
I looked up at Loius and Patricia from below the stairs where I was standing. Tears filled my eyes.

I had forgotten a document at home when I left for work this morning so I came back at noon to get them, only to hear the sweet moans of pleasure of a man and woman emanating from our bedroom.

I didn't bother to go up there to know what they were up to, anybody could tell.

"Why?" was the only thing I asked my boyfriend and friend as they descended the stairs.

They both had no remorse on their faces.

"Oh come on, why the tears? You are never here. Always working and traveling. I needed someone to take care of me and my needs as a man" Louis said

"I was working my ass off for you, for us. You wanted a grand wedding you selfish piece of shit" I yelled at him with so much fury that my body quivered

"Did it have to be my friend, Loius?" I questioned him

"I told you to pay more attention to your man or someone might just snatch him away from you. Oops, I did" Patricia said smiling.

"What did I ever do to you to deserve this?" I asked Patricia

"I suppose there is no wedding then" Patricia smiled at Louis

"I love Patricia and she's the one I want to marry" Louis told me.

"What about me?" I asked him

"It's all history now" Patricia replied on his behalf.

I thought I was in a dream, I wished someone would pinch me so I'd wake up and see that it was not true.

"Baby, can you now give me the ring?" she insisted and Louis walked down to where I was standing. He up held my hands and tried taking out the engagement ring he had given me.

"You're hurting me, Louis. I'll give it to you" I said unto Louis before slowly pulling out the ring from my slender fingers.

"I'll leave the house to you as compensation. I don't want you to go grumbling so that people start saying I'm inconsiderate or heartless" Louis said to me

"Six years, six years of my life with you and this is how you chose to repay me Louis" I cried

"Oh please, enough with the drama" Patricia exclaimed.

I wiped out the tears that were starting to dry on my chicks, I didn't want to cry anymore before the eyes of those who just hurt me terribly. The ring finally came off my finger.

"If you wanted my engagement ring so bad then catch it" I said to Patricia as I tossed the ring in the air.

Patricia practically dived to get the ring as if her life was dependent on it.

"Now I see how desperate you are," I said to her

I pushed past them and went to the room, I packed the things I could into a box and went back downstairs.

"I still have some clothes in the closet, you might want them too" I mocked Patricia

"You…" Patricia wanted to curse at me but Louis stopped her.

"Just let her go, babe" Louis cajoled her

"You said the house is mine, I want you both out of here before tomorrow comes to an end" I commanded

"Hey, don't talk to me that way" Louis yelled at me but I didn't care. He didn't deserve anything from me after treating me the way he did.

"You too deserve each other" I said and with that, I slammed the door in their faces.

I let out a big cry as soon as I left the house. I was in so much pain. My Mom used to say "The greater the love, the greater the hurt" I never really understood those words till now, for I loved Louis immensely.

I rolled my box till I got to my car and drove off.

I drove into my aunt's compound, I wanted to be around people I believed cared for me. Aunt Mimi was my only aunt, my mother's only sister who was just a few years older than I was and we were somehow very close.

"You look terrible what happened to you?" Aunt Mimi asked me when she opened the door and saw the way I looked.

"Louis, he hurt me" I trembled in a fit of sobs

"Come here" My aunt opened her arms for me.

"Here, have a sit. I'll get you some water" Aunt Mimi said before going to the kitchen.

"Take this" She handed me a glass of water,

"We were going to get married. He didn't even end things properly, he should have warned me and of all the girls in the world he chose to sleep with my friend in our house, on our bed" I lamented, Louis hurt me.

"You shouldn't cry for him" my aunt told me

"Am I not attractive enough, please look at me and tell me if there's anything wrong with me?" I pleaded with Aunt Mimi

"Look at me" Aunt Mimi held up my chin forcing me to look her right in the eyes.

"There's nothing wrong with you, Laureen. You are such a great woman and I'm not saying this because you are my niece. Any man will be blessed to have you, it's his loss" she lectured me, then hugged me in the process.

I sobbed again in my aunt's embrace.

