Unyielding Will to Protect


The late Second Stage realm beast uttered one final cry before succumbing to injuries. The massive leopard collapsed, its body hitting the ground with a heavy thud as a spear pierced through its skull, ending its life.

"Good job, Valeria! You can already hold your own against a late Second Stage beast!" praised one of the adults responsible for guiding the children in Valeria's group, his voice filled with pride and surprise.

"You've already surpassed the village chief by far! When he was your age, he was only at the peak of the Body Refinement stage, and he used to be such a crybaby! Hahaha!" the adult laughed heartily. 

"It's only a matter of time before you break into the Soul-Strengthening realm. You'll be the pride of our village, no doubt about it!"

Valeria smiled warmly at the praise and responded, "Thank you! I'll do my best to become a strong hero, just like father!"

"I'm sure you will," the adult replied, nodding with admiration in his eyes.

"Hey, are you guys done? The other kids just hunted some low First Stage rabbits. The meat's pretty delicious, how about we head over for lunch?" said the second adult responsible for Valeria's group, with a grin on his face.

"Sure, let's go," Valeria agreed with a smile.

The adults quickly set up a bonfire, arranging a small camp around it as they began cooking the freshly hunted rabbit meat. 

The savory aroma filled the air, mixing with the crackle of the fire. As they waited for the meal to cook, the adults chatted with the kids, offering words of encouragement for their efforts that morning. 

Valeria, in particular, received the most praise, her achievements shining above the rest. The other children looked up at her, their eyes filled with admiration and awe, treating her like a hero in the making.

Just as they began to enjoy their meal, the communication watch on one of the adults crackled to life, cutting through the laughter and conversation. A voice, trembling with anxiety, came through urgently:

"Demons are attacking, I repeat, demons are attacking. This is not a drill. All nearby groups are to regroup and return to the village immediately!"

Though the voice from the wristband was low, its message rang loud and clear, cutting through the peaceful atmosphere like a knife. 

In an instant, the once warm and pleasant day turned into a living nightmare. 

Everyone understood the gravity of a demon attack. They had grown up with tales of the demons' brutality—stories of merciless slaughter and unimaginable cruelty. 

Now, those stories were about to become their reality.

The adult with the wristband responded swiftly, his voice steady despite the rising tension. "We need to move, now. The village is only about two miles away. If we push, we can make it in a couple of minutes."

He glanced at the kids, his expression serious but reassuring. "Stay close, and don't look back. We're going to get there safely."

They set off at a brisk pace, urgency driving each step. Along the way, they encountered two other groups who quickly merged with them, bolstering their numbers by fourteen. 

The combined force pressed onward, their faces set with determination and fear for the future.

As they approached the village, the scene that unfolded before them was nightmarish. Flames licked at the edges of burning homes, casting an eerie glow over the destruction. Smoke billowed into the sky, mingling with the screams and cries of the wounded. 

The once-familiar village streets were now a chaotic battlefield strewn with debris and the lifeless bodies of fallen villagers and demons alike. 

Blood soaked into the ground, painting a grim picture of the violence that had unfolded. The air was thick with the acrid stench of burning wood and the metallic tang of blood. 

Amidst the devastation, the survivors fought desperately, their faces etched with fear and determination. The attackers, demonic and merciless, moved through the village with terrifying efficiency, leaving a trail of despair in their wake. 

The adults led the children forward, their eyes scanning the carnage for any sign of familiar faces, hearts heavy with dread and resolve.

All the demons that had invaded the village were at least in the Second Stage realm and battle-hardened fighters, making the situation dire for the children, who were essentially fodder against such formidable foes. 

The four adults and Valeria fought valiantly to hold back the demons, forming a protective perimeter around the children as they made their way toward the village center. 

This was a time-tested safety protocol, established centuries ago to safeguard the village in the event of an attack. The strategy was to retreat to the center, regroup, and consolidate their defenses against any threats. 

As the group advanced through the chaos, they moved with a mixture of urgency and practiced precision. 

Valeria, though young, fought with remarkable skill and courage, her movements sharp and focused as she assisted the adults in fending off the demonic onslaught. 

As Valeria advanced with the group, her gaze fell upon her house, and her heart sank at the sight. 

Her mother, a mage at the late Core Creation realm, was locked in combat with a demon at the peak of the Cell Refinement realm. However, the term "fight" hardly did justice to the scene unfolding before her.

The reality was far grimmer. The demon seemed to relish in the torment it inflicted, treating the battle not as a contest of strength but as a cruel game. 

Each attack was delivered with calculated precision, aimed to cause maximum pain rather than to finish the fight quickly. The demon's sadistic enjoyment was evident in the slow, deliberate manner with which it inflicted small, debilitating wounds on her mother's skin. 

The mage's suffering seemed to fuel the demon's twisted pleasure, amplifying the fear and anguish that hung heavy in the air.

"Hahaha, who would have thought I'd find such tender specimens among humans? I usually prefer the beauty of elves, but you'll do just fine to entertain me, little mage. I'll make sure to take you to the demon realm and treat you exceptionally well," the bear demon warrior said with a sinister grin, reveling in the suffering he caused.

"I'd rather die than be defiled by you," Janice spat with fierce determination in her eyes. She cast fireballs and fought to distance herself from the demon, her resolve unwavering despite the perilous situation.

"Good, good, I like it when they fight back. It makes it all the more satisfying when I break them," the demon taunted, his grin widening.

Seeing her mother in such torment ignited a blaze of fury within Valeria. Despite her young age and limited strength, she couldn't stand by and watch. With a fierce shout, she addressed her companions, her voice trembling with determination.

"You all go ahead! I'm making a detour to help my mother!" 

Without waiting for a response, Valeria charged towards her house, her heart pounding with anger.

Valeria stealthily approached the bear demon from behind, her eyes locked onto him. With a fierce, determined expression, she gripped her spear tightly and launched a powerful thrust aimed directly at the demon's head. 

Her goal was to end the fight in a single, decisive surprise attack.

The bear demon, seemingly aware of every move despite its focus on Janice, spun around with a speed that belied its massive size. 

It deflected Valeria's spear thrust effortlessly with a casual swing of its mace. With a mocking grin, the demon sneered, "Oh, what's this? A little child wanting to play the hero?"

The bear demon, with a sneer of contempt, launched a powerful punch toward Valeria.

Caught off guard and unable to evade in time, Valeria's small frame was struck with full force. The impact sent her sprawling several meters away, her body crashing into the ground with a harsh thud.

"Valeria! How dare you lay a hand on my daughter!" Janice roared, her voice laced with fury. With a surge of power, she conjured a massive fireball, its intense heat illuminating the night.

She hurled it with precision at the bear demon, her rage fueling the force behind the attack.

Despite Janice's fervent determination, her attack lacked the power needed. The bear demon, laughing cruelly, easily dodged the fireball. 

With a mocking grin, he closed the distance and whispered, "Oh, so she's your daughter? While I usually don't play with kids, I suppose I could make an exception for both of you."

Without hesitation, he delivered a brutal slap to Janice's stomach, sending her sprawling to the ground in a pained heap.

Valeria, her determination reignited, struggled to her feet and staggered back to her mother's side. Ignoring the pain, she gripped her spear tightly and took up a defensive stance. 

Her resolve was unwavering. No matter the odds, today was the day she would claim her first demon's life. She prepared herself for the next strike, ready to fight with everything she had.