Journey Ahead

Elion woke up early the next morning. After a quick breakfast, he made his way to the designated meeting spot at the southern gate. He was the second adventurer to arrive. 

Elion handed over the mission file to the merchant, who glanced at him with a raised eyebrow, clearly skeptical. It wasn't every day a 12-year-old human boy claimed to be at the peak of the second stage of power. 

Most kids his age were still struggling in the first stage, barely scratching the surface of their potential. The merchant's eyes lingered on Elion as if trying to assess whether the boy was truly capable of handling the dangers ahead. 

"You sure you're up for this, kid?" the merchant asked, a hint of doubt in his voice.

Elion smiled confidently. "I wouldn't be here if I wasn't."

The merchant hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "All right, kid. I'll trust that the guild wouldn't send you unless you met the mission's requirements."

Elion gave a quick nod and wandered over to a nearby boulder, sitting down as he watched the road. The cool morning breeze brushed against his face, and a wave of anticipation mixed with nervous energy coursed through him. His thoughts drifted to the unknowns of the journey ahead—the dangers, the new faces, and the challenge of the dungeon. 

As the minutes crept by, Elion waited patiently, and soon enough, the remaining two adventurers arrived, just before the appointed time. One look told him that neither of them seemed to be from Skywood, except for one familiar face.

"Oh, hey, Elion!" Jean called out with a grin, waving as he approached. "Decided to quit all that solo hunting and become a proper adventurer, huh?" His tone was playful, clearly amused by the sight of Elion among the party.

"Haha, hey Jean," Elion replied with a smile, genuinely pleased to see a familiar face. "I didn't know you took on this mission as well." 

He paused for a moment before continuing, 

"Actually, I'm not really diving into the adventurer life just yet. I just needed to get to Elandor, and figured taking on a mission was a good way to kill two birds with one stone." His grin reflected the easygoing nature of the conversation, as he had always held a good impression of Jean.

"Oh, I see. Are you heading to the dungeon exploration in Elandor?" Jean asked. 

"There's been a lot of gossip about that dungeon. Seems like a ton of adventurers are thrilled to go check it out."

Elion nodded, smiling. "Yeah. That's the plan, go inside the dungeon and explore it. Figured I might as well take this mission on the way and make the trip more useful." He glanced at Jean with a curious look. "Are you thinking about heading there too?"

"Me? No way," Jean laughed, shaking his head. "I'm just planning to make some quick money in Elandor and head back after a few days. Dungeons aren't really my thing."

He then glanced at Elion with a grin. "But hey, I'm glad you're coming along for this mission. With your abilities, we'll breeze through it. It's always good to have someone reliable on board."

Elion smiled at Jean, and before he could answer it, he was interrupted by one of the four adventures, who seemed to know Jean.

"Wow, is this guy really that reliable, Jean? He's just a kid, isn't he?" said Aldric, one of the other adventurers, raising an eyebrow as he gave Elion a skeptical glance.

"Hahaha!" Jean laughed, glancing at Aldric. "You're saying that because you're not from around here, you don't know Elion."

Aldric looked even more confused. "What do you mean?"

"Do you know about the demon invasion from two years ago?" Jean continued.

"Yes, how could I not know about it? Even the demon princess made an appearance here," Aldric replied.

"Well, this is the kid who defeated the demon general. So, tell me, do you still doubt his reliability?" Jean asked with a knowing smile.

Aldric's eyes widened in disbelief. "Wait, you're telling me this is the same kid? I've heard of that battle, but I never imagined..." His voice trailed off, clearly astonished.

"Alright, we're ready to set off," the merchant announced, signaling for everyone to board the vehicles. "Let's get going. I want to reach Elandor before tomorrow's sunset."

The group climbed into the sturdy, earth-like trucks designed for off-road travel. As the vehicle began its journey, the landscape outside gradually transformed from the familiar terrain of Skywood to the denser forests and rugged terrain leading toward Elandor.

Inside the truck, Elion settled into a seat, observing his fellow adventurers. Jean sat across from him, chatting casually with Aldric, while the other prepared his gear for the journey ahead. 

As the truck rolled through the forested path, the journey was initially smooth. However, around midday, the vehicle came to a sudden halt. The merchant, peering out from the driver's seat, signaled to the group that they would have to disembark. 

"Looks like we have some company," Jean said. 

Elion stepped out of the truck to see a few low-level monsters, mostly First Stage Realm, ranging from middle to peak level, emerging from the underbrush. 

The adventurers quickly organized themselves. Jean, Aldric, and the other hunter sprang into action, displaying a coordinated effort as they engaged the monsters.

Elion watched from the sidelines as Jean and Aldric skillfully handled the creatures. Jean, with his quick reflexes, dispatched several beasts with precise strikes, while Aldric's more powerful attacks took care of the larger beats. 

