The Void

As Elion darted north, a few sharp voices rang out behind him.

"There he is! After him! He's got the flower!"

Several mages and warriors broke away from the fight with the python, determined to chase down the young boy who had just stolen their prize. 

Their anger fueled their pursuit as they sprinted through the dense forest, casting spells and using various abilities to gain speed. 

One mage summoned gusts of wind beneath his feet to glide faster, while a warrior hurled himself forward with explosive jumps.

Elion glanced over his shoulder, noticing a group of five closing in. His eyes narrowed, and he pushed more electrical energy through his legs, causing his speed to surge. 

The wind mage attempted to launch a series of wind blades to slow him down, but Elion reacted instantly, sidestepping each attack with fluid movements as if he anticipated them.

"They're persistent," he muttered, weaving through the trees. 

'The longer I hold onto the Aquanimae, the more danger I'll attract.'

The pursuers were growing frustrated as their spells and attacks failed to land. A fire mage unleashed a torrent of flames, attempting to cut Elion off, but Elion's body flickered as he teleported past the flames, reappearing in the middle of a clearing far ahead.

"He's teleporting! Block the space around him!" shouted one of the mages, quickly attempting to seal the spatial magic with mana barriers.

Elion smirked. 'Too slow.'

Before the space lock could form, he conjured another space crack ahead of him and vanished into it just as the barrier snapped shut. Reappearing a safe distance ahead, he continued his dash north, the Aquanimae secure in his grip.

Behind him, the mages cursed as they saw him vanish again, their efforts futile against his speed and mastery over space magic. One by one, they slowed their pace, realizing they had no hope of catching him.

Elion smiled to himself as the sounds of pursuit faded behind him.

Elion used Teleport, hopping from tree to tree in rapid succession, his movements almost undetectable. 

Each time he reappeared, it was further away, leaving minimal traces of his path. The forest around him blurred as he continued his escape, his focus sharp on putting as much distance as possible between himself and the pursuers.

After a few minutes, he spotted a cave hidden among thick vines and underbrush. It was secluded, the entrance almost entirely concealed. Perfect.

He slipped inside, his breathing steady as he scanned the area. The cave was dark, the only sound was the faint dripping of water echoing through the stone chamber. 

Elion nodded to himself, feeling secure enough to lower his guard. 

'This should do,' he thought, settling down in a corner.

[So, you're planning to absorb the Aquanimae now?] 

Valen's voice echoed in his mind.

'Yes. No point in delaying it. I've already gotten this far,' Elion responded, pulling the flower out carefully. 

The vibrant blue petals glowed faintly, from the excessive mana it had absorbed.

He took a deep breath and held the flower in front of him, studying its ethereal glow.

[Once you consume it, the flower will begin working immediately. It's going to bind with your soul and strengthen it, but the process might be painful.]

'I'm ready,' Elion thought, determination settling into his expression. Without hesitation, he bit into the Aquanimae. The petals dissolved instantly in his mouth, a rush of potent, pure mana flooding his system.

Elion gasped, his body tensing as the overwhelming energy surged through him. 

It wasn't just the raw power, it was as if the flower was reaching into the very core of his being, intertwining itself with his soul. 

The mana coursed through every fiber of his body, seeking out his spiritual essence.

He clenched his fists, feeling the pressure mount, but he remained still, allowing the flower to do its work. This was the moment he had prepared for.

As the Aquanimae's essence spread through Elion, the first wave of pain hit him, sharp and deep. 

It wasn't physical, it came from within, a searing agony that reached into the very depths of his soul. His body remained steady, but inside, it felt like something was tearing him apart.

Elion gritted his teeth, clutching his chest as if the pressure would ease. But it didn't. Instead, it intensified. 

The flower's power was overwhelming, and his soul, not yet in the Soul-Strengthening Realm, wasn't fully prepared to absorb such potent energy.

"Ugh…" A groan escaped him as the pressure mounted, the pain twisting and coiling around his very essence like a vice. 

It wasn't the kind of pain that could be pushed through with sheer physical endurance, this was something far deeper.

[Careful, Elion. The Aquanimae is forcefully nourishing your soul. It's not something meant for those who haven't reached the Soul-Strengthening Realm. You need to brace yourself!]

Valen's voice echoed in his mind, but even the warning was barely a whisper against the tidal wave of pain surging through him.

Elion's vision blurred, his head spinning as he felt his soul stretch to its limits. It was as if the nourishment was trying to pull it apart and rebuild it, stronger than before, but the process was excruciating. His soul wasn't ready, not yet refined enough for this kind of power.

But Elion wasn't the type to give in. Gritting his teeth harder, he focused inward, willing himself to endure. 

His determination flared up, a burning will to not just survive, but to come out stronger. His soul had always been resilient, stronger than most in his stage. It was the foundation of his power as both a mage and warrior.

