Mission Target: Elandor

Elion walked into the adventurer's guild, a lively and bustling place filled with unfamiliar faces. He could tell many of them were not from Skywood; their accents and clothing hinted at different regions. 

The room buzzed with conversation, the clinking of weapons, and the occasional laugh. The guild was larger than Elion remembered, filled with adventurers and traders coming and going.

As he made his way toward the counter, he caught sight of the receptionist, a young woman with striking features. Her long auburn hair flowed in gentle waves, and her eyes gleamed with a sharp intelligence that made her seem both approachable and capable. She wore the guild's uniform, but the elegance with which she carried herself made it stand out. 

Elion waited patiently as she finished speaking with another adventurer, and when it was his turn, she greeted him with a warm smile. 

"Hello there, how can I assist you today?" she asked in a melodic voice, her eyes meeting his.

Elion cleared his throat. "I was wondering if you had any information about dungeons nearby," he said, trying to keep his tone casual.

The receptionist's smile brightened. "Dungeons, you say? Well, you're in luck. Just yesterday, a mission was posted about a large dungeon recently discovered in a village two days' journey from here. It's caught quite a bit of attention. The guild is encouraging as many adventurers as possible to join in." She leaned forward slightly. "Are you interested in registering for it?"

"I'm interested," Elion replied, his expression thoughtful. "When is the expedition set to begin?" 

The receptionist glanced at her notes, her eyes scanning quickly. "The first group is heading out tomorrow morning at dawn. However, since it's an open mission, others will be joining over the next few days. You can head out when you're ready."

Elion nodded thoughtfully. "Perfect. Thanks for the information. Where exactly should I go to find the dungeon?"

The receptionist smiled warmly. "You'll want to head to Elandor, a village hidden deep within the Silverleaf Forest, southeast of here. The forest can be tricky to navigate if you don't know the paths, but once you reach the village, just ask around. The dungeon's discovery has everyone talking, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding it."

"About the mission posted for the dungeon, could you give me more details on what it entails?" Elion inquired.

"Oh, and the mission was issued by the royal family," the receptionist added. "They're mainly looking for mana stone deposits, so they're sending people in to explore the dungeon. Anything else you find inside—artifacts, treasures, rare materials—it's yours to keep. That's essentially your payment. This sort of arrangement is pretty common for dungeon exploration missions."

"I see. Is there any specific mission posted that requires me to go to Elandor?" Elion asked.

She skimmed through her records before replying, "Yes, there's one. A merchant is heading to Elandor tomorrow morning and needs protection. The route can be dangerous, with beasts and the occasional bandit, so he's looking for four hunters, in the peak of the second stage or higher, for security. The payment is 20 silver coins, and there's still a vacancy. Would you be interested?"

"Yes, how can I register?" 

"I'll handle that for you," the receptionist said, her fingers moving swiftly over a device that resembled a computer. With a wave of her hand, a file materialized from the screen. 

"Here you go. Present this to the merchant tomorrow at 7 AM at the south gate. He'll know that you've accepted the mission."

"Thanks for the help," Elion said, giving the receptionist a nod before turning and making his way out of the guild, his mind already racing with plans for the journey ahead.

Elion returned home with the mission details fresh in his mind. He found Janice and Valeria in the kitchen, preparing dinner. The aroma of freshly baked bread and stew filled the air.

"Mom, Valeria, I have some news," Elion announced as he entered the room, his excitement evident.

Janice looked up, her eyes brightening at the sight of her son. "What's the news, Elion?"

"I've decided to take up a mission to Elandor," Elion explained. "There's a dungeon nearby, and I'm going to check it out. I've even signed up to travel with a merchant who's heading there tomorrow."

"So soon? Weren't you planning to leave in three days?" Janice asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

"Well, I was, but when I found this mission, I thought it would be better to head out earlier. Sorry for the change, Mom," Elion explained.

"It's perfectly fine," Janice replied, her expression softening with a nostalgic smile. "In fact, let's move our special dinner to tonight. And Elandor, you say? That's where your father, Garrick, was from."

Elion raised an eyebrow. "Really? I didn't know that."

"Yes," Janice continued, a wistful smile on her face. "Garrick came to Skywood as an adventure. He was always on the move, and he had a knack for finding adventures. He came to our village on one of his missions and that's how we met. We fell in love during his stay, and the rest is history. He was quite the adventurer, just like you."

Valeria's eyes widened with curiosity. "So, Dad was an adventurer too? That's amazing!"

"Yes," Janice said, her voice tinged with both pride and sadness. "He had a spirit of adventure and a deep love for exploring. He always said that every journey was a chance to discover something new."

"That's really fascinating," Elion said, a smile spreading across his face. "It'll be amazing to see the place where Dad was born and spent his early years."

Valeria chimed in, her eyes bright with determination. "I wish I could come with you. I'd love to see the world like Dad did."

Elion shook his head gently. "I appreciate that, Valeria, but this journey is something I need to do on my own. It's a test of my own abilities and strength."

Janice gave a small, understanding nod. "Your father would be proud of you, Elion. He would have wanted you to follow your own path and make your own mark on the world."

Elion smiled, feeling both inspired and comforted. "Thanks, Mom. I'll make sure to come back with stories to share."

As they continued with their evening preparations, Elion felt a renewed sense of purpose. His journey to Elandor and beyond was not just about exploring new territories, but also about honoring the adventurous spirit of his father.

Elion's last night at home was filled with warmth and joy. The dinner table was set with a delicious spread of his favorite dishes—roast chicken, seasoned vegetables, and freshly baked bread. The aroma of the meal mingled with the sounds of laughter and cheerful conversation.

Valeria, her eyes sparkling with excitement, regaled Elion with stories of their childhood, her voice light and full of mischief. Janice, with a tender smile, shared anecdotes about Garrick, weaving tales of their father's adventurous past and his life in Elandor. 

As they ate, the family reminisced about their happiest moments together, the room echoing with their shared laughter and the clinking of cutlery. It was a bittersweet farewell, filled with the promise of new beginnings and the warmth of cherished memories.

After dinner, Elion went to his bed, he felt a sense of contentment wash over him. The excitement of his upcoming journey and the love from his family made it hard to fall asleep.

Elion lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling with a mix of excitement and nervousness. 

"Hey, Valen. This is my first time going far away from the village. Hopefully, it'll be as exciting as the stories you've shared."

Valen's voice echoed softly in his mind, filled with a reassuring warmth. 

[Ah, the thrill of venturing into the unknown—it's one of life's greatest adventures. You'll find that the world is even more wondrous and challenging than any tale I've told. Embrace every moment, and remember that you have the strength and courage to face whatever comes your way. I'll be here with you, guiding you from the shadows.]

"Thanks, Valen. Without all the help you've given me over the years, I'd be completely lost here in Alastor."

[I brought you here, so guiding you along the way is the least I can do. Remember, you've come a long way on your own, too. You're ready for whatever lies ahead.]

"I need to be. This is just a step toward my goal of freeing Alastor from the demons. If I can't even surpass this barrier and reach the Soul-Strengthening Realm with an Ethereal Pathway, then I don't stand a chance against them."

[You've always been determined, Elion. Remember, every challenge you face now is shaping you into the hero you're destined to become. Believe in your strength and the path you've chosen. With your resolve, you'll break through this barrier and forge a way to victory.]

'I will…'

Elion fell asleep dreaming of the adventures that awaited him, his heart brimming with anticipation for the new world he would soon explore.