Demon Invasion

As Elion stepped out of the portal in Varzinhein, the biting cold hit him like a sudden slap to the face. The air was sharp and crisp, a stark contrast to the milder climate of Skywood. 

The towering buildings around him, though reminiscent of Earth's skyscrapers, had a distinct, otherworldly architecture—futuristic and sleek, yet deeply rooted in ancient magic. 

The city's sheer scale and energy overwhelmed his senses. People hurried through the wide, stone-paved streets, bundled in thick furs and cloaks, their faces red from the cold.

"Wow," Elion thought, taking it all in. "Feels like I'm back on Earth. I almost forgot what cold weather was like." He smirked, feeling the strength surging through him. "Luckily, with my body at the peak of the Muscle Expansion Realm, this chill is nothing."

[If you think this is impressive, just wait until you see the vampire capital.] 

Valen's voice echoed in his mind. 

[When I lived there, it was the most magnificent city in Alastor—vast, beautiful, full of life. I wonder if it still retains that grandeur.]

Elion chuckled. 'I'll get there soon enough. No rush.' He took a deep breath of the cold air and adjusted the cloak around his shoulders.

'Let's find an inn first, I heard the adventure guild here has more missions than you can count. I'll probably end up with something related to the North's Fortress and beat the crap out of some demons.'

As he walked along the bustling main road of Varzinhein, his attention was caught by a platoon of about fifty people riding animals similar to horses in formation. 

What stood out wasn't just their military precision but the fact that they were led by a child around Elion's age. 

The boy at the head of the group had striking black, short-cropped hair and piercing red eyes—a hallmark of the vampires. His expression was sharp and focused, his posture commanding, as if he had been born for leadership. 

There was something regal in the way he carried himself, despite his youth. The soldiers behind him followed with an air of reverence, their eyes never leaving the boy as they moved in sync, clearly admiring him. Even from a distance, Elion could feel the authority radiating from the young vampire. 

"Hey, isn't that Dorian Blackthorn?" an ogre near Elion muttered, his deep voice rumbling like distant thunder.

"Yeah," another ogre replied, eyes wide with awe. "I heard he took down an enemy at the Body and Soul Fusion Realm. Damn, the kid's only twelve! Vampires, huh? Built differently."

"The Blackthorn family's no joke," the ogre grunted. "They've got a special bloodline. It's thanks to them that the north's held strong for decades, even with constant demon attacks. Not a single breach. If that kid's already this powerful, it's no wonder the Blackthorns are feared on the battlefield."

Elion glanced back at Dorian, intrigued by the boy's reputation.

'I can't afford to get complacent,' Elion said in his mind to Valen while watching Dorian march confidently with his platoon. 'I thought I was strong for my age, but taking down a Body and Soul Fusion Realm enemy? I'm not even close to that level yet. I've still got a long way to go.'

[You're right, but don't get discouraged, kid.] 

Valen's voice echoed in his mind. 

[Most vampires aren't on your level either. Only the exceptional ones, like him, could compare or surpass you right now. You've made incredible progress.]

'Yeah, but it's clear now. There's always someone stronger,' Elion sighed.

After the platoon passed, Elion continued his stroll through Varzinhein's bustling city center, scanning the inns that lined the streets. Eventually, he found one that seemed to suit his taste—small, clean, and quiet.

"Hello, how much for a night?" Elion asked, approaching the counter where a small goblin was perched behind the desk.

"A silver coin per night, kid," the goblin replied with a toothy grin.

"What? That expensive? The last inn I stayed at charged only five coppers a night. Isn't this daylight robbery?" Elion exclaimed, feigning outrage.

The goblin let out a raspy chuckle. "That price will get you a bed in a small town, boy. This is the heart of Varzinhein. Prices are naturally higher here."

Elion sighed, thinking, 'Well, it's not like I'm short on money anyway.'

"Fine, but if I book for an entire month, can you give me a discount?"

The goblin raised an eyebrow. "A month, eh? All right, I'll knock off 15%. How's that sound?"

"Deal," Elion agreed, handing over 25 silver coins and 50 copper pieces. "Here's the money."

The goblin counted the coins swiftly and nodded. "Enjoy your stay, kid. And welcome to Varzinhein."

Elion took the keys from the goblin and headed up to his room. 

