First Battle Against Demons

"There's another group about two miles from here," Jean said, glancing at his watch, a sleek, advanced device functioning like a high-tech tablet with location tracking. 

His brow furrowed as he analyzed the situation.

"It'll be safer if we join forces before returning to the village. Let's move quickly in their direction and stick together," he ordered, his voice calm but resolute.

Elion's group began moving toward the other team, the forest eerily silent as tension hung in the air. 

'What is this awful smell?' Elion thought, wrinkling his nose. Before he could locate the source, Valen's voice echoed sharply in his mind.

[Brace yourself, kid. We've got company, and it's not friendly.]

Before Elion could ask Valen what he meant, a grotesque, octopus-like creature leaped from the trees, landing dangerously close to Borris. 

Its slimy, writhing tentacles slashed through the air, and the creature's glowing eyes fixed on its target.

Before Borris could react, his head was violently severed from his body.

A fountain of blood sprayed from his neck as his lifeless body crumpled to the ground.

Standing on four tentacles with four grotesque arms, the demon let out an eerie, high-pitched laugh, clearly enjoying the terror it unleashed.

The kids froze, wide-eyed and pale, feat etched into their faces as the creature's twisted grin widened.

"Hahahahahhaha, such tender little humans," the octopus-like creature continued laughing, its grotesque voice filled with malice.

"I can already taste your soft flesh in my mouth. I'll enjoy devouring every last one of you."

"You…" Jean muttered, frozen in disbelief as his friend was slaughtered right before his eyes.

Rage surged through him as he unsheathed his sword, launching himself at the demon in a desperate dash.

But the creature barely acknowledged him, swatting him aside like an insect.

One of its massive arms slammed into Jean's chest with bone-crushing force.

Blood sprayed from his mouth as he was sent hurling into a tree, collapsing in a heap. His life and death are unknown.

"Oi, you bastard, planning to hog all the fun for yourself?" called out a figure soaring above them. 

It was an eagle-like humanoid, its sharp beak twisted in a grin, eyes gleaming with malice. 

The creature flapped its massive wings, clearly an ally of the octopus-like demon, eager to join in the carnage.

"Hahaha, first come, first serve," the octopus-like creature sneered, licking its lips with grotesque delight. "You can have whatever's left after I've had my fill!"

"Guys, carry Jean and head for the other group. Get back to the village as fast as you can. I'll handle them," Elion commanded, his voice steady as he unsheathed his sword. 

His eyes narrowed, locking onto the two demons, ready for the inevitable clash.

The kids, though terrified, remained silent and quickly moved toward Jean. 

They knew that if they stayed, they would only be a burden to Elion, who now stood as their only hope against the demons.

"Oh, we've got ourselves a little brave toad here, don't we?" sneered the eagle-like humanoid, his wings flaring as he swooped down toward the fleeing kids. "But who said any of you are leaving alive?" His talons gleamed in the dim light as he sped toward them with deadly intent.

Elion remained silent, his expression steely as he assessed the situation. He knew both of these demons were at least at the peak of the Cell Refinement realm, and he couldn't afford to hold back or be reckless.

Without hesitation, Elion formed a ball of crackling electricity in his palm and hurled it toward the eagle-like creature. 

The demon's eyes widened in surprise, clearly expecting Elion to fight as a pure warrior, not a mage.

However, its sharp instincts kicked in just in time, allowing it to twist mid-air and narrowly dodge the lightning strike.

"Hmph," the eagle creature muttered, eyes narrowing. "So the little toad can spit lightning too? Interesting."

Before Elion could react, a surge of danger prickled at the back of his neck, and the nauseating stench from earlier became overwhelming. 

Acting on instinct, he spun around just in time, raising his sword to parry the massive, grotesque fist of the octopus-like creature as it slammed toward him. 

The impact sent a shockwave through his arms, but he held firm, gritting his teeth as the force of the blow reverberated through his body.

Although the demon was at the peak of the Cell Refinement realm, just like Elion, the young boy's body was still underdeveloped, limiting his ability to fully harness the strength of that realm. 

His muscles strained under the pressure of the clash.

Elion knew he had to rely not just on brute force, but on strategy and precision to survive this encounter.

Elion channeled electrical currents through his sword, the blade crackling with power as he dashed toward the octopus-like demon.

