Chapter 3: Language Learning


Mai (new name Fei) - Our protagonist.

Ai (real name Miki) - Mai's best friend and love interest.

Firgin - Human boy companion.

Mlei - Human girl companion.


Back in the tower...

I smacked my face, forgetting that Ai is an airhead. Doing things without thinking. I gestured towards the two kids that it was just a misunderstanding.

I got my pen and paper and drew a scene were a guy jumps to a hole then dying, then drew the same scene where the man instead brought a rope ladder, took a torch then proceeded to go down the hole cautiously.

Mlei's face lit up and said a word. I point to Ai and said the same word towards her.

The people in the room started laughing, even the reserved boy Firgin is laughing too.

Ai looks furious and smacks me in the head, moving away due to embarrassment stamping her feet.

Maybe I misunderstood the word?


Over the next few months Ai and I trained with some kids with the language of this world. I've always been good with learning so learning their language is no problem for me. After6 months, I'm practically a local of the place, speaking effortlessly. Ai learns the language as well but not as proficient as I am.

I've learned that the word that I said to Mai with the misunderstanding with the maid before is the word for idiot. So I basically called her an idiot. I explained that the right word that I was trying to convey was the word mistake. 

Unfortunately, the word has spread fast and now whenever she goes outside, she is called, the idiotic beauty by children and people would often laugh when this happens. Poor ai, bullied by kids. I tell the kids that it's just a misunderstanding and for them to not call people that because it is rude. Sadly, as children, they won't usually listen to reason. Thus, Mai puts a mask when going to the city square outside the tower. 

I have finally accepted that I am now a teenage boy. Maybe now Ai would be able to accept my true feelings towards her. I'll slowly try to make her fall in love with me. Hopefully it works

I learned the history of this world, that the people here are not native of this place. They actually came from the planet they call Freion, thousands of years ago. They have lost most of their advance technology and they long to go back to their home planet, trying to know what happened to it.

I explained to Firgin and Mlei that Ai and I are actually not from this place either and that from the planet that I came from, people can actually travel to the stars. I told them that from the planet that we came from, we can actually travel to the stars. 

Firgin and Mlei could not believe this, they asked me if we could build something that flies. 

I just got a piece of paper, made a paper airplane and threw it in the air and i flew. Firgin picked the paper plane and smiled. He is convinced about our story. Mlei is still not convinced.

Mlei and Firgin are actually students of science in this world, tasked for exploring the ruins of this planet, continuing their family's traditional jobs as ruin explorers. They are actually engaged and would be wed after 5 years as part of an arranged marriage set by each of their parents who were colleagues. This is to ensure that their families would focus on their effort as ruin explorers and not stray from their destined paths.

Firgin and Mlei warned us not to disclose this information to anyone else, as if this secret is known, this might cause wars from each country because those who finds a way to travel to outer space would be declared the leaders of this planet and would have absolute control of everyone. If this knowledge falls to the wrong hands, they would use this power to abuse others for their own profit.

Firgin tells us that this planet is actually on the brink of destruction, as according to the legends passed down from their ancestors, this planets moon is moving closer and closer and would one day collide with this planet. They don't know how long they still have, but everyone's main focus is getting out of this planet as soon as possible and finding a new planet. Due to this information, technology and innovation is highly prized. Wars are often fought over ruins and ancient technology. It seems that in this planet, people are still the same, greedy, selfish and lacks unity.

Hearing this, Ai and I became sad, knowing that this planet is headed for destruction. Firgin and Mlei became sad too as during lunch they ate slowly and weakly. 

I got an idea on how to cheer them up.

I explained to them the ideas of rockets, outer space, oxygen and gravity. They have an idea of gravity but dosn't know how it works. After talking to them about these things, they seem to be in a happier mood and would like to speak with us in one of the unused classrooms again tomorrow to discuss these wonderful things that they have learned.

We ate dinner and went to our rooms to discuss what we have learned.

"So, what do you think of this planet Ai?" I asked.

"I think it's fine. It's somewhat the same as Earth, dirty politics, wars, people gatekeeping technology and being selfish." Ai replied.

"Have you heard what Firgin said? Those who can create the technology to get to outerspace will have absolute control of the planet. What do you think? Do you think we can handle controlling a planet?"

"I don't know. When you play games, you become number one, form allies and subjugate enemies that any mmorpg that you play, you basically turn into monopoly and people would start call you, the "Plague" as you make games peaceful and boring. None can stand against you." Ai replied.

"Hmm, true. In my mind, I only want peace everywhere, even in a fictional world because reality is harsh. We had 4 presidents in the span of 10 years, 2 were good but were ambushed and killed. What's the point of trying to change the world when to try to so would get you killed and the world is ruled by evil men?" I explained.

"You have a point there. Let's discuss of this tomorrow together with Firgin and Mlei. I wonder what they think of these matters." Ai said cheerfully.

I ate some biscuits and drank some kind of tea.. "Excellent idea. Perhaps we could also ask them if we can go with them in ruin exploring? We can also teach them the idea of space ships that we have created and the movies that we watched especially Star Feud and Star Travel." 

We later on go to our separate beds thinking deeply of the future. 

Rule a planet? Crazy.

(To be continued)