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Beware the devil

The reason I left Helena's house in such a hurry was because of a message from Lucia.

She not only seemed to know what had happened with Zack, at least in part, but also about Helena's situation.

In her message, she claimed she could help with both. Then, she asked me to meet her as soon as possible. There was no way I could refuse. I really needed to figure out how she knew about all of that.

And more importantly, I wasn't in a position to turn down offers of help.

Still, with an inquisitive tone, I asked:

"Have you been spying on me? How do you know all this?"

Lucia responded with a graceful smile.



"Well, I'm a merchant. I also received the warning not to hire you," she said nonchalantly. "The rest, I just pieced together."

Her expression betrayed not even the slightest hint of uncertainty. It was impossible to tell if she was lying or telling the truth. That demon was utterly indecipherable.