Chapter 10

Finally, the long-awaited day arrived. It was Monday and Aaron was getting ready to start his new job.

He woke up early, went for his morning jog, had breakfast, and at seven o'clock, he headed into town with his father, heading to the company.

Aaron was a man of integrity, but he did not behave like those rich hypocrites who felt guilty about their wealth. He knew who he was and made the best of it. Even though his father's illicit activities bothered him a little, he knew that his father was a fair man who did not kill for pleasure.

Therefore, Aaron did not pretend to be someone else at the office. He did not hide his connection to his father by taking a different car. He knew that sooner or later, people would discover the truth.

However, what Aaron hated most was being too noticed and stared at because of his unique and striking appearance. Though handsome and charming, he had always attracted attention, which made him uncomfortable. That's why he had covered his face the first time he arrived in Russia, at the airport.

In the car, his father mentioned that the person in charge of training him was Sergey Yuriev Elinsky. He was a brilliant man who held the position of financial director in the organization and company but was going to be transferred to Moscow to make room for Aaron. Sergey was also one of his father's top lieutenants.

The company Aaron was going to start working for was an investment fund management company. It dealt with placing the money of wealthy clients in lucrative and diversified investments, in order to maximize profits and minimize risks.

Aaron was tasked with overseeing all financial aspects of the company. He had to manage accounts, budgets, financial reports, as well as transactions and investments. His role was crucial to ensure that the company was running efficiently and profitably.

After only two weeks of training with his mentor, Sergey Yuriev Elinsky, Aaron had already mastered everything. He understood the ins and outs of the financial industry, investment strategies, rules and regulations in place. He was able to make informed decisions and accurately predict market trends.

Aaron's work was extremely important for the company as he was responsible for ensuring financial stability and growth. His expertise and skills were essential to maintain client trust and ensure the company's sustainability. He had to juggle with large sums of money and make crucial decisions that could have a major impact on the company's finances.

As a future Chief Financial Officer, Aaron had a key role within the company and his skills were indispensable to ensure its long-term success. His work was demanding and stressful, but he was passionate about his job and determined to excel in his field.

"I have nothing more to teach you."

These words marked the end of his training phase, and Aaron was finally able to take on the role of Chief Financial Officer. He began the next day.

As Chief Financial Officer, Aaron had a team of colleagues under his responsibility. Among them were accountants, financial analysts, controllers, and other financial professionals. Aaron worked closely with his team to ensure the financial health of the company and make strategic decisions to ensure its growth.

He regularly organized team meetings to discuss the company's financial performance, budget forecasts, and ongoing projects. He encouraged open communication and collaboration among team members, ensuring that everyone felt valued and heard.

Aaron was an inspiring leader for his team, motivating them to give their best and constantly seek ways to improve the company's financial processes. He recognized outstanding performances of his colleagues and rewarded them accordingly.

Despite being the CEO's son, Aaron treated his team fairly and respectfully, seeking to create a positive and stimulating work environment for all. His human and caring approach made him a highly appreciated Chief Financial Officer by his colleagues and subordinates.