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New member of the harem

After thinking through everything I had and my options, I faced the cold woman before me. I knew I needed to offer something of equal or greater value than what she was about to lose. I obviously didn't have the money, so I needed, in some way, to convince her to invest in me, taking the risk in hopes of future gains.

I took a deep breath and stared at her firmly; I couldn't hesitate at that moment. Then, I began speaking:

"Seraphina, could you hear me out? It might sound a bit crazy, but I can bring down the current power structure in this city."

"You?" She looked at me with disdain, perhaps thinking I had gone mad. "Can I know how you plan to do that? No offense, but you don't seem in a position to bring anyone down."

"Of course, I can't do anything right now. I have no power, and I need to ask for help to be protected and continue with my life. But in the future, I'll change that."