Adventure Time!

[A way to strengthen the soul? Oh, that's easy—just break into the Soul-Strengthening Realm and feed your soul with mana!] 

Valen's voice dripped with sarcasm.

Elion groaned, rolling his eyes. 'Come on, Valen, I'm being serious. Isn't there any way to increase my soul strength before reaching the Soul-Strengthening Realm?'

[Heh, I know, I know. I'm just messing with you.] 

Valen's tone shifted, becoming more thoughtful. 

[But the truth is, there aren't many ways to strengthen your soul before that stage. The soul is... fragile, especially before it's awakened in the Soul-Strengthening Realm.]

'So there's nothing? No safe way at all?' Elion's frustration grew, but his resolve remained firm.

[There are only two ways. Temper your will... or find natural treasures directly affecting the soul.]

Elion frowned. 'Temper my will? What do you mean by that?'

[It's exactly what it sounds like, kid. Your willpower is the key to your soul's strength. By pushing yourself to your absolute limits, facing adversity, and enduring hardship, your soul gradually becomes more resilient. Think of it like a sword being forged in fire. The more you endure, the stronger your will—and by extension, your soul—becomes.]

'So... pain and suffering, huh? Sounds fun.'

[Heh, more or less. You'll have to seek out challenges that push you mentally, emotionally, and physically. And I'm not talking about regular sparring or training. You need experiences that truly test your spirit. Life-or-death situations, facing fears that shake you to the core, anything that forces your soul to adapt or break.]

Elion sighed, realizing what Valen was getting at. 'And the second way? These natural treasures you mentioned?'

[Ah, yes, natural treasures.] 

Valen's voice took on a slightly wistful tone. 

[They're rare, extremely rare. But they exist. Treasures are born from places where the flow of mana has been so concentrated and pure that it affects the very fabric of reality. There are certain fruits, and crystals, whose essence can enhance the soul directly.]

'So, where do I find them?'


Valen's tone grew serious.

[Dangerous places, where mana is wild and untamed. There are multiple portals spread across Alastor, that lead to small planes outside our world, we call them dungeons. Within them, you can sometimes find natural treasures that have absorbed vast amounts of pure mana over centuries, or even millennia.]

Elion's eyes lit up with curiosity. 'And these dungeons... they could also help me temper my will, right?'

[Exactly. The monsters inside, the traps, the hostile environments, it's like they are designed to break you. But if you survive and push through, your willpower will harden, and you might just stumble across a treasure capable of strengthening your soul. It's a risk, but if you want to pursue both Warrior and Mage paths, you'll need that kind of advantage.]

Elion nodded, determination flickering in his eyes. 'I'll do it. I'll find these dungeons, face their challenges, and come out stronger.'

[Good. Dungeons are unpredictable, but if you play it smart, you might just find exactly what you need.]

'Now comes the hardest part… convincing my family to let me go alone.' Elion sighed, already imagining Janice's worried eyes and Valeria's protests. 'They'll never go for it.'

[Well, I can only wish you luck.]

Elion walked into his home, the familiar scent of wood and herbs filling the air. As soon as he stepped inside, he found Janice sitting by the hearth, knitting a woolen scarf. Valeria was on the floor, sharpening her spear with a focused look on her face. Both of them looked up as Elion entered.

"You're back," Janice said with a warm smile, though her eyes quickly flicked to his tired expression. "Everything alright?"

Elion took a deep breath, knowing this conversation would be difficult. "I need to talk to you both," he started, his tone more serious than usual. Janice's smile faded slightly as she set her knitting down, and Valeria stood up, crossing her arms as if preparing for whatever news he was about to drop.

"I need to leave for a while," Elion said. "There's something I need to do, alone."

Janice immediately shook her head. "Absolutely not," she said, her voice firm. "It's too dangerous for you to be going off by yourself. You're just a boy, Elion. And where do you think you're going alone?"

"It's important, Mom," Elion said, trying to keep his voice calm. "I need to go to a dungeon. I have to temper myself and… there's a chance I might find something that can help strengthen my soul."

"A dungeon?" Valeria's eyes widened with excitement. "Then I'm coming with you! If you're going into a dungeon, there's no way I'm letting you go by yourself."

"No, Valeria," Elion replied quickly. "I have to do this alone."

