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Save her from despair

Helena's pov

I was nervous, for several reasons. Trying to calm down, I kept walking back and forth to my own room.

I checked once more to make sure the house was clean, glanced at the clock, and took a deep breath. My guest was supposed to arrive at any moment, and I was on edge.

"I'm heading out," my idiot brother announced, apparently going somewhere. I was surprised he even had friends to go out with.

That said, it was convenient for me that he was leaving. It would be strange to welcome one of his friends while he was home. No, perhaps having a man over while no one else was home would be even stranger.

I blushed slightly. Indeed, the chances of someone misunderstanding my invitation were high. Well, maybe I even wanted it to be misunderstood... Agh! Forget it!

Timidly, I brought a hand to my face, already burning with embarrassment.

I drank a glass of water to regain my composure.