"Let it all out, cry it away. After today, you will cry about him no more" she said

"Do you feel better?" Aunt Mimi asked me when I stopped crying and I nodded.

"I know this is not a good time but I'm going to say it anyway" Aunt Mimi alerted me

"What is it anti Mimi?" I asked her with much curiosity in my voice.

"I think you let yourself go. It might not be the reason why Louis is leaving you now for another woman but, I think it's part of the reason" She said

"Aunt Mimi" I exclaimed

"Don't look at me that way. When was the last time you dressed like your age? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? When was the last time to had a spar day? When last did you change your hairstyle, when last did you hang out with friends? You weren't even married to Louis yet but you were already acting like a housewife" Aunti Mimi scolded

"We were saving up for the future, I needed to sacrifice some things. We had a wedding on the way to plan" I tried to justify my actions and my looks.

"It seems you were the only one taking the saving up and plans too seriously" Aunt Mimi responded

"I begged you, Laureen. I begged you not to move it with him then" Aunti Mimi said to me

"Please just stop. I came here for you to comfort me, not to lecture me on all the wrong decisions and choices I've made in life. If you are not going to do that then I might as well leave this minute" I cried even harder this time.

I was completely aware of the things I had done for the sake of love, I didn't want reminders.

"There's no need for that. I'm sorry, you know I love you. You know me, I love to address matters instantly" my aunt said as she hugged me again for like the second or third time since I arrived.

"Come on get up, let's go grab some drinks at that bar we always thought was nice" Aunt Mimi said.

"I'm not in the mood" I replied

"You were never always in the mood, we'll go there regardless" My aunt said with a firm tone

"The alcohol will help you sleep better tonight" Aunt Mimi added.

"Alright" Mia said. I knew there was no way I could escape going out to that bar with my aunt tonight.

I hoped my aunt was right when she said the alcohol would help me sleep better, I wanted to numb all that I was feeling.

Aunt Mimi got a change of clothes but, I insisted on not changing my clothes. With that, we headed to the bar.

"Something really strong" I placed an order at the bartender's desk.

"You must have had a terrible day" the bartender commented on my drink choice.

"Terrible is an understatement" I sighed

"Enjoy your sorrows, I'll head to the dance floor" Aunt Mimi said to me before hurrying away.

"More" I instructed the bartender and he obeyed.

"You all are just the same" I murmured to hearing of the man who recently joined me at the counter.

"Hmm" he hummed and completely ignored me.

His careless reaction made me furious.

"So much pride when you all are so disgusting, I hate your kind" I added.

I already had too much alcohol in my system and it made me tipsy.

"Men are so cheap. You just let any woman in and out of your lives as long as you can sleep with them" I said but the man moved further away from me.

"Don't say that" the bartender said

"It's the truth, I'll prove it to you" I said.

I don't know what came over me but I blamed the newfound courage on the alcohol.

"If you get him to agree to sleep with you then you've proven me right" the bartender said

"Ok, don't bark down now" I said before emptying two more glasses of alcohol for bravery.

I proceeded to where the man was standing.

"Will you sleep with me?" I asked the man.

"Why?" he simply asked me. He wasn't even looking at me when he spoke.

"Because all men will sleep with anything in a skirt" I said

"Ohhh" He said


I looked at the girl who wouldn't stop pestering him. She looked young, about 25 years old if I was allowed to guess her age. People get dumped all the time, why was she so bitter about a breakup?

"Great. Now she wants to sleep with me" I murmured to myself

"Will you?" she asked me. I thought she was bold and I liked her vibe.

"How much?" I asked her instead.

"So what are you, a sex worker?" She asked me

"I won't offer my body for free" I told her

"Please. I already made a bet that men were cheap, I don't have any money now but I could pay you tomorrow. Deal?" she pouted.

I couldn't believe my ears. This young lady was begging me to go to bed with her to win her bet. I found her actions to be cute and somehow my little brother twitched down there begging to be set free.

I could see that she was drunk but it didn't stop me from taking a chance.

"Alright," I said with a wicked smile