Can I pay in kind?


I sat near her in the car and placed her sprained ankle on my thighs.

"Thank you for saving me tonight" she thanked me. What a polite girl!

"What are you doing?" She asked me as she was ready to withdraw her leg from my thigh.

"Sit still and don't disturb me" I told her and she obeyed.

I wondered why I was so drawn to this woman, why I felt weird because she was hurt.

She looked exceptionally pretty tonight in that backless dress she wore tonight. There was a slit in the front of the dress that exposed some of her thighs. Her make-up was extremely light and simple, her lips appeared so plump and inviting causing me to reminisce about the events that took place between us that night at the hotel. I didn't have enough time to appreciate her beauty when the wild crowd attacked her.

"Ah! It hurts" she yelled in pain but I smacked her forehead

"Why do you let people treat you that way?" I asked her

"What way?" I asked him even though I knew what he was talking about.

"You need to learn to start up for yourself" I scolded

"What's the point?" She asked me

"They'll take you for granted and they'll keep disrespecting you" I lectured her

I wasn't happy that she let people mistreat her. She looked to me like one of those people who didn't care to justify rumors spread about them.

I was quiet when she was been insulted and stepped on because I wanted to know what the commotion was all about. I lost it when she was pushed to the ground, I felt the need to protect her for as long as I lived even though I didn't understand why I felt that way.

"There's no disrespect I'll get from them that will amount to that Louis gave me" she told me

"Louis Huh?" I sneered

"So you cheated on him?" I asked her

"I didn't" she replied

"So what happened?" I added

"I don't want to talk about it " she said

"Alright. But you owe me more now, I've helped you twice" I told her

"Then you shouldn't have helped me" she pouted with arms folded against her chest.

What a feisty young lady!

"I shouldn't have but, you begged me. You've been doing that since I met you" I told her but she didn't respond even though I could see the lines of fury on her forehead.

"What's your name?" I asked her

"Laureen" she simply answered

"I want two names" I told her

"Lauren Hills" she responded

"How old are you?" I asked her

"25" she answered

"Hmm" I nodded

"Do you have my money, the five million dollars?" I asked her

"Is that why you were at the party? Are you stalking me because of that?" she asked me

She got angry easily but that only amused me.

"I'm an ex-student" I told her

"Stop playing games, you were just there to make me miserable" she said

"Yet I saved you" I responded

"How can you be an ex-student? I would have known" she said ignoring the part where I said I saved her.

"What are you now? The school record office? I was the pioneer batch of this school" I told her.

"Wow. That's amazing" she said. Her face had now softened a little, I loved how she switched between emotions quickly.

"It is. So stop thinking I'm stalking you" I told her when in fact I only went to that party to see her.

"What's your address?" I asked her

"How did you find my house the other day?" :

She mocked me. I had forgotten that I had already been to her place.

"You know where we are headed" I told the driver.

Before I knew it, we already pulled into her garage.

"Thanks again for helping me out tonight" she said politely.

"It wasn't for free, Laureen. You owe me so make sure you keep that in mind as you go about your life" I told her before leaving.

"How much now?" she asked me

"10 million dollars" I said and watched how her eyes widened.

"Hmm. That's a lot of cash, can I pay in kind?" she asked surprising me as the little brother between my legs leaped in excitement. The thought of seeing her again in no clothing increased my heartbeats, I already visualized all the things I wanted to make her experience.

"If you want to" I replied

I was a man of supreme self-control, I never let myself appear weak before the opposite gender, I intimidated them and made them do my bidding but this little girl was trying to break my walls.

"I want to" she said

"Be careful what you wish for?" I told her

"This is me being extremely careful" she said

"How?" I asked

"You'll see" she winked at me

"How much is one payment in kind worth?" she asked me

"Two million dollars" I said

"So five payments in kind will send you off my back. Deal" she said with a smile

She was desperate to get rid of me but somehow her smile felt like she was up to no good.

"Good night Mr. Ethan Garcia, thanks for bringing me home" she said before getting into the house.


Mim and Luc weren't at home when I got in so I guessed they were on their way home or probably still at the party.

I had already hatched my plan on how to pay Ethan in kind within seconds. I know what he was thinking when I said I would pay in kind, I saw his countenance change slightly even though he quickly replaced it with his usual cold expression.

He was weird but I could tell that he was a good man. He saved me tonight and I want to thank him properly, he lied to a crowd to protect me.

I went on social media to find him, I wanted to know anything I could find on him.

"Ethan Garcia, a bachelor at 45 years old, CEO of VANA Group of companies" I read out loud. Other than this little piece of info, there was no other information about him.

Louis works at one of the branches of the VANA group of companies which family owned that company. How come Ethan Garcia is the CEO? All his family members answered the family name "Miller", I was confused.

"Is that why Louis called him uncle at the party today?" I said

"Whose uncle?" Mimi asked me, I didn't notice her and Luc come in.

"When did you get here?" I asked her in surprise

"What got you so engrossed?" she asked me

"Ethan Garcia" I responded

"Your Prince Charming" she said

"Stop that Mimi" I said

"Luc, did you see what he did at the party?" she asked Luc

"I saw everything. If I didn't know any better, I would have said he was truly your man and you, his woman" Aunt Mimi said

"Why are you thinking about him? Don't tell me he started to interrupt your thinking already?

"I think he is somehow related to Louis" I said

"Why would you assume that?" Mimi asked me

"Look at his profile" I showed Mimi my phone

"It says here that he is the current Ceo at the VANA group of companies" I said

"From what I know, Louis' grandfather was the CEO until he passed away a few months ago" I said again

"And so? We know the Miller, the guy doesn't carry that surname. It could just be that their grandfather didn't see anyone in the family worthy enough to continue his legacy so he brought in a stranger" Mimi let out

"You might be right" I thought

"Poor Millers" I pitied them

"What did you guys do, tell me everything about it. Did you kiss him saying oh Prince charming thank you for saving me?" she mocked me

"You sound funny" I sneered

"But really, what happened between you too?" I knew she wouldn't leave me alone

"Nothing happened. He massaged my leg, then dropped me off at home. He also reminded me that he didn't help me for free, I now owe him 10 million dollars but I opted to pay in kind" I smiled after delivering my speech

"What? Are you crazy, Laureen Hills?" Mimi asked me

"She is" Luc said

"Relax. I know what I'm doing" I assured them.

"I doubt that" she said

"So what's the plan?" Mimi asked me

"I'll pay him a visit next week" I told them

"You are out of your mind, girl" Luc said

"Did you move in with us?" I asked him

"No. I'm leaving tomorrow" he said

"And I'm going with him" Mimi smiled

"What do you mean?" I asked in surprised

"Don't worry. I'll be with him for just a few days" she said

"When did you decide this?" I asked her

"We talked at the party" she said

"Cool, have fun" I told her.

I guess I'll have the house all to myself.