Janice stood up, her face filled with worry. "Elion, do you hear yourself? Dungeons are no place for children, even ones as strong as you. There are monsters, traps, and dangers you can't imagine. I won't allow it."

"I understand the risks, Mom, I do," Elion said, his gaze steady. "But this is something I need to do for myself. I can't take Valeria with me, and I can't keep relying on everyone else to protect me. This… this is my path. If I don't do it now, I might not get another chance. If I take Valeria, I'll be worrying about her safety the entire time."

"But we always train together," Valeria protested, her voice softer now but tinged with frustration. "How am I supposed to just let you go off on your own?"

"You're strong, Valeria. And I know you'll be even stronger when I come back," Elion said, giving her a small smile. "But this is something I have to face alone. Please trust me. When I get back, we'll have all the time in the world to fight together in the academy."

Janice's expression softened, though the worry never left her eyes. "I… I don't like this, Elion. I don't like it at all. But if this is truly something you must do…"

"It is," Elion said quietly.

Janice sighed deeply, her shoulders slumping as if weighed down by her fears. "Alright, but promise me you'll come back. Promise me you'll be careful."

"I promise," Elion said, stepping forward and hugging her tightly. 

Valeria, arms still crossed, scowled, but her eyes gleamed with unshed tears. "You better come back stronger, or I'll kick your ass."

Elion chuckled, pulling her into a hug as well. "I will, don't worry." 

As they embraced, Elion felt the weight of the journey ahead, but also the strength of his family's love pushing him forward.

"Alright, I need to start preparing now," Elion said, stepping back from the embrace. "I'm heading to the market to pick up a few things for the journey. I plan to set off in three days."

Janice and Valeria exchanged glances, the tension still hanging in the air.

Elion smiled, trying to lighten the mood. "How about this—we'll have a little farewell dinner before I leave. A small celebration. I promise I'll be back in no more than three years, just in time for the academy."

"Three years?" Valeria huffed, her arms still crossed. "That's a long time."

"I know," Elion said gently, "but it'll go by fast. And when I return, we'll both be stronger."

Janice nodded, though her expression remained pensive. "Alright, we'll have a dinner. But remember your promise—you come back, no matter what."

Elion nodded firmly. "I will."

Elion walked through the bustling market streets of Skywood, weaving through crowds of villagers and merchants. The scent of freshly baked bread and sizzling meats filled the air, but he kept his focus on the task at hand. 

He visited stalls, buying dried meats, bread, water pouches, and other provisions that would last long on his journey, all carefully tucked into his space inventory. With each purchase, he double-checked the items, ensuring they were stored securely in the mystical storage within his mana core.

'That should cover food and water,' Elion thought, mentally calculating how long the supplies would last him. 'What else? Maybe a few potions for healing, a new katana, mine is pretty much broken after the last fight.'

Money was never an issue for Elion. Over the years, he had accumulated a decent fortune by hunting beasts and selling their valuable parts. The income from his hunts had been more than enough to sustain him, and now it would fund his preparations for the journey ahead.

After visiting a small apothecary booth to grab some basic medicinal herbs, and a blacksmith, to buy a new katana, Elion strolled through the market square, pondering his next step. 

'Valen, do you know where I might find a dungeon?

Valen's voice echoed in his mind, a calm yet reflective tone. 

[Unfortunately, I don't know the exact location of any dungeons around here. Dungeon portals aren't static, they tend to appear and disappear. But if we get close to one, I'll sense it. It gives off a certain energy signature.]

Elion sighed. 'So, it's not as easy as just walking up to one.'

[No, but it shouldn't be impossible, adventurers sometimes stumble across them by accident.]

That sparked an idea. 'Right, adventurers! There's an Adventurer's Guild in any town or village with more than a million inhabitants, isn't there?' He smirked, feeling the gears turn in his head. 'Skywood definitely qualifies. I could check the guild—they might know of any nearby dungeons.'

[It's a good plan. Adventurers often get paid for dungeon exploration. Even if there isn't one right now, they might have leads on where one could emerge.]

With his mind made up, Elion headed toward the Adventurer's Guild, his heart racing with excitement. If there was even a slight chance of finding a dungeon, it could be the key to his breakthrough into the Soul-Strengthening Realm.