Mai (new name Fei) - Our protagonist.
Ai (real name Miki) - Mai's best friend and love interest.
Firgin - Human boy companion.
Mlei - Human girl companion.
3 orcs.
The orcs are carrying wooden clubs. There are 3 of them. Luckily I'm a veteran of a thousand wars. I have already formed a plan.
"Ai, here is what we are going to do. Just pick up stones the size of half of your fist. Probably pick 6 of them and put them in your pockets. When they move close, just shout to get their attention. I'll whack them from behind and if that fails, run to the opposite side. I'll catch up to you later."
Ai nodded. Those who try, favors the bold. I guess we will find out.
Fwit! Ai whistled.
The orcs got startled and look around. The put down the captured humans tied to the logs.
They found a girl standing behind a bush. Waving at them.
The orcs started talking to each other while carefully walked towards the girl.
Two of them moved forward, while one of them stopped and looks around, acting as a vanguard.
Uh oh. These orcs are smarter than they look. Too bad for them I'm smarter.
I threw a stone at wood branch at the right side of the vanguard. The thrown branch made a rustling sound and the vanguard orc looked.
Tok! The stone that I threw hit the orc square in the side of his head. He staggers then I lauched a jumping attack aimed at his temple.
The orc fell down like face first on ground.
"Raaaah!" Two of the orcs charge at me while I run away from them. I was a varsity runner in school, no way they can catch up to me. I throw stones at their faces while they run after me. I gave the sign to Ai to free the two captured humans from their bindings.
The orcs, realizing what's happening stopped and ran back toward their captives but it was too late the captives were free. Good thing that these orcs do not know how to tie proper knots and they're using vines for ropes.
The two captives thanked Ai for releasing them in an unknown language. The teenage kid took out branch in the floor, said an incantation, which covered the branch in a yellow aura. The teenage girl beside him said a spell while holding her two hands forward releasing a strong blast of air towards the approaching orcs.
The approaching orcs got pushed back and staggered backwards and fell on their backs. Finding an opportunity, I both hit them in their faces, knocking both of them out."
"Mai! You did it!" Ai cheered running towards me. The two persons beside her sighed in relief as they start binding the fallen orcs hands in their backs with the vines.
I look at the knots and I guess you could say, they look secure enough.
They speak in a foreign language but I guess they're trying to say something important, probably thanking us. They point to each other and introduce themselves as Firgin and Mirgin.. Firgin is the boy and Mlei is the girl. I introduce myself as Fei, as I realized that I am really a boy now and there is no use using a girls name anymore.
Ai also introduced herself with a bow.
The 2 teenage kids also did a bow. It seems bowing is a universal form of greeting.
Each of us holds a club in our hands taken from the orcs. They tied them together in a line then the girl cast a spell that woke up the orcs immediately.
The orcs then realized their situation and cried.
Ai and I looked at each other, pitying the beasts. Well, these orcs deserve this fate, I mean, they were going to probably eat these children.
It's the middle of the afternoon. The boy named Firgin is leading us somewhere as we stumble into what looks like a medium sized circular boat with deflated thick balloons on the sides, the bottom and at the top of it. It has two small wooden houses within the egg shaped boat and probably the size of a bus. The kids beckon the orcs to get inside one of the small houses as they tied the orcs more securely with real rope and tied them to the mini house within the boat. We then entered the other house within the boat and sat on the chairs as our two companions as the companion tied us to what I can say are seat belts. They then both inserted their forefingers in two holes. The girl then cast an incantation which caused the balloons to fill up with air. She then cranked a valve and then removed her finger from the hole. The ship now looks like 2 donuts stacked with each other with an stretched elongated egg in the middle of them. The boy then points his two forefingers to two metal rods and cast a spell. The donut looking ship then starts to float after a while and when we look at the window, we are probably ten to twenty meters high in the air. The girl then puts her hands in two fitting tubes and cast a spell again propelling the ship forward. When I look at the back of the ship, there are two propellers being blown by strong air. There are two more tubes at the sides of the panel in front of the girl, I guess it's for moving the ship left and right. The teenage boy then holds the girls back and then cast spell again. It might be magic transfer spell or reinvigorating spell from my observation.
The ship doesn't move fast, probably the same speed if a balloon is blown by air but it moves quite stably and steadily. After a while the boy points his fingers to the two rods again, and the ship flew higher.
We then see a city with I assume are like several towers within and a castle. The girl then moves her hands to the tubes to adjust the movement of the ship, as we park atop of one of the towers. Some soldiers tied ropes to the sides of the ship to make it secure.
They then greet the two children with a greeting of some sorts crossing their arms to their chest like an x. The children did the same.
The orcs are then taken by the guards walking in a set of stairs going down.
The tower looks like it's 20 meters high with several floors. The tower looks like a fort of some sorts made of stone, a tall impressive thing when your looking from above looking down. We are at the top of it and I looked at the sky and see that there are 2 suns in it. It's true then, we are not in Kansas or Tokyo anymore, I mean Earth.
The teenage kids say something to us and lead us inside the tower. They opened a massive door and we look inside the fort. It's like a palace really, with marbled walls, glass decors and ornaments, chandeliers big tables, the works.
"Wow Mai, I can't believe we are such in a place! Reminds me of the castles in Europe that I saw in the history channel."
"Yeah, it sure looks pretty."
We then sat down in comfortable wooden chairs while the boy gestures us to wait. The guards stay at our side unmoving. They look like the knights in the movies, but without helmets.
Suddenly, maids appeared carrying different kinds of food and putting them in the table. The teenage kids then gestures us to sit down and eat.
"After sitting down, I noticed that all they have are sporks. They don't have forks. I eat what I think is chicken, fish and potato. There are also some weird looking fruits that I tasted. Peach that taste like strawberry and apple that taste like peach. Weird. They have this red cherry tasting juice which we enjoyed a lot.
After eating I then gestures the teenage kids if they have a pen and paper. The kids smiled went away and brought back what I assume is pointed hard charcoal and some kind of thick hard paper. I drew what looks like a classroom with children and teachers and gave it to the kid named Firgin. Firgin scratched his head. Mlei also took a look at it and cried in happiness. I think she understood what I mean.
I gestured eating movements, then I say eat. Mlei replies with another word for it. We then speak with each other while I do a gesture and she speaks the word for it.
Ai then lies down in a wooden bench while the guard beckons a servant to come. The servant then cast a spell the blew air at the back of her head. Ai then stood up and hugged the maid, thanking her.
The maid was frozen and looked shocked. Everyone in the huge room stopped and looked at Ai dumbfounded. Even Firgin's mouth is opened wide and Mlei covering her mouth in disbelief.
What did Ai do this time? I pulled Ai from the shocked maid as the maid ran away in a hurry.
"What?" I asked Mlei.
"Mlei then took the paper and drew two persons kissing each other."
Oh boy.
Marriage. Mlei proposed marriage to the maid.
(To be continued)