The travel to reach the star took a few days. After that quite long period, the crew arrived near a star. It was still distant, but it was growing in plain sight as they were approaching. A still tiny ball of red shining light, all wrapped up in a cloud of gas.
"That's where we're going." said Pebbles. "That star. See?"
"Oh…" said Milky in wonder. "But… I still don't understand what is a star."
"Ah, don't worry. Now you'll have the opportunity to see it from close enough."
"What star is it?" asked Gropius.
"Well, it's not a particularly well known star for humans. But we like to use it because it has an interesting planetary system around it. And it's on our way. Located close to the center of the galaxy. This star is part of what humans call NGC 6522, which is one of the oldest globular clusters in the Milky Way. It is believed to be about thirteen billion years old. Almost as old as the universe itself."
"Wow… Unbelievable…"