Demon Attack

Elion found himself placed in a group with three boys and two girls. Four of them were in the mid to late stages of the Body Refinement realm, but what stood out the most was one of the girls. 

She was a mage, already in the mid Mind Refinement Realm, a rarity in Skywood Village, where talent for the mage path was scarce.

"Squad 15 in position. We've spotted a couple of Thornfur Hares about three miles from the village," reported Jean, one of the two adults leading Elion's squad. 

Jean, who currently could be considered a seasoned warrior at the mid Cell Refinement realm, spoke into his wristwatch, a magical device connected directly to the village hall.

The village chief and other powerful warriors were monitoring all the teams remotely, ready to intervene should anything go wrong, ensuring swift support in case of emergencies.

"All right, kids, go ahead and hunt the hares. We'll be right here if you need any help," said Borris, the other adult leading the team, a warrior in the early Cell Refinement realm.

The Thornfur Hares were in the mid First Stage, and shouldn't pose a big challenge for those here. 

Elion decided to hang back, letting the other kids take the lead as they moved toward the Thornfur Hares. On the surface, he appeared to be in the mid Cell Refinement realm, which was already too strong when compared to the other kids and the beats. 

In reality, he had already reached the peak of both Cell Refinement and Core Creation, a fact he carefully kept hidden. 

Watching them closely, he silently evaluated their skills and reactions.

'Although they haven't fought any monsters before and are a bit clumsy when facing something that isn't human-like, I can tell they haven't slacked off in the past five years.'

Elion thought it was a clever move by the chief to use this expedition not only as training but also to clear out the monsters infesting the area around the village.

"Hey Elion, don't think that just because you're already at the Cell Refinement stage, you can skip out on fighting. You're here to gain combat experience like the rest of them!" Jean called out, a hint of authority in his voice.

'Uh, I've been fighting beasts all year round, I think I already have plenty of combat experience,' Elion thought to himself but decided to keep quiet. 

"Okay, Jean, I'll go look for a stronger beast. These are too weak!" Elion said aloud before moving in the direction away from the village.

"Borris, follow him. I'll stay here with the other kids. If there's any problem, call me, and I'll help."

"Got it," Borris replied as he started following Elion.

Elion moved through the forest with the ease of someone long accustomed to it. Despite his speed, he barely made a sound, his movements fluid and precise. 

'Is this really a kid who's never hunted beasts before? How is he able to move like a seasoned hunter?' Borris wondered, his eyes wide with disbelief as he watched Elion disappear deeper into the woods.

'Oh damnit, Jean's going to scold me!' Borris muttered, quickening his pace to catch up with Elion.

Elion abruptly halted, prompting Borris to do the same, his eyes following the direction of Elion's intense gaze. 

Right beside a tree, two wolves stood, their dark fur bristling. 

Both were clearly at the low Second Stage, their sharp eyes scanning the area until their eyes locked onto Eliom.

The wolves didn't notice the danger and charged at Elion in union.

Elion swiftly sidestepped, positioning himself in front of the first wolf. As it lunged with its claws extended, he parried the attack effortlessly, his movements precise and controlled. 

Before the beast could react, Elion thrust his sword forward, aiming for its forehead. 

The wolf collapsed, dead in a single blow!

The second wolf hesitated for a split second, but Elion didn't give it a chance to flee.

With a burst of speed, he closed the distance and finished it off with a sharp, decisive slash across its throat.

'Wow, a single blow for each beast…' Borris stared in disbelief. 'Even if they were a stage below him, that shouldn't be possible for a kid with no real combat experience. I'm certain this kid has hunted plenty before.' 

He watched Elion closely, noting the precision and confidence in his movements. There was no hesitation, no uncertainty, only the assuredness of someone far more seasoned than a village boy should be.

Borris couldn't help but smile to himself. "Looks like this kid's been hunting without permission."

While Elion was retrieving the cores from the wolves, Borris stepped forward with a grin. 

"Not bad, kid. Looks like this expedition won't be much of a challenge for you. Honestly, I think you could handle yourself better in this forest than me!" he laughed heartily, clapping Elion on the shoulder. 

"You've got the moves of a seasoned hunter, that's for sure."

Elion wiped the sweat from his brow, giving Borris a wry smile. "Thanks, but I've still got a lot to learn," he said modestly. 

"I've just had a bit more practice than the others, that's all." He chuckled lightly, though his eyes glinted with confidence.