The demon swung another massive punch, but Elion, as if having lighting on his feet, dodged to the side and slashed at its arm.

The demon attempted to move its arm, but a sharp sizzling sound echoed as the electrical currents coursed through its flesh, momentarily paralyzing the limb.

In that brief instant, Elion's sword connected with the demon's arm, slicing through it cleanly.

The demon's severed arm hit the ground with a heavy thud, leaving the demon howling in agony.

Before Elion could press his advantage and finish off the octopus-like demon, the eagle humanoid swooped down with alarming speed, his spear aimed directly at Elion's head. 

The razor-sharp tip glinted in the light, promising a swift death if it connected.

Elion, who didn't want to lose the opportunity to kill the demon, dodged the eagle humanoid's spear strike by teleporting behind the octopus-like demon. 

With a swift horizontal slash, he severed the demon's neck, ensuring the beast was finished for good.

"Damn you, kid! You dare to kill him in front of me? I'll make you suffer and savor every moment as I tear you apart limb by limb and drink your blood," the eagle humanoid demon spat, its eyes burning with fury.

Elion's eyes narrowed with a provocative smile. "You'll have to catch me first," he replied.

"But I'll make sure your threat is your last."

The demon, despite its rage, chooses to remain silent.

With a burst of speed, he lunged at Elion, his spear slicing through the air with deadly precision.

Elion's reflexes were sharp, and he sidestepped the attack with a swift roll.

As the demon recovered from his missed strike, Elion's hand sparked with electric energy.

He channeled a bolt of lightning through his sword and aimed a powerful horizontal slash at the demon's abdomen.

The eagle humanoid creature staggered, some rising from its singed feathers and scorched flesh.

Elion pressed the attack, exploiting the demon's momentary weakness.

He dodged a retaliatory swipe from the spear, closing the distance with a burst of speed and delivering a precise diagonal cut to the demon's exposed chest.

With a final, guttural cry, the eagle demon crumpled to the ground. Elion stood over the fallen foe, his chest heaving as he caught his breath.

'Do demons have cores as beasts?' Asked Elion to Valen

[They don't, they are similar to humans, only demons in the mage path have a core, from the core creation realm.]

'I need to get back to the village quickly. I have to find my sister and mother before the demons reach them,' Elion thought, urgency driving his every step. 

He set off through the forest, the once vibrant greens now darkened by the shadow of recent battles. The path ahead was winding and uneven, framed by towering trees that seemed to close in around him. 

Elion's sharp eyes scanned the surroundings for any signs of danger. He spotted a few fellow villagers who were also in the training expedition, but they appeared safe and unthreatened.

He pressed on, unwilling to waste any time. 

The journey was about four miles, and he pushed himself to maintain a steady, urgent pace. Each step was driven by the desperate need to ensure the safety of his loved ones. 

As he emerged from the dense woods and into the open fields, the village lights became visible in the distance. 

The flickering flames of fires in some houses added to his anxiety. Elion's pace quickened, his heart pounding with both fear and determination as he raced toward the village, the urgency of the situation weighing heavily on him.

What greeted Elion was a scene of utter devastation. The battlefield was littered with the lifeless bodies of his fellow villagers, the grim aftermath of a ferocious demon attack. Despite only three hours have passed since the assault began, the toll was catastrophic.

The air was thick with the stench of death and despair. He saw dismembered bodies scattered across the ground, their remains a brutal testament to the ferocity of the attack.

Some of the survivors writhed in agony, their cries a haunting blend of pain from grievous wounds and the profound grief of losing loved ones. The cause of their suffering, whether the physical torment or the crushing loss, was a harrowing mix that pierced Elion's heart with a deep sense of helplessness.

In front of his house, Elion's heart skipped a beat as he spotted his sister Valeria and his mother Janice locked in a desperate battle against a demon. 

Despite their battered appearances, both were holding their ground. Valeria, though exhausted and bruised, fought with fierce determination, her movements a testament to her training. 

Janice, equally bloodied but resolute, used every ounce of her strength to protect her daughter and fend off the relentless demon.

Elion rushed forward, relief washing over him at the sight of his family still alive. But that relief quickly transformed into an intense, uncontrollable rage directed squarely at the demon that dared to harm his loved ones. 

His blood boiled with fury, each heartbeat fueling his desire to avenge those who had suffered.