
[It seems your body can't handle that kind of energy, kid. I strongly advise against trying that again.] 

Valen warned.

Elion glanced down at his arm, the one that delivered the final blow to the beast. It was a mess: swollen, veins bulging and bursting, blood trickling from his hand and dripping onto the forest floor. The pain hit him all at once, sharp and throbbing.

'Yeah, it seems so,' he thought, wincing as he flexed his fingers, barely able to move them. 'Would've been nice to know healing magic right about now. I should probably learn a thing or two next time I have a chance.'

[You're walking a fine line between brilliance and recklessness.]

Elion chuckled despite the pain. 'That's always been my style, hasn't it?'

Elion staggered back from the fight, his arm throbbing and practically useless at his side. The silence that followed the beast's vanishing act was eerie, but it didn't last long. 

The faint sound of armor clanking and hushed voices reached his ears.

He turned, still clutching his arm, and saw a group of soldiers emerging from the forest, their armor gleaming in the dim light of the dungeon. 

At their head was none other than Princess Seraphina, her sharp gaze immediately locking onto him.

"What happened here?" Seraphina demanded, her tone both curious. Her eyes flicked to the blood dripping from his arm, then to the lingering distortion in the air where the beast had been obliterated.

One of the soldiers took a step forward, surveying the battlefield with wide eyes. "That explosion... Was it you?" His voice held both disbelief.

Elion, gritting his teeth against the pain, gave them a crooked smile. "Yeah, well... I might've overdone it a little."

Seraphina stepped closer, her brows furrowing as she examined him. "Your arm... it's nearly broken," she said, her voice softer now but still commanding. "You need immediate treatment."

Elion tried to wave off her concern with his good hand. "It's not as bad as it looks." But the sharp twinge of pain that followed made him wince.

Seraphina's expression hardened. "You're reckless. We heard the blast from a mile away. You're lucky we were passing by."

Elion sighed, nodding slightly. "Seems I owe you another one, Princess."

Seraphina's curious gaze lingered on Elion as she tilted her head slightly. Her long, silver hair cascaded down her back like a silken waterfall, contrasting sharply with the deep, dark red of her eyes, eyes that seemed to pierce through him, filled with both intrigue and calculation.

Her beauty was striking, ethereal even, and the air around her seemed to hum with power and authority.

"Another one? Have we met before?" she asked, her voice smooth yet commanding, never losing that regal undertone.

Elion blinked, still clutching his injured arm, momentarily caught off guard by her presence and beauty. Her gaze was so intense, so focused, it felt like she was dissecting every inch of him.

"Well, not exactly," Elion began, reaching into his space inventory and pulling out the bat-shaped badge. "My name is Elion. You gave me this badge in Skywood Village two years ago."

Seraphina's eyes flickered with recognition, and a faint smile curled on her lips. "Ah, you're that reckless kid who almost got himself killed fighting the demon general."

Elion coughed awkwardly, a slight flush rising to his cheeks. "Cough, cough. Well, that's me... Thank you for your help back then. I've been meaning to thank you properly."

Seraphina waved it off casually, her eyes still appraising him. "No problem. I gave you that badge because I thought you had potential. It seems I wasn't wrong." Her gaze briefly shifted to his injured arm, a mixture of curiosity flickering in her dark red eyes.

Seraphina gestured to one of her men, who rushed forward with a small vial. "We'll get you patched up."

As the soldier handed him the vial, Elion couldn't help but chuckle through the pain. "No promises, but thanks."

Elion uncorked the vial and drank its contents, feeling a warm, soothing sensation spread through his body. 

His injured arm began to heal rapidly, the swelling shrinking as burst veins and torn muscles knitted themselves back together.

 In just minutes, the bleeding had stopped, and within two hours, the arm would be fully restored, leaving no trace of the damage it had sustained. It would be as if the injury had never happened.

