Silent Preparations

"Let's get out of here before I get caught." Once the unknown voice faded away, Elion carefully made his way out of the ventilation duct, moving as silently as possible. He managed to slip out just as stealthily as he had entered.

"It seems I'm truly destined to be a spy; maybe I should trade my title of world's savior for that of a royal spy," he mused with a grin. 

[Humility really isn't your strong suit, that's for sure.] 

"Hahaha! This isn't arrogance, Valen; it's confidence!" 

[All right, then. Just go ahead and stop the demons while you're at it. I'm sure you can handle it all by yourself, great hero.] 

"Heh, that's a given, but first things first—I need to eat. I can't think on an empty stomach."

With that, Elion headed to the restaurant hall, the mouthwatering scents of various dishes wafting through the air as he entered. The atmosphere was lively, filled with laughter and chatter. 

He spotted a table by the window, where he could watch the bustling street outside while enjoying his meal. After taking a seat, he perused the menu, eager to refuel before diving back into action. 

When the server approached, Elion ordered a hearty stew and some bread, his stomach growling in anticipation. As he waited, he couldn't help but observe the patrons around him—people from various races mingling in lively conversation. 

Ogres boasted of their strength, elves shared tales of their graceful agility, and dwarves exchanged laughs over their craft. 

The vibrant energy of Varzinhein invigorated him, each interaction weaving a rich tapestry of culture and camaraderie. This diversity only fueled Elion's determination to thwart the impending demon threat, reminding him of the unity that could be forged in the face of adversity.

'Damnt, how could I let the demons succeed and destroy this beautiful city? I can't help but recall Avandor's memory and all the suffering he went through because of the demons' greed.'

[Don't worry, kid. We won't let the same tragedy repeat here. Alastor is stronger than you think, and so are you.]

Elion ate his meal in silence, his mind clouded with sorrowful thoughts of the destruction demons had wrought. The weight of responsibility felt heavier as he imagined Varzinhein, bustling with life and diversity, reduced to ashes.

After finishing his meal, he paid and returned to his room. As soon as he opened the door, he was greeted by an excited puppy, who leaped onto him, licking his face energetically.

"Mama, don't be sad," said Fenrir, his voice still soft and childlike, as he tried to comfort Elion.

[Heh, even the dog can see how down you look.]

Elion, ignoring Valen's teasing, chuckled at Fenrir's concern. "Haha, don't worry about me, little guy. I didn't mean to ruin your mood." He reached into his pouch and pulled out a few beast cores. "Here, have some food."

Fenrir eagerly gobbled up the cores, his tiny body glowing slightly as he absorbed the energy before curling up and falling back into a deep sleep.

'Damnt, this little guy only knows how to eat and sleep,' Elion thought, shaking his head.

[That's his job as a baby.] 

Valen chimed in. 

[And it's your job as mama to feed and take care of him. Hahaha!]

Elion rolled his eyes. "I never signed up for parenthood this early," he muttered, though a small smile tugged at his lips. As he watched Fenrir sleep peacefully, he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of calm, a reminder of the simpler moments amidst the chaos.

As the day quietly slipped into the evening, Elion's mind was racing with plans to thwart the demon invasion of Varzinhein.

'It's about midnight now. Time to go,' he thought, standing from his bed.

[Where are you going, kid?] Valen's voice broke the silence in his mind.

'Where else? To the city hall where the portal is located. We're going to do a... well, let's call it a preemptive strike.'

[What?!] Valen sounded both confused and alarmed.

'If I can't stop the demon invasion before it begins, I'll destroy the portal myself,' Elion said with grim determination. 'Without it, they'll be delayed, and that'll buy the city more time—at least until they repair the portal.'

[You're suggesting a terrorist attack?] Valen sounded incredulous.

'Call it what you will, but it's the only way. The portal is their entry point. If I blow it up, they can't use it.'

Elion grabbed his cloak, checking his gear one last time. The plan was risky—no doubt about that—but doing nothing would be worse. 

'There's also an achievement celebration for Dorian Blackthorn in three days. I'll use that chance to get closer to someone from the Blackthorn family. They're influential, powerful, and trustworthy, if I can convince them of the threat, I'm sure they'll help.'

[Infiltrating a noble's event and a terrorist attack, you are getting bolder.]

'I don't have much of a choice, do I? If I can't trust anyone else, I'll bet on the Blackthorns. They've held the northern borders for decades. If anyone understands the threat of demons, it's them.'

Valen went quiet for a moment before responding. 

