his abdomen to every corner of his body. His muscles tensed uncontrollably, and sweat poured down his face. It felt as though his very essence was being torn apart and reassembled. 

Elion gritted his teeth, forcing himself to stay focused despite the excruciating discomfort. 

He could barely maintain his concentration as the mana from the core and the energy infusing his cells battled for dominance. 

The agony seemed endless, each moment stretching into a torturous eternity. 

[Come on kid, you are almost there!]

Through sheer willpower and determination, he managed to push through the pain, stabilizing the core and ensuring that the mana was harmonized within his cells.

Exhausted but relieved, Elion slowly withdrew his concentration. The flow of mana tapered off, and the sharp pain began to subside. As he opened his eyes, the new core within him was a tangible, powerful presence, signifying a significant step forward in his path.

"Finally done," Elion marveled, feeling the surge of power within him. "I can already feel the strength flowing through my veins. It's like I can manipulate the mana in the atmosphere more effectively now. If I fought that wolf again, a single slash would be enough to send it straight to hell!"

[Haha, you've just crossed the first stage and already feel like that? Don't let the power go to your head. You're still miles away from being considered a true powerhouse.]

'Ugh, let me enjoy this moment for a while, please.'

[Try that electric ball you used against the wolf again. Check the differences; I'm sure you'll be surprised.]

Following Valen's suggestion, Elion focused on harnessing mana from the atmosphere. This time, his mana core began to spin, drawing in and consolidating the energy with greater efficiency. After a few seconds, an electric ball materialized in his hand, its density markedly increased, at least three times more potent than before.

'Incredible!" Elion exclaimed. "It seems that I can use the mana core as a reservoir to condense and retrieve mana more quickly. My spells should be significantly stronger now!'

[That's right, kid. Your strength as a warrior should have improved at least threefold compared to before!"]

[Also, you should now be able to create a personal space within your core. It's essential for any mage who understands spatial magic, and I know you've been training that since you arrived in this world. Why not try it out now?]

'That's a great idea,' Elion said in his mind, 'I remember reading about this personal space in the Prophet's books. It didn't seem too difficult to create, especially since I already have a basic understanding of spatial magic.'

Elion closed his eyes and focused on the mana core within him. He began by visualizing a small, secure space inside the core, where he could store items. 

With deliberate concentration, he channeled mana into the core, shaping it to form a pocket of space.

As he maintained his focus, he felt a subtle shift within the core. The space he had envisioned took shape, becoming a hidden compartment where he could access and store objects at will. 

The sensation was like opening a door to a small, personal realm.

He experimented by placing a few small rocks beside him. As he retrieved them effortlessly, with only a little mana, Elion smiled, satisfied with his success. The personal space within his core was now a functional inventory, making his future endeavors even more convenient.

'All right, time to head home.'

As Elion approached his home, he caught sight of Valeria in the yard, her figure a blur of motion as she trained with her spear. 

Valeria's movements were fluid and precise, each thrust of the spear cutting through the air with a sharp, whistling sound. Her dark hair, tied back to keep it out of her face, swayed with her every motion. 

She shifted her weight effortlessly as she executed a series of complex maneuvers. The spear twirled in her hands like an extension of her body, its tip flashing as it caught the light.

She practiced a series of drills, her focus intense. With each strike, Valeria's muscles tensed, revealing the strength she had gained through rigorous training. 

Her eyes were sharp, fixed on an invisible opponent, as if she were in the midst of a real battle. 

The ground beneath her bore marks of previous sessions, small indents where the spear had struck with force. Valeria finished her routine with a powerful lunge, the spear tip plunging forward with lethal precision. 

She held the stance for a moment, breathing heavily, before slowly lowering the spear. 

Elion watched her with admiration, impressed by her skill and determination. Valeria was not just his little sister; she was a formidable warrior in her own right, growing stronger with each passing day.

"Hey, brother! What took you so long? You seem different, did something happen?" Valeria asked as she picked up on the subtle change in him.

"Haha, sorry about that," Elion replied with a chuckle. "I got a little distracted and lost track of time," he added, trying to brush off Valeria's keen intuition with a casual wave of his hand.

"Hmph, Mom's already back from work and went to sleep," Valeria said, a mischievous smile spreading across her face. "How about we go to Miss Veronica's house and ask for some candies? She told me last time that I could always stop by."

"Hehe, why don't we save that for another day?" Elion suggested, trying to steer her away from the idea.

Valeria pouted, crossing her arms. "You're just saying that because you don't want to get caught sneaking out again. I remember what happened last time!" 

Elion chuckled. "I'm just not in the mood for candies. How about we practice together now instead?"

Valeria's eyes lit up. "Oh, now you've got my attention! Let's grab the wooden sword and spear and see who comes out on top!" she said, her excitement barely contained.

Elion and Valeria stood facing each other in the open yard, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows across the ground.

Valeria held her wooden spear with a determined grip, while Elion readied his wooden sword, a grin playing on his lips.

Elion was going to use strength similar to a mid Body Refinement Realm, with his technique being higher than his sister's, he still believed that he could beat her.

"Ready?" Elion asked, taking a light stance.

"Always," Valeria shot back, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Without another word, Valeria lunged forward, her spear darting out with impressive speed. Elion sidestepped the attack, his wooden sword flashing as he parried her next thrust. 

The sound of wood clashing against wood echoed through the yard.

Valeria was relentless, her strikes precise and quick, forcing Elion to stay on the defensive.

She twisted her spear in a sweeping arc, aiming for Elion's side, but he blocked it with a swift movement of his sword, then countered with a quick slash aimed at her shoulder.

Valeria anticipated the move, ducking under his strike and using the momentum to spin around, her spear aimed low at Elion's legs. Elion jumped back just in time, the tip of the spear barely missing him.

"Nice try!" Elion called out, grinning as he moved in closer, forcing Valeria to take a few steps back.

Valeria narrowed her eyes, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. She shifted her grip on the spear, suddenly driving it forward with unexpected force. Elion barely managed to block the strike, feeling the impact reverberate through his arms. 

"That was a good one," Elion admitted, impressed by her strength.

"Don't get too comfortable," Valeria warned, following up with a series of quick jabs. 

Elion deflected each one, but he could see the determination in her eyes. She was pushing him harder than she ever had before. 

Elion feigned a stumble, allowing her to think she had an opening. As Valeria pressed the advantage, Elion quickly recovered, twisting his body to dodge and bringing his sword down in a light tap on her shoulder.

"Gotcha!" Elion said, laughing as he stepped back.

Valeria froze for a moment, then broke into a wide grin. "Not bad, brother. But next time, I'll get you for sure!"

Elion nodded, breathing a bit harder now. "I have no doubt about that. You're getting stronger every day."

They both lowered their weapons, the friendly spar coming to an end. Despite the playful nature of the fight, there was a mutual respect in their eyes, each recognizing the other's growth and potential.