"All right, kid, no need to be modest with me. Let's go back to the others, and try to stay close to them. It will be hard for Jean to take care of all four alone."

"Ok sir, lead the way."

Elion followed Borris through the forest, and when they arrived, they found Jean showing the other kids how to dissect the Thornfur Hares. 

It was a skill Elion had already mastered, thanks to Valen's teachings.

"Oh, you're back already," Jean said, glancing up.

"It seems you didn't go too far. It's better to stay close; don't get lost, Elion."

"Haha, Jean, you won't believe it. Elion is a seasoned hunter. He took down two low Second Stage wolves with just one strike each," Borris added with a grin.

The other kids, who had struggled as a team to handle two mid First Stage monsters, looked at Elion with admiration.

"Very good, Elion! It seems you're full of surprises," Jean said with a smile.

"All right, let's move on, kids. We still have a full day ahead and should be able to take down at least 30 more beasts before sunset," Jean said with a confident grin, motioning for the group to follow him deeper into the forest.

As they ventured further, the dense canopy overhead began to darken, the light filtering through the trees casting eerie shadows across the forest floor. 

The rustle of leaves and distant animal calls filled the air, heightening the tension among the group.

Suddenly, Jean raised a hand, signaling for everyone to stop. Ahead, a low growl echoed through the trees, and out from the brush stepped a massive, horned rhinoceros, its eyes gleaming with hunger.

"Looks like our next target found us first," Jean muttered. "This is a low Second Stage beast, I'll let Elion handle this one."

Elion's hand tightened around the hilt of his sword, ready to jump at the beast.

The rhinoceros pawed the ground, its enormous horn gleaming as it snorted, preparing to charge.

Without hesitation, Elion darted forward. The ground shook as the massive beast darted at him.

Elion sidestepped in the last second, the wind from the rhinoceros' charge brushing past him.

In a fluid motion, he unsheathed his katana and swung it downward in a powerful arc, aiming for the beast's neck.

The blade cut deep into its tough hide. The rhinoceros didn't have time to scream, a fountain of blood jumped from its severed neck.

Its massive body collapsed a moment later.

"Well done, Elion," Jean said with a grin. "Looks like we'll have rhinoceros meat for dinner. How about we prepare it now?"

Jean clapped his hands together, drawing the attention of the group. 

"All right, kids, you know the drill. Let's get the game and start preparing the meat. This rhino should make a fine lunch," he said with a grin.

He pointed to the fallen rhinoceros. "Cut the parts we'll need, make sure to separate the meat from the hide carefully. We'll roast it over the fire soon enough."

The group moved swiftly, gathering around the massive beast, as Jean supervised, ensuring they made quick work of their task.

"We'll feast well today," Jean added, his voice carrying a note of satisfaction. "Nothing better than fresh game after a good hunt."

The aroma of roasting meat filled the air as the kids sat around the fire, their stomachs growling in anticipation. 

They had worked hard, carving the rhinoceros and preparing the meal. Now, slabs of the beast's flesh sizzled over the open flames, crackling and hissing as fat dripped into the fire, sending up small bursts of smoke.

Elion took a deep breath, enjoying the savory scent. 

Jean stood by the fire, overseeing the meal preparation, his face relaxed for the first time that day. 

"You kids did well today," he said, smiling. "This will be a well-deserved lunch. Once it's done, we'll rest a bit before heading back out."

The group began to eat, tearing into the juicy, well-cooked meat. 

Laughter and chatter broke out among the kids as they savored their meal, the stress of the day melting away with each bite.

Suddenly, Jean's wristwatch blinked, a sharp tone cutting through the peaceful moment.

"Demons are attacking, I repeat, demons are attacking. This is not a drill. All nearby groups are to regroup and return to the village immediately!" The voice was low but filled with urgency as he relayed the message, Jean's face darkening with the gravity of the situation.

"Shit," Jean muttered, his relaxed demeanor vanishing in an instant, replaced by cold focus.

His gaze swept over the kids, who were frozen in place, the weight of the words sinking in.

"Everyone, listen up," Jean barked, his voice cutting through the tension. "We're under attack. Demons are closing in. Lunch is over, we move now."

The kids exchanged nervous glances, fear flickering in their eyes. 

Jean grabbed his sword, his voice firm and commanding. "Pack up whatever you can, but we're leaving in five minutes. Stay alert, stay close, and stick together. This is real."

Elion's heart raced, but he steadied himself, gripping his katana. 'Looks like we're facing demons sooner than expected, Val,' he thought grimly.