It wasn't exactly luxurious, but compared to the cramped, dingy place he'd called home for the past four months, it was a significant upgrade. 

The bed looked sturdy, the linens clean, and there was even a small window that offered a view of the bustling street below.

'Not bad,' he thought. 'At least it's a step up from the last place. Maybe I'll actually sleep without hearing rats in the walls.

[So, what's the plan, kid?] 

'I'm thinking of taking on a mission involving demons. The fortress on the northern border seems like the perfect place to test my strength. I'm sure I can contribute more than just being cannon fodder.' 

[Heh, aiming for the frontlines already? Ambitious.] 

'Well, I didn't come all this way to sit around. Besides, I need a real challenge to push myself further.' 

[Sounds like a plan, but you've still got a barrier to break. You can't stay stuck in the third realm forever.] 

'True, but first, lunch. I'm starving!' 

Elion left his room on the third floor, walking down the corridors when a strange odor hit him. 

'What is that smell? Can you sense it too, Valen?' 

[Kid, I'm just a soul. I don't exactly have a nose.] 

'Oh, right. Sorry. But it reminds me of that demon invasion in Skywood about four years ago. It's similar, but... off. Still so fucking disgusting.' 

[Wait, the smell you're sensing—it's like demons?] 

'Yeah, I didn't catch it right away, but now I'm sure. It's faint, but it's definitely related. Something's off about it, though. Can't quite place it.' 

[Interesting... I've never heard of anyone tracking demons by smell, but if you're right, this could be something connected to them, even if they're not physically here.]

'How could demons infiltrate here without being noticed? Isn't there a barrier around the Vampire Realm that detects them instantly?' 

[You should know from the Skywood incident, kid, that the barrier only triggers if a demon at the Soul-Strengthening Realm or higher crosses it. If what you're sensing is correct, then this isn't a direct invasion.] 

'So, something smaller slipped through, or maybe they found another way to influence the realm without physically crossing the barrier…'

'I'm going to check it out. I think I can roughly pinpoint where the smell's coming from.'

Elion continued down the corridor until he spotted a ventilation duct. Fortunately, being still small enough, he could fit inside.

'This feels straight out of a spy movie. Should I start calling myself James Bond?'

[Be serious, kid.]

With a smirk, Elion slipped into the duct and began crawling through the narrow passageway, the foul stench intensifying the further he went. After following the path for a few minutes, he stopped above a room where the reek was overwhelming.

'This must be it.'

"Is everything ready, Jonathan? We can't afford any mistakes. This plan has been in motion for years, and if we screw it up now, we're dead."

"You're too paranoid. What could possibly go wrong? We've already turned over 200 of the city's guards. In one week, everything will be set. We'll link Varzinhein's portal to the Demon Realm, and by the time the royal city realizes the demons have infiltrated, we'll already have control. Everyone in this city will be dead before they even suspect a thing."

"We can't underestimate them," the first voice insisted, clearly anxious. "The vampires aren't easy targets, and if even one of them escapes, the royal city will retaliate."

Jonathan scoffed, his confidence unwavering. "You're too cautious, really. With the guards on our side, we'll seize control in minutes. The vampires may be strong, but they won't expect an internal attack. By the time they react, it'll be too late."

"What about the adventurers?" the nervous one asked. "Varzinhein is crawling with them, especially now with the increased demon activity in the north."

Jonathan said with a smirk. "If anyone tries to fight back, the demons will handle them."

There was a pause before the first voice muttered, "Let's hope your confidence isn't misplaced. If even one thing goes wrong..."

"It won't," Jonathan cut him off. "Now, stop worrying and get everything finalized. In a week's time, Varzinhein will belong to the demons and us."

"Alright, I'm heading out now. I'll meet you at the designated spot."

'Fuck, how do I stumble into a conspiracy the moment I arrive? I can't be this damn unlucky.'

[You practically went looking for it, didn't you, James Bond?] 

Valen quipped with a mocking tone.

'Touché,' Elion sighed internally. 'But this is way bigger than I expected.'

'I can't risk alerting the city's defenses. If I warn them and they're actually working with the demons, things could turn very ugly for me.' 

[You're right. It looks like you'll have to find a way to stop them yourself. Good luck, kid.]

"As useful as ever, old man," Elion replied with a smirk at Valen's response.