Despite the monsters' aggressive behavior, the battle was well-managed and relatively brief.

Elion killed three beasts with lighting bolts but found that the others handled the situation effortlessly. Their teamwork and experience made the fight appear almost effortless, leaving Elion with plenty of time to observe their techniques and learn from their actions.

By the time the last of the monsters had been defeated, the sun was beginning its descent. The adventurers regrouped, and the truck resumed its journey. As they continued, the camaraderie among the group grew, and Elion found himself fitting comfortably into the rhythm of the expedition.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully as the truck rolled steadily toward Elandor. As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, 

As dusk settled, the group decided it was time to establish a guard rotation for the night. The merchant, still determined to reach Elandor by sunset the next day, insisted they continue moving without stopping. Instead, the adventurers would take turns keeping watch inside the truck while it pushed forward through the night.

Jean spoke up first. "All right, let's keep it simple. Two people will be on guard for six hours, then switch out with the other two. That way, everyone gets some sleep without leaving us vulnerable."

Aldric nodded in agreement. "Sounds good. I'll take the first watch. Who's joining me?"

"I'll stay up too," Jean volunteered, cracking his knuckles. "Elion, you and the Vonderick can take the next shift. We'll wake you guys when it's time."

Elion agreed with a nod. He didn't mind taking the second shift, and it gave him a chance to rest up first.

With the rotation settled, Elion and Vonderick settled into their seats, leaning back against their packs to get some sleep. Jean and Aldric took their positions, keeping an eye on the surrounding forest as the truck rumbled through the dark, uneven path. 

The soft hum of the engine and the quiet rustling of the trees outside provided an eerie but calming backdrop.

Elion closed his eyes. The soft murmurs of Jean and Aldric's conversation faded as he slowly drifted off, knowing his turn to stand guard would come soon enough.

The night pressed on uneventfully as Jean and Aldric kept their watch. Hours passed before it was finally time for Elion's guard, they roused Elion and Vonderick for their shift. Elion stretched and shook off the grogginess before taking his position near the truck's window, scanning the darkness for any signs of movement. 

As the truck continued its steady journey toward Elandor, the night remained calm. Elion felt a surge of excitement for what awaited them in the elven village, knowing that each passing hour brought him closer to the adventure he had been longing for.

"I hope to find a way to strengthen my soul and break through to the Soul-Strengthening Realm as soon as possible.

As the first light of dawn began to break through the trees, the convoy of trucks came to an abrupt halt. A group of bandits blocked their path, their leader stepping forward with a commanding presence.

"Stop right there!" the leader shouted, his voice echoing through the forest. He stood confidently, clearly a formidable figure in the middle of the Cell Refinement Realm.

"Gentlemen, we don't want any bloodshed today. Pay us 50 gold coins, and we'll let you pass safely on our road!"

The merchant was furious. "What do you mean 'road'? There's no road here, just a rough path through the forest where you have to trample over plants to get through!" 

Ignoring the merchant's frustration, Elion stepped outside and faced the bandits. With a confident smile, he said, "Hello, I suggest you leave while I'm still in a good mood."

The bandits laughed, clearly amused by Elion's bravado. The leader, a burly man with a scarred face, sneered, "Ha! Look at this little kid, thinking he can scare us off. What is he, twelve? Do you think we're afraid of a child?"

Another bandit, a wiry man with a mocking grin, added, "Yeah, why don't you run back to your mother, kid? This is no place for someone your age."

Elion's smile remained steady as he met their ridicule with calm determination.

Without uttering a word or drawing his sword, Elion charged straight at the bandit leader. The leader's surprise was palpable; a child moving with such incredible speed seemed almost impossible. But his instincts quickly took over, and he drew his spear to defend himself.

Elion, however, was faster. He deftly dodged the spear thrust and landed a powerful strike to the bandit's side. The force of the blow sent the leader crashing into a nearby tree, where he lay sprawled and unconscious.

The remaining bandits stood frozen, their eyes wide in disbelief at the sight of their leader being effortlessly incapacitated by a child. 

Their shock left them momentarily paralyzed, struggling to process the sudden turn of events.

Elion, a confident smile spreading across his face, surveyed the stunned group. "Well, since I've already started, I should finish it."

With a fluid, determined motion, Elion advanced on the remaining bandits. Each one was quickly overwhelmed by his skill and speed. 

He dispatched them with precision, landing swift, decisive blows until they too lay unconscious on the ground. The bandits, weaker than their leader, stood no chance against Elion's relentless assault.

Elion returned to the truck, a satisfied smile on his face as he noticed the merchant still staring in stunned silence. 

"All sorted out," Elion said cheerfully. "Let's get moving."

With the bandits dealt with, the journey resumed smoothly. The rest of the trip to Elandor passed without incident, the road ahead clear and calm.