Chapter 11

Working in such a large company was not easy for Aaron. He had always dreamed of working at the hospital in his free time, but he hardly had any free time at all. He then understood why his father was so tolerant and understanding about it all.

"The old fox," he thought to himself surprisingly calmly.

After discussing it with his father, the fox, Aaron had to partially give up his dream of becoming a doctor to focus on his work, but he could still practice medicine as promised, within the organization, to the organization members, as per his father's wishes.

While it could have been difficult to accept, Aaron realized that he also enjoyed his work within the company. Being overwhelmed with work, embarking on a full-time medical career would have been a risky decision. As a doctor, he also needed to take care of his own health and be sensible.

The weeks flew by at a lightning speed, and before they knew it, Myra's engagement was already here. She was radiant in her dress crafted by Kira, simple yet elegant. Kira had refused to design Alexeï's outfit, so they had to find another tailor for him.

For some reason, while Myra was eager to get engaged, Alexeï was nervous. He wanted everything to be perfect, feeling unworthy of her in front of Aaron and Kira. He hid this side of himself from his father, a tough man who valued masculinity in all circumstances.

"You don't deserve her. It's true," Kira blurted out.

"Easy Kira, that doesn't help," her brother intervened.

"I'm just telling the truth... But, brother-in-law, you love Myra more than anything. More than your own life. I could see it. No one deserves her as much as you, Alexeï, but... I still maintain that you don't fully deserve her."

Kira's strange words strangely reassured Alexeï, who promised to make Myra happy in return.

"It's just an engagement, it's not the wedding yet. She's not going to run away with you tomorrow," Kira reminded in a light tone. "The wedding can still be called off," she joked as she left the room.

"You've changed Alexeï. You've become mature, responsible, and... loving. We all know you love Myra. But love alone is not enough in a relationship. You must not only love her, but also respect her, understand her, and above all, not suffocate her. Don't see her as an object you can manipulate at will. Don't try to control her life. Correct her when she makes mistakes, but without blaming her. Arguments are normal in a relationship, but... never hurt her, either physically or emotionally. Don't give her any reason to leave you, because she has a family that loves her and watches over her. We entrust you with her happiness and life today, but if she comes back, we won't give her back to you. She won't come back to you if you lose her." Aaron confided in him. Threatening him in a way.

The tension was palpable. The air was heavy, and the two men had become serious.

"But as Kira pointed out, there are still three weeks left. The wedding could still be called off," Aaron added before leaving the room chuckling.

"Sir, everything is ready. We are waiting for you downstairs."

Alexeï was summoned to the magnificent garden with vibrant colors where the ceremony was to take place. His mother accompanied him.

The groom, dressed in a perfectly tailored suit made of luxurious dark fabric, looked stunning. His fitted jacket highlighted his athletic silhouette, while the tailored pants elongated his stature. The impeccably clean white shirt contrasted with the dark suit, bringing a touch of brightness to his ensemble. His matching silk tie added a touch of modernity and sophistication to his outfit. His shiny leather shoes completed his refined and elegant look, highlighting his slender figure and natural charisma.

A minute after he joined the guests in the garden alongside his mother, Myra appeared next to her brother Aaron. It had been agreed that her brother would accompany her for the engagement, and their father would fulfill this role at the wedding. Myra was simply breathtaking, captivating everyone's attention, including Alexeï.

Dressed in a sumptuous golden dress, she exuded elegance. The shimmering material caught the light, adding a touch of luxury to her appearance. Her plunging neckline accentuated her slender figure, while her flowing skirt gracefully hugged her curves. The delicate details and refined embroideries added a dose of femininity and sophistication to her outfit. Despite her parents' wealth, the dress remained understated and subtle, a testament to the young woman's good taste and class...and Kira's.

Seeing her arrive in the garden, Alexeï was burning with desire to approach her, but he was held back by his mother. As strangers (traditionally, their tradition dictated that before their engagement, the future betrothed were still considered strangers), they had to wait for their parents' approval to speak to each other. Until the official announcement was made, they had to be content with gazing at each other from afar.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I wish to address a few words to you on this very special day for me. Today, I celebrate the engagement of my beloved daughter, Myra, as she embarks on a new chapter of her life with the man she loves, Alexeï.

It brings me immense joy to see Myra radiating happiness and love on this important day. As a father, I feel both gratitude and a hint of nostalgia as I watch her move away to start her own family. But I am confident that she is in good hands with Alexeï, a loving and caring man who will make her happy.

Myra, my dear daughter, I love you infinitely and I wish you all the happiness in the world for this new adventure. May your engagement be the beginning of a life filled with companionship, happiness, and love.

To you, Myra and Alexeï, I wish you all the happiness and love you deserve. May your love continue to shine and grow every day. I love you deeply and I will always be there for you, to support and encourage you.

May this day be an unforgettable celebration for both of you, and may your love endure for eternity. I love you, my dear children, and I am proud to accompany you on this wonderful journey." Ivan Smirnov surprised himself with his emotionally charged words. After a brief moment of silence, he solemnly concluded, "As a father, I, Ivan Yuriev Smirnov (his full name), accept Alexeï Mikhalkov Dostoïevski (also his full name) as the fiancé of my daughter, Myra Yuriev Smirnov, from today onwards. You are now promised to each other, and I wish you to get to know each other well."