[Just be careful. You're walking a thin line between hero and fool.]

'I'll be fine,' Elion replied, though he couldn't ignore the gnawing uncertainty in his gut. Destroying the portal and infiltrating a noble celebration—both felt insane, but in his world, sometimes insanity was the only way forward.

'Let's hope this works,' Elion thought as he disappeared into the night, ready to make his move.

Elion approached the city hall where the portal was housed, his steps light and cautious. He glanced around, ensuring no one was watching, then began weaving his hands in precise, intricate movements. 

Runes—faint, glowing symbols—appeared in the air, a combination of space and lightning magic forming the complex spell.

'This will be the second hardest spell I've ever done,' he thought, a bead of sweat already forming on his brow. The task ahead was monumental, and any mistake could cost him dearly.

He carefully placed the first rune on the outer wall, watching as it shimmered before blending into the structure, invisible to the untrained eye. 

Slowly, he worked his way around the hall, setting up one rune after another, each tied to the others in a delicate, dangerous web.

'I'll set up 64 explosion runes around the hall,' he calculated, moving with a focused intensity. 'If everything goes as planned, I'll use space magic to destabilize the portal and lightning magic to shatter it. 

A single rune by itself might not do much damage, but when they're all triggered together... the cascade effect will amplify the power. It should be enough to obliterate the portal entirely.'

The magic pulsed through his veins as the final rune flickered into place. He stood back, surveying his work, his fingers tingling with residual energy. 

[This is insane, you know that, right?] Valen's voice broke into his thoughts, sounding both amused and concerned.

'Insanity is just another word for doing what has to be done,' Elion replied, his eyes narrowing in determination. 'Now, let's get this over with before I start second-guessing myself.'

He felt the runes hum in unison, a faint tremor in the air. The spell was ready.

In the shadows, a figure watched Elion's every movement with keen interest. Hidden in a dark corner, the shadow observed the boy crafting runes with an air of urgency and determination.

'What in the world is this kid up to now?' the figure thought, narrowing his eyes. 'Should I report this to the king or wait until the monthly report?'

This wasn't the first time the shadow had witnessed Elion's reckless actions. Four years ago, King Roderic had personally assigned him to watch over and protect the boy from the background, but tonight was different. There was something unusually daring in Elion's actions.

'I suppose I'll just keep observing,' the shadow mused. 'In a week, it'll be time for the monthly report. The king's going to be furious about this kid's antics, but it's not worth breaking cover for now.' 

What the shadow didn't realize was how wrong that decision would prove to be in the days to come.

Exhausted from his complex spellwork, Elion returned to his room. His head throbbed from the intense focus it had taken to craft the runes, and all he wanted was to lie down. But there was still one more thing to think about—the Blackthorn celebration.

He collapsed onto his bed, staring at the ceiling. He knew he needed allies, and there was no better place to find them than the Blackthorn family.

[You've had quite the busy night, kid.] 

Valen's voice echoed in his mind, a mixture of humor and concern. 

[But what's this about infiltrating the Blackthorn celebration? Do you really think they'll trust you just because you sneak in?]

Elion smirked, though his body felt drained. 'I don't plan to sneak in. I'll go as a guest. There's going to be an achievement ceremony for Dorian Blackthorn in three days, and I'm pretty sure I can mingle without causing too much of a stir.'

[It's a gathering of the most influential people in the North. What makes you think a kid from nowhere will be a welcome guest?]

'I've got the princess's badge, don't I? That should count for something.'

[Let's hope you're right about that.]

Elion glanced at Fenrir, the small wolf pup curled up on his pillow, fast asleep. The sight softened his thoughts for a moment. A tired smile crept onto his face. 'At least I won't be alone. Let's crash a party.'

[You're going to need something fancier than those travel clothes if you plan on impressing anyone.] 

Valen teased.

Elion chuckled. 'Hahaha, don't worry about that, Valen. I'll figure something out. I'm not just some random kid anymore. I'm the world's savior—or at least a damn good spy.'

Shifting his gaze back to Fenrir, he raised an eyebrow. 'Speaking of which, don't you think Fenrir's grown a bit?'

[Now that you mention it.] 

Valen replied, his tone curious. 

[He does seem bigger. How's this pup growing so fast?]

'Who knew a diet of beast cores would be so effective? Maybe I should start eating them myself.'

[That little guy's origins are likely extraordinary. You should look into it when you've got time.] 

Elion smirked, scratching Fenrir behind the ears before lying back. 'One more mystery to solve… but for now, let's focus on surviving this demon conspiracy.'