Natural Phenomena Resonance

As Elion harnessed the lightning magic to enhance his speed, the immense power coursing through his body began to take its toll. 

His muscles strained under the continuous strain of the electrical currents, each second amplifying the pain. The lightning magic was pushing his physical limits, causing a burning sensation with every movement. 

Despite the incredible speed he achieved, the relentless energy began to wear him down, and he could feel his body struggling to cope with the intense pressure. 

Each surge of speed came at the cost of sharp, painful throbs in his muscles, making every moment a grueling battle between his willpower and his body's limits.

'I have to end this fight quickly. There's no way I can hold out until reinforcements arrive... Hell! I don't even know when they will come,' Elion thought, frustration and urgency gnawing at him.

Elion's body flickered with lightning as he darted forward, his enhanced speed turning him into a blur. The demon mage's eyes narrowed, struggling to track the young warrior's movements. 

Elion closed the gap between them, his katana crackling with electrical energy as he swung it at the demon's side.

The demon mage, sensing that his eyes couldn't keep up with Elion's lightning speed, conjured a powerful gust of wind that blasted outward in all directions. The force sent Elion hurtling back, slamming him into the ground dozens of meters away.

'Damn it,' Elion cursed inwardly, spitting blood as pain radiated through his body.

Elion gritted his teeth, forcing himself back onto his feet despite the throbbing pain in his chest. His magic core roared to life once more as he pushed it to its absolute limit. 

Electricity crackled along his limbs, lighting up his body in a bright, furious glow. The air around him began to shift, growing heavier. The sky, once clear, darkened as thunder rumbled ominously in the distance.

He felt it—the connection with the sky, with the storms brewing above. As if the heavens themselves were answering his call, Elion raised his hand, channeling all his energy. His eyes burned with determination as he focused on the demon mage, who now seemed uneasy.

With a surge of willpower, Elion summoned a bolt of lightning from the clouds. The sky split open, and a massive lightning strike descended, crackling with raw power, and hurtling toward the demon mage.

"Impossible! How can a mere child not even in the Soul-Strengthening realm, resonate with natural phenomena?!" the demon mage shouted, his face twisted in fear as the lightning tore through the sky, racing toward him with terrifying speed. 

Panic flared in his eyes as he poured every ounce of his mana into conjuring a barrier, a shimmering wall of magic forming hastily above him, trying to block the lightning's devastating descent

Desperation lined his features as the lightning strike collided with his barrier. The moment the lightning strike collided with the barrier, it shattered as if it was made of fragile glass, offering no more than a fleeting resistance. 

The barrier disintegrated in an instant, unable to hold back the sheer force of nature for even half a second. The lightning surged downward, hitting the demon mage with full, unrelenting power. His body convulsed as the electricity coursed through him, scorching him from the inside out.

Within moments, the mage was reduced to a smoldering, lifeless husk, utterly powerless against the overwhelming force that had obliterated him.

As the demon mage's charred body hit the ground, Elion felt his strength rapidly fading. His vision blurred, and the world around him began to spin. The last sound that reached his ears was the distant, panicked cry of his sister, Valeria, shouting his name. 

Her voice echoed through the field, but Elion's body gave in to exhaustion before he could respond. Darkness overtook him as he collapsed, hitting the ground with a dull thud.

'Ugh, why does my head feel like it's splitting open? Where... where am I?'

Elion slowly blinked his eyes open, the dim light of the room blurring his vision. As the fog in his mind cleared, he realized he was lying in a soft bed, the distinct smell of herbs and medicine filling the air. He tried to move but winced as a sharp pain shot through his body

Suddenly, a soft voice broke through his confusion. "Elion... you're awake!"

His gaze shifted to see his mother, Janice, sitting by his side, tears of relief brimming in her eyes. Her hand gently touched his cheek, her face lit up with happiness after three long days of waiting for him to wake.

"Oh, Mom, I'm fine. Sorry for making you worry," Elion said, offering a faint smile despite the lingering pain in his body.

Janice let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "It's all right, my sweet boy. I'm just so relieved you're okay," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion as she gently caressed his cheek before pulling him into a warm, tender embrace.

"Oh, I'm glad to see you're awake," said Alan, the village's head doctor. "Excuse me, ma'am, I'm sorry to interrupt this moment, but the village chief asked me to notify him as soon as Elion regained consciousness. He has something important he needs to discuss with him."

"Alright, I'll leave once the village chief arrives," said Janice.

Just moments later, the door to the room opened again, and the Village Chief, Boverik, entered with a warm smile. "I apologize for the interruption," he said. "Could I have a moment alone with Elion, Janice?"

"Of course, Chief," Janice replied, her eyes filled with concern. She leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on Elion's cheek. "I'll return shortly. Take care, my boy."

Boverik moved to Elion's bedside and took a seat in the chair next to him.

"Thank you, Elion. You performed admirably," Boverik said with a broad smile. "I won't pry into how you mastered magic to such an extent, but it's clear you've caught the attention of someone very important."

"Sorry about that, Chief. What do you mean by 'someone very significant'?"

"You won't believe this, but after you lost consciousness, the royal city sent some powerful reinforcements to help us. They arrived, eliminated the remaining demons, and guess who was among them? The vampire princess, Seraphina!"

"Why would the princess come herself?" Elion asked, a look of skepticism crossing his face.

"It seems she had a personal interest in learning more about our world, or something like that. I must admit, she was incredibly impressive. She handled demons in the Muscle Expansion Realm with ease, she's likely as strong as I am," Boverik said, his eyes filled with admiration.

"No wonder they say vampires are the pinnacle of magical power. But why would she be interested in me?" 

"Well, you're likely the most formidable human of your age. Most humans don't have such an incredible affinity for mana or progress so quickly. In fact, even compared to elves and vampires, you're an extraordinary genius."

"She asked me to give you this," Boverik continued, handing Elion a badge shaped like a bat's wing.

"A badge? What's this for?" 

"This isn't just any badge. Have you heard of Eldoria Academy?" 

"No, I haven't. Is it important?" 

"Important doesn't quite cover it. Eldoria Academy is the most prestigious institution in the world, situated right next to the vampire capital city. Normally, people from our village don't go there, but I was planning to send both you and your sister there when you came of age."

"This badge grants you entry to Eldoria Academy when you turn fifteen, allowing you to continue your mana training there. Additionally, it provides a scholarship of 10 gold pieces and 5 mana stones per month, which you can use to support your education."

"Wow, so much money! The princess is really generous."

"Don't mention it. While this amount might seem insignificant to them, it's crucial for you. As you advance in your mana training, expenses can escalate quickly."

"I understand. I'll make sure to bring Valeria with me when the time comes; I'm sure she'd be thrilled to train in the Warrior Path," said Elion with a smile.

"That's exactly what I anticipated. Even if you hadn't mentioned it, I would have advised you to take her along. With this badge, neither of you will need to go through the assessments and can enter the academy directly."

"Alright, I'll leave you to rest now. I still have a lot to address and damage to repair," said Boverik, rising from the chair and heading toward the exit.

'An academy, huh? That sounds intriguing. Do you know anything about it, Valen?'

[No, it wasn't around in my time. It must be a new development. But I'm certain it will be beneficial. You'll get to compete with your peers and advance your skills. It's definitely a place you should go!]

'I agree. I'm excited about it too. It's a shame I have to wait a few years before I can start,' Elion said with a smile.