let go of my woman

I used the rest of the week to rest as Mimi and my boss desired. I made time during the weekend to go back to my old apartment that I shared with Louis to make sure he and Patricia already left, I was glad the house was empty when I got there.

I remembered the day he proposed to me like it was just yesterday. We were on vacation at a beach resort, the lights sparkled even brighter that night, and the flowers never looked better, the decor was all perfect. He went down on one knee like all men do nowadays and he popped the big question.

"There is no other woman I want to spend the rest of my life with except you. You are beautiful inside and out, you complete me and I love you. Will you marry me Laureen Hills?" he asked me. The words were still fresh in my head as I remembered every word.

The people at the beach kept cheering me to say yes. I agreed with tears of joy because I loved him, he was the love of my life and I was ready to be with him forever through thick and thin. We moved in together a few months after he proposed. Mimi wasn't happy but I didn't think it was a problem because we were already engaged and it was right that we started practicing how to be married.

Louis had picked up everything he owned, our pictures together in the picture frames were all broken and the pieces littered the floor. Did he break them or Patricia did? It didn't matter now, we were truly over.

Louis didn't even tell me what I did wrong for him to do that to me, I guess he's just wicked. The house held too many memories but I guess that was all that was left and I am determined to forget them and move on. Reminiscing about my past with Louis will only cause my heart to break.

I could not help but wonder if they lived together now, how long had he been cheating on me in the course of our relationship? His mother would be very pleased if she heard that we broke up.

The new week started smoothly with me doing nothing out of the ordinary.

Work was great this week as usual except for my boss Lewis Harts who keeps looking for any opportunity he gets to profess his love for me and always seeks to give me special treatment, now the female co-workers think I'm sleeping with him.

They hate me, I've heard them gossip behind my back but I do not have the time to confront any of them or deny any of the allegations against me.

"Laureen, can I use you in my office?" my boss, Lewis asked. I could hear the ladies murmuring as I got up to follow him but I didn't care. I guess that's just how I handled things and life in general, there's no need to take life too personally.

"I wasn't expecting you to show up for work this week" Lewis said to me when I got into his office.

"Why? I'm well rested" I told him.

He sighed

"I know you and Louis broke up" he said

"Mimi told you" I simply said

"She didn't say it directly but yeah she did" he said

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked

"It's not your problem" I told him

"Come on Laureen, we are friends" he said

He's right about that. We were friends before he developed feelings for me making things awkward for me.

"I know we are but it's my problem and I can handle it. I'm also to decide who to tell and who not to" I said

"Relax, I'm only trying to care for you" he said

"Thank you but there's no need for that" I said but he stayed quiet

"How are you holding up, are you okay?" He asked me

"This is exactly why I didn't want to tell anyone. What do you want to hear? What do you want to see? You want me to cry, lock myself up in my room, quit my job?" I asked him all at once.

"I don't know, just know some kind of emotion" he said

"Will it bring Louis back? Will it change what happened? I asked him

"That's not the purpose of showing emotions. You need to release and let it all out" Lewis told me

"I already did. You can ask Mimi" I told him

I took it seriously when Mimi told me that night to cry and never do it again after that.

I was currently busy in the kitchen today I had planned on visiting Mr. Ethan today, and I was looking forward to it. I smiled thinking how I lied to my boss to gain a free Saturday.

I told him Mimi and I were visiting a sick friend. Talking about Mimi, she hasn't been home since she left for Luc's last week.

I packed enough food in two lunch boxes for him and his PA, it must be tough working for such a cold boss.

I made natural fruit juice and made some donuts for desserts, it was a whole course. I hope he likes my payment in kind.

I freshened up after using the kitchen, I wore a blue and white flowery sundress. I paired it with a brown pair of sandals since my sling purse was brown too. I wore my lavender-scented perfume and a pair of blue earrings then applied a little powder and lip gloss, I was good to go.

I stood in front of the gigantic office building with a big lunch bag in my hand that had several lunch boxes. VANA was displayed in bold at the top of the building, I took a deep breath before heading inside.

I went to the reception bench when I got in.

"I'm here to see Mr. Ethan" I told the lady at the reception just after she asked how she could help me.

"Do you have an appointment?" she asked me

"No, but I need to see him" I told her

"I'm sorry ma'am. You can only see him when you schedule an appointment" she said

"What's going on here?" someone said from behind me, that voice.

"Sir, she's here to see boss Ethan" she told him

"Laureen, what are you doing here?" he asked me

"It's none of your business. I didn't know you got transferred to the main office building" I said

"I only came to pick up some documents" he said

"Good for you" I replied

"Will you let him know I'm here?" I asked her but she wouldn't move a mussel

"Tell him that his girlfriend is here to see him" I said out loud to Louis' hearing

The receptionist gave me a blank expression.

"Or I could call him and tell him you kept me waiting, how would he react?" I teased her

I saw her shiver and started tapping numbers on the phone in front of her.

Louis suddenly dragged me by the arm.

"What are you doing, Laureen? Are you now sleeping with older men for money just because I broke up with you?" he asked me but I yanked my arm off his grip

"It's not your body and it is not your business. The world doesn't revolve around you" I said and tried walking away when he grabbed me again.

"It's either that or you had been cheating on me while we were dating. You cheated first, so I did the right thing, it was right for me to leave you" he said to me.

I felt so hurt that I had been with him for several years and he didn't even know me or he just wanted to feel less guilty. I wasn't that sort of person he just described and this enraged me.

"Can you listen to yourself? You ended things with me without any explanation, I caught you sleeping with my friend in our apartment and now you are trying to justify your actions. Do you want to pin this on me? No, Louis. You are the cheat, you are the heartless and wicked one, you are selfish, and trust me karma will come for you. You will feel this pain I'm feeling ten times more, you will be miserable for hurting a pure heart like mine that did nothing but love you" I told him

"You think you are so righteous, take back what you just said just now" he ordered me but I didn't

"I won't" I told him

"I don't ever want to see you around me, God knows I don't know what I might do to you. Now let go of my arm this instant" I told Louis but he was hesitant until Ethan's voice made him leave me.

"Let go of my woman" Ethan's voice echoed in the building.