Echoes of Prophecy

At Nocturnis City, within the royal chamber:

"Father, I've returned," Seraphina announced as she stepped into the room, her voice calm.

"Daughter, I'm relieved to see you've returned safely. How was your journey? Did it yield the results you hoped for?" King Roderic asked, a warm smile softening his otherwise imposing demeanor as he looked at Seraphina with pride.

"It was fascinating. I discovered something... quite unexpected," Seraphina replied, her tone laced with intrigue.

"Oh, how so?"

"I found a human child, about my age. It seems that the village chief, who was at the peak of the Muscle Expansion Realm lost to a demon mage at the peak of the Meridian Expansion Realm. Still, this child, who was about the same age as me, cultivated to the low Muscle Expansion and Meridian Expansion Realm, and somehow managed to defeat the demon mage."

Her father's eyes narrowed in surprise as he leaned forward, fully engaged. "A child that young, achieving such a feat? That's unheard of among humans."

"Humans usually lack a high affinity for mana," Roderic mused, his voice carrying a hint of disappointment. "While there are certainly strong individuals among them, I've never heard of one achieving such a feat at such a young age. But it's a shame, he's split his focus between both the Warrior and Mage paths. Such cultivation is a wasted effort, leading only to a dead end." 

His brow furrowed as if lamenting the potential lost. "If only he had chosen one, his future could have been promising."

"Indeed, father," Seraphina nodded thoughtfully. "But he still has time. When the moment comes for him to break through to the Soul-Strengthening Realm, he'll realize the truth, that it's impossible to advance in both the Warrior and Mage paths beyond that point. I'm certain that when he faces that barrier, he'll correct his course."

She paused, her eyes flickering with a hint of admiration. "Even now, with his divided focus, his talent is undeniable. If he chooses the right path, he could become a force to be reckoned with."

"Well, I gave him my royal badge. He will gain a scholarship for Eldoria Academy, so when he comes of age, he'll have a place to grow his abilities. The academy will give him the training and resources he needs."

Seraphina glanced at her father. "Father, there is something else that I'd like to consult with you about this child."

Roderic gave a warm smile as he leaned forward, his tone softening. "What is it, Seraphina? Speak freely, you never have to hold back with me."

Seraphina hesitated for a moment. "I wasn't there during the battle, but when I questioned the other villagers, they described the way he defeated the demon... and it was quite strange."

Roderic frowned, leaning in with curiosity. "Weird how?"

"They said he summoned a lightning strike from the sky, one powerful enough to obliterate the demon mage, who summoned a magical barrier with all his mana, in an instant. And while I know he's trained in both the Muscle and Meridian Expansion Realms, to manipulate the natural elements at such a scale... it's unheard of before the Soul-Strengthening."

Roderic's eyes widened in disbelief. "What?! Natural Phenomena Resonance? That's impossible!" His voice rose with astonishment. "Resonating with natural elements requires power beyond the Meridian Expansion Realm. Even seasoned mages in the Soul-Strengthening Realm struggle to achieve such a feat. For him, still far from that stage... it's unthinkable."

He paused, his mind racing as he tried to process the information. "Are you sure about this, Seraphina? Could it have been exaggerated by the villagers?"

"I initially doubted it as well, Father. But after cross-checking with multiple witnesses, all the accounts confirmed the same details."

"Fascinating. This is crucial information. Shadow Guardian," Roderic called out, his voice carrying authority as if addressing an unseen presence.

From the shadows emerged a figure, as if materializing from the very darkness itself. The figure knelt gracefully before Roderic and spoke with a voice imbued with unwavering respect, "At your command, Your Majesty."

"I need you to assign a Shadow Protector to protect this human child until he comes to Eldoria. Seraphina, what was his name again?"

"Elion, Elion from Skywood village."

"Excellent. Dispatch a Shadow Protector to protect him. Additionally, ensure that I receive monthly reports on the child's activities."

"Yes, Your Majesty," the Shadow Protector replied before vanishing into the shadows once more.

A month after the demon's attack in Skywood village





The rhythmic clashing of sword and spear reverberated through the air. 

"Shouldn't we take a break, Valeria? We've been sparring for four hours straight," Elion asked, looking at his sister, who was clearly exhausted.

"Not yet! How dare you hide your strength from your lovely sister? You're going to help me train until I say otherwise!"

Elion grinned and said. "Okay, I already said that I'm sorry! I promise, no more secrets between us."

"You better do so, or I will tell how you love to stare at Miss Veronica's breasts!" said Valeria with a mischievous smile.

Elion's face turned crimson as he stammered, "Sis, we agreed not to talk about that! Can you at least keep it down? You're going to get me in trouble!"

"Hehe, my bad—just a slip of the tongue."

"Hmph, don't think I'll go easy on you from now on!"

With a determined look, Elion readied himself for another round of sparring with his sister.

"Bring it on!"

Somewhere in the Demon Realm, outside Alastor

"My king, we haven't received any reports from the demons sent to World 6 to eliminate the child. I believe the mission has failed," said a man in dark robes, kneeling before the throne.

The king, seated with an air of indifference, replied, "It's of little consequence. The fall of the vampire realm and the conquest of all of Alastor are imminent. The failure of a single mission will not hinder our progress."

"You are right, Your Highness," said the man in dark robes, his tone laced with respect. 

"And what of the battle with the Orcs in World 19?" 

"It has been resolved, Your Highness. The entire orc royal family has been decapitated. Shall we proceed with the extraction?"

"Not yet. Have the angels or dragons made any moves?" 

"No, we haven't heard from them. I believe won't get involved with us in World 19."

"Hmph. Those pests love to interfere with our plans. Wait for three months; if they don't make a move, proceed with the extraction."

"As you wish, Your Highness." The man in dark robes gave a respectful bow before turning and disappearing into the shadows, his footsteps echoing softly as he left the chamber.

Somewhere in the Angel Realm

In a grand chamber adorned with celestial light, a round table stood at the center, surrounded by fifteen high angels. The table was crafted from a luminous material, reflecting the ethereal glow of the room. 

Each angel was resplendent in radiant armor and majestic wings, their expressions a blend of solemnity and anticipation.

"The orcs have been defeated. We must act swiftly to stop the demons. If we delay, they will undoubtedly turn their sights on us," said an archangel with a commanding presence, his muscular build accentuated by a prominent scar that ran across his face.

"Patience, Michael. The time has not yet come," said the most stunning archangel in the room. She was the epitome of celestial beauty, with radiant golden hair cascading in gentle waves down her back. 

Her eyes sparkled like twin stars, reflecting an otherworldly light, and her ethereal wings shimmered with iridescent hues of gold and silver. Her voice, soothing and melodious, carried a grace that captivated all who heard it.

"How long must we endure this, Jophiel?" Michael's voice was edged with frustration as he glared at the most beautiful archangel. "Are we supposed to wait until the demons are literally at our doorstep? The prophecy of a child destined to subdue demons has been spoken of for thousands of years. Are we truly expected to pin all our hopes on a mere legend?"

"It's not just a legend, Michael," said another archangel, his greatsword gleaming with an aura of ancient power. His voice was firm and resolute. "Fate always fulfills its promises, and all the injustices we've suffered will be avenged in time."

"Ha, Itherael, the Archangel of Fate," Michael retorted with a scowl, "as you should know, fate is not set in stone. What guarantees that this child won't be dead before he even has a chance to fulfill his potential? How many heroes have already fallen to the demons?"

"I choose to believe in the prophecy of my friend," Itherael replied resolutely, "the one who perished alongside me in the battle against the demon king."