Take a bullet


I was greeted by a foreign view when I woke up. I wondered where I was but when I saw the fellow resting next to me, the memories of last night came flooding in.

"What did you do Laureen?" I slapped my forehead as I asked myself the question, I just went to bed with a stranger.

I retrieved my watch from the headboard to check the time. It was past 10 am, and I was late for work. I rushed around the room to gather my things. I dressed up quickly to leave but I glanced at the man again. He was a very handsome man indeed.

My aunt's house was dead silent when I arrived except for the noise that came from the kitchen.

"Hey, who are you and what are you doing here?" I questioned the young man I just saw in the kitchen

"I'm Luca, I came home with Miranda last night" he said in a heartbeat.

"Are you sure?" I asked him with balled fists. I was ready to pounce on him if he was lying.

"Hold your horses, he's here with me" my aunt emerged from the room.

"You never came back for me last night" I said

"You are not a child, you could never get lost" she said without caring.

"Aunt Mimi" I exclaimed

"What?" she asked me

"Excuse me, why is she calling you aunt?" Luca asked my aunt

"Why else?, because I'm her aunt for real" he said

"No offense but you guys might be the same age" Luca said again

"Yeah, it's possible. But she's my mum's sister and that makes her my aunt. Don't worry she's three years older than me" I smiled at Luca

"Wow. This is so cool" he looked happy

I wasn't surprised seeing Luca here, this was how Aunt Mimi lived. There's a guy here today and probably there will be another one tomorrow.

"So where did you spend the night?" she asked me

"So now you care?" I asked her instead

"I just wanted you to have some fun last night, did you think about Louis?" she asked me

"I don't remember" I said honestly

"See, it worked" she grinned.

"I should get dressed, I need to catch up with work" I said and was heading inside to change when Aunt Mimi pulled me by the arm.

"Nope, you are going nowhere" she said

"I called in sick for you, guess what?" she asked me

"Your boss, Lewis Harts said you could take the whole week off and rest" she told me

"No, you didn't. You told him Louis dumped me, didn't you?" I asked her

"He was even going to find out eventually. We both know he likes you" my aunt said

"Exactly why you shouldn't have him. You are getting his hopes up again and then taking advantage of his generosity too" I said

"Oh come on, you are too modest" she said

"Come to think of it, Louis is now out of the picture. Why don't you give Lewis a chance? What's the deal between you and L guys? there's Louis, Lewis and there was even Liam some time ago" my aunt mocked me.

"Welcome to the club amigo" I grinned

"What?" she asked

"You slept with him without knowing his name?" I told her

"Yes" she answered

"I'm Luca" Luca said to Aunt Mimi

"Now I understand you" Aunt Mimi said

"Will you attend the school party tomorrow?" my aunt asked me

"What party?" I asked her

"The school's 60th-anniversary celebration. Does it ring a bell now?" she asked me

"Yeah. I had forgotten about that" I replied

"I'd rather not. Louis, Patricia, and a few batch mates I don't like will be there" I told my aunt

"You can't stop living your life because of those two, they deserve each other. People from all the other batches will be there, you might meet someone new or you can mingle" she winked at me.

"You are correct about that but I won't go. I don't want Patricia to make fun of me, I don't even want to see them" I said

"I will be there and I dare her to make fun of you, I'll give her a taste of me" my aunt said causing me to giggle. Anyone who knew her knew she wasn't bluffing.

"Calm down. I don't want you to go fighting at a party because of me" I laughed

"You know I don't mind doing that for you. You're the only family I have left and you instructed me to take care of you" she preached

"Yes. I know you'd take a bullet for me" I joked

"You got that right" she assured me

Aunt Mimi and I went to the same school, only she was two classes ahead of me. Patricia, Louis and I were all classmates until Louis and I started dating during the last year just before graduation.

Louis and I went to all our batch reunions together as well as other school events. How do I attend this event without him, how do I stand up against the crowd and respond to the annoying questions that everyone wants to ask?

Lewis was from a wealthy family and so he had a big circle of friends. We were from two different worlds but we made it work. I studied hard so I could graduate with good grades and get a good job, I didn't want others to say I was only after his money, his mom said that to me.

"Go get plenty of rest. We'll go shopping tomorrow" my aunt Miranda ordered me

"Yes ma'am. You two should let me rest, tone it down" I warned them

"This is still my house" my aunt told me

"Whatever" I said as I went to my room.

I used to live here some years back, I left when Louis and I saved up for our own place. Now he says he's giving me the house like he was doing a favor, the house was partly mine.


She was gone when I woke up, I didn't even get to know her name. The memories of last night played in my head like a movie. She was drunk but I wasn't. Last night was magic, she surrendered to me completely. No woman ever reacted to my touch the way she did. I guess it's good she wasn't there when I woke up because I wouldn't have controlled myself if I had seen her again this morning.

I called my assistant to bring me a new set of clothes, it didn't take long for him to arrive.

"Sir" Ken said as he handed me some fresh clothes.

"What's on my schedule today?" I asked Ken

"You already missed a meeting" Ken said

"Focus on what's on the schedule" I scolded Ken

"You have another meeting at 1pm Sir. You also have the ex-students party for the 60th anniversary" Ken told me

"Hmmm" I hummed as a reply

"Will you attend it, sir?" Ken asked me

"Did I ever attend?" I asked him instead earning silence as his reply.

"Wait for me in the car" I told him

I took a quick shower at the hotel, changed my clothes then joined Ken in the car. We were headed for the office.

"Sir, I just got a call from the office that Miss Gina is in the reception" Ken told me on our way to the office.

"What does she want?" I asked him

"I don't know Sir but Grandma Elena is with her," Ken told me

My grandmother is at it again. It's either she's planning blind dates for me or forcing some girl onto me. Gina however has stayed longer than the others because we slept together. She was just attractive at the moment and nothing more but she wouldn't let me be since then. Now she has involved Grandma in her plans, she's using her to do her bidding.

She's a model and very ambitious and would do anything to climb the social ladder, but Grandma can't see through her schemes.

"Text Tim to get the chopper ready, I will use the back door through the rooftop to get into my office today" I ordered

"Why Sir?" he asked me

I didn't bother responding, he should know why.

"But Sir, what about your grandma?" he asked me after some time

"She'll be alright. She should have called me before coming, she didn't call me because she was up to no good" I told Kevin

"Ok, Sir. I'll tell Tim then" Ken responded

"Good. No one should know I'll be in the office, I do not want to be disturbed until Grandma leaves with her minion" I told Ken

My grandma Elena didn't leave my office building till it was office closing hours as Ken informed me, I was forced to spend the night at my office. It wasn't the first time I slept at the office but I was unhappy doing it this time.

She called me the next day asking me to come visit her when I could. She said she had something important to discuss with me and I agreed.

"Tell the driver to get ready, I'm visiting my grandma" I told Ken

Ken looked like he wanted to oppose for it was just noon and I still had unfinished work for the day but he knew better.

I liked Ken. He was hard-working and devoted, he knew his boundaries.

A few minutes on the road, a woman caught my attention.