"Wow, this stuff works fast! I've never seen anything like it where I'm from. What is this exactly?" Elion asked, genuinely curious.

Seraphina raised an eyebrow, giving him a look as if he were a country bumpkin—which, in truth, he was compared to her standards. 

"That's a healing potion. Alchemists, specialized mages, create them. They focus on brewing potions and crafting pills for all sorts of needs. This particular one is effective for external injuries, but it's pretty standard around here."

"Hehe, I see. Thanks!" Elion smiled. "But why are you here, Princess? Shouldn't a low-level dungeon like this be handled by your subordinates?"

"I came here for training," Seraphina replied, her tone confident. "This dungeon isn't particularly dangerous, so I convinced my father to let me come and gain some real experience."

"Oh, I get it. A young princess already taking on responsibilities!" Elion teased with a grin.

Seraphina narrowed her eyes playfully. "Why are you talking like an old man?"

Seraphina couldn't shake a strange feeling, a familiarity with Elion that tugged at her, as if there was some deeper connection between them, even though this was only their first encounter. It was subtle but undeniable, leaving her with an odd sense of déjà vu.

"And why are you here?" Seraphina asked, shaking off the strange feeling.

"I'm here to train and find a way to break through to the Soul-Strengthening Realm."

"Breaking through to the Soul-Strengthening Realm?" she raised an eyebrow. "With your talent, that shouldn't be much of an issue. Are you aiming for the warrior or mage path?"

Elion hesitated before answering. "Well, I haven't exactly decided yet."

Seraphina crossed her arms, giving him a knowing look. "Ah, I see. You must have an indecisive streak. Maybe you're reluctant to abandon all the effort you've put into the other path, huh? But, if I were you, I'd make the choice sooner rather than later. Don't waste your potential."

Elion winced at the truth in her words. "Urgh, fine... I'll keep that in mind."

"I'll be heading to the inner layers soon. We've already found a mana stone mine, so I'm going there to train. Want to join us?" Seraphina offered, her red eyes gleaming with confidence.

Elion shook his head with a grateful smile. "Thanks, Princess Seraphina, but I'd rather go alone. If I stick with you, I won't be able to face any real danger and push myself."

Seraphina shrugged, a small smirk forming on her lips. "Alright, suit yourself. I'm heading out now. I expect to see you in three years at the academy," she said, flashing him a brilliant, almost teasing smile.

Elion chuckled. "Count on it," he replied, watching as she turned and walked away, her presence lingering long after she was gone.

[Come on, kid, stop acting like you've been struck by love. Let's keep moving.] 

Valen teased, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Elion rolled his eyes. "Love? Please, I have the mind of an adult. How could I possibly be captivated by a 12-year-old?"

[Sure, sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.] 

Valen replied with a mocking tone.

Elion made his way to a large tree. The tree was sturdy and had low-hanging branches that made climbing easy. 

He decided to scale it to find a safe spot where he could rest and let his arm heal in peace.

With practiced agility, Elion climbed up the tree, using the branches to support himself. When he reached a comfortable perch, he settled down, leaning against the trunk. 

From his elevated vantage point, he could see the activity below: adventurers moving towards the dungeon entrance, and the remnants of the earlier chaos.

He took out a small book from his space inventory and began reading to pass the time, allowing his mind to drift as he waited for his arm to heal. 

The vial's effects were working swiftly, and he could feel the pain diminishing as his body mended the injuries. He was grateful for the healing potion's efficiency, watching as the swelling subsided and his arm returned to its normal state.

After a couple of hours, Elion felt his arm was fully recovered. He swung down from the tree with practiced ease and surveyed the surrounding area. 

Everything seemed quiet, and the path to the inner layers of the dungeon was clear.

Determined to make the most of his opportunity, Elion set off toward the inner layers of the dungeon, moving with renewed energy. 

The excitement of exploring further and the promise of potential challenges fueled his determination to continue until he could break through to the Soul-Strengthening Realm