Being weak means to reduce in strength,to de-escalate or reduce the level or intensity or size or scope of something. It means lacking physical strength or vitality, impaired by diminution. It is also considered a flaw or weak point.
Weak can be described in the following terms:
a. Lacking energy.
b. Lacking power.
c. Easily persuaded.
d. Bad in quality.
e. Not strongly built / formed.
f. Likely to fail.
g. Likely to be lost.
h. Lacking strength
Weak means to be less strong and less healthy. Other synonym to explain this word are:
a. Less powerful.
b. Less strong.
c. Less healthy.
d. Less important.
e. Less determined.
f. Less certained.
Strength is the physical energy or intensity, an asset of special worth or utility, extremely strong or concentrated or durable.
Strength can also be identified in the following ways:
a. Having power or energy.
b. Ability to achieve something.
c. Power of particular type.
d. Something somebody does very well
e. Amount of influence.
f. Size of group needed to achieve something.
g. Amount of something in something or somebody.
Simultaneously, strength is the ability to be strong. Other synonyms of strength:
a. Powerful.
b. Strong.
c. Healthy.
d. Effective.
e. Support.
f. Increase in value.
g. Successful in something.