Algae, Level 7 Abilities

Chapter 9


Before long, the Complexity Dominion was zoomed out of and replaced by an entirely new world. This time, instead of just peanut-shaped cells, there were also those that looked like circles and pears stuck together at the hip.

If one didn't know any better, then it might actually have seemed like they were mating with one another!

"Well, in a way, aren't they doing just that? I mean…"

While his thoughts got a little carried away, Astaroth decided to open up his system interface.



{[Infinite Energy System]}

[Host: Astaroth]

[Evolution Stage: Algae] - [1,238,000/10,000,000,000,000,000 Energy (Quantum)]

[Evolution Area: Multiplical Precipice]

[Energy Level: 6] - [15,000/10,000,000,000,000,000 Energy (Quantum)]

[Energy Storage: 150,000,000/1,000,000,000,000 (Quantum)] (Rapidly restoring)

{[Current Energy Abilities:]}

[Level 0: (Minor Spatial Movement), (Minor Energy Absorption)]

[Level 1: (Minor Spatial Displacement), (Minor Energy Flow)]

[Level 2: (Omni-Directional Movement), (Greater Energy Flow)]

[Level 3: (Magnetic Levitation), (Multi-Target Energy Absorption), (Super Energy Flow)]

[Level 4: (Fully directional Levitation), (Mega Energy Flow), (Full-Body Absorption)]

[Level 5: (Oxygen Traverse), (Giga Energy Flow), (Rapid Split Body Absorption), (Mass Control)]

[Level 6: (Nuclear Hovering), (Nucleus Empowerment), (Centari Split Body Absorption), (Extreme Mass Control)]

[Level 7: (Basic Aquatic Movement), (H2O Influx), (Millennial Split Body Absorption), (Algae Wiring)]


"An Algae, huh? It seems like I'll finally evolve into an animal with my next evolution. And the amount I need to have another Energy Flow… It's definitely going to be a large step forward…"

Leaving his thoughts and looking at the scenery, Astaroth couldn't help but compare it all to a kaleidoscope of colors. With countless shades swirling and blending in a dynamic display, it made for a sight that any number of humans could only ever hope to see in person.

"Ai, for my last evolution area before reaching what will most definitely be a body of water, this place is a hell of a send-off party…"

Seeing algae and protozoa dance around in what could assuredly be termed a water molecule, Astaroth activated |Basic Aquatic Movement| and then latched onto an algae cell.

Using |Millennial Body Split Absorption|, he speedily sucked on the Algae Cell from a thousand different sections!

As helpless as could be, the Algae slowly shriveled up until nothing remained. Originally the same size as the impossibility, it was now a part of him—one could say that its death was a worthy one.

Feeling the energy course throughout his slime body, Astaroth digested it all and watched the system notifications bombard him.

[Ding! You have absorbed 100,000,000 Quantum Energy from one thousand different parts of a Small Algae Cell!]

[Ding! You have absorbed 105,000,000 Quantum Energy from one thousand different parts of a Small Algae Cell!]

[Ding! You have absorbed 97,000,000 Quantum Energy from one thousand different parts of a Small Algae Cell!]

[Ding! You have…]

Finishing up the digestion of the Algae Cell and acquiring a good 10 billion Quantum Energy, Astaroth then used |Aquatic Movement| and squiggled toward the next Algae Cell.

{[Info on new Abilities]}

[Level 7 Abilities:]

[Basic Aquatic Movement (Active)] - (Used to traverse the insides of a water molecule, otherwise known as the 'Multiplical Precipice')

[H2O Influx (Active)] - (Energy is used to propel oneself through the water like an extremely basic underwater propellor.)

[Millennial Split Body Absorption (Active)] - (One thousand slimy appendages can be shot out, and all are able to absorb at the same pace as the primary body part.)

[Algae Wiring (Active)] - (Condenses one's algae body to a thin and compacted wire-like substance. This wire can be used as an attack or support type ability. Can both attack and kill the opposing organism or slow down the retreat of an organism.)