'This… is nothing!' he told himself, his resolve hardening. 

With each surge of pain, his soul resisted, then absorbed. The agony was unbearable, but he knew this was a rare opportunity—one that few could even dream of. 

His soul, though unprepared, began adapting, growing stronger with every second that passed.

Time felt distorted at that moment, the pain a constant companion, but slowly, something began to shift. 

Amid the searing agony, Elion could feel his soul expanding, becoming denser, more refined. The essence of the Aquanimae was fusing with him, reshaping him from within.

His breathing became labored, beads of sweat forming on his brow, but he endured. He had to.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the sharp waves of pain started to ease. His soul, which had been trembling under the weight of the flower's power, now felt different, stronger, more robust. 

The transformation wasn't complete, but Elion could already sense a profound change within him.

[You did it. Your soul... it's far stronger now. Maybe strong enough to bear the burden.]

Elion exhaled heavily, his body relaxing as the pain began to subside. He sat there in silence, feeling the power that now pulsed within him. His soul had grown, more than he could have ever imagined.

'I definitely feel stronger, but there's still something missing. I don't have the confidence to break through to the Soul-Strengthening Realm yet,' Elion reflected, his voice calm but thoughtful. 'It feels like an essential piece is still out of reach.'

[Nobody has ever achieved what you're trying to do, breaking through both paths to the Soul-Strengthening Realm. So there's no guide for this. If you feel something's lacking, it means you're not ready. Keep pushing until you find what you need.]

Elion nodded, his eyes sharpening with determination. 'That's exactly what I plan to do. I'll keep pushing forward until everything falls into place.'

As Elion cautiously stepped out of the cave, he froze. 

Standing just a few meters away was a low Fourth Stage beast, a massive, four-legged creature with shimmering black fur and eyes that glowed with a deep crimson hue.

Its claws were as long as short swords, and its fangs gleamed in the dim light filtering through the trees. Its muscular body tensed, ready to pounce. A low growl escaped its throat, resonating with deadly intent.

Its body seemed to absorb the light around it, blending into the shadows. Its mane bristled like sharp needles, and every step it took left faint cracks in the ground.

Elion's heart raced, and his muscles tightened instinctively. 'Damn, I must've wandered into the inner area while escaping...' His eyes narrowed as the beast locked its gaze on him, sizing him up as prey.

Elion conjured multiple space cracks around the battlefield, subtle distortions that shimmered in the air like faint ripples. 

The creature sensed the surge of magic and its instincts kicked in. With a deep growl, it locked onto Elion, realizing he was the source. 

Without a second's hesitation, the massive beast lunged, its speed astonishing for a creature of such size. The ground beneath its paws cracked with the force of its movement, and in an instant, it was already closing the gap.

Elion reacted instantly. Summoning lightning around him and dashing to the side, narrowly avoiding the creature's claws as they slashed through the space where he had just stood. 

With a swift motion, Elion teleported a few meters away, putting some distance between him and the beast.

Elion unsheathed his katana in one fluid motion, the blade crackling with an intense surge of lightning energy that pulsed from his core. 

The air around him seemed to vibrate with the raw power he was channeling, and arcs of electricity danced along the edge of the blade.

The creature lunged again, its razor-sharp claws aimed directly at Elion. But this time, instead of dodging, Elion met its attack head-on. 

With precision and speed, he swung his katana in a horizontal arc. The blade connected with the beast's claw, and in that instant, a surge of lightning shot through the creature's body. 

The beast convulsed, its muscles spasming uncontrollably as the electric energy coursed through it. The beast staggered back, momentarily stunned, as wisps of smoke curled from where the sword had struck.

Elion knew this was his chance to finish the fight. With a swift motion, he slashed his katana toward the beast's neck, aiming to end it in a single strike. 

But before his blade could connect, a surge of mana erupted from his enemy, clashing with his attack in an explosion. 

The force was overwhelming, sending a sharp pain through his arm, and his grip faltered, his sword flew from his hand, clattering to the ground.

The creature wasted no time. Sensing its advantage, it dashed at him, intent on delivering a lethal blow. Elion's eyes narrowed. 'It's time to test something new.'

In an instant, he clenched his fist, and the space cracks he had created earlier across the battlefield began to ripple and twist. 

The energy within them converged, flowing toward his outstretched hand. The air around him vibrated with the immense power being drawn in.

As the beast lunged, its claws mere inches from Elion, he struck back. With a single punch, he unleashed the concentrated space energy, a violent burst that ripped through the fabric of reality itself. 

For a fleeting moment, the world seemed to tear open—a void formed, erasing everything in its path.

The creature never stood a chance. Its body disintegrated on impact, as though it had been swallowed by the void, disappearing without a trace as if it had never existed. The battlefield fell silent, only the faint hum of dissipating energy remaining.