A contradicting or opposite meaning or expression is called 'an oxymoron'. For example, a bitter sweet experience (an experience that is both pleasant and unpleasant).
So, a weak strength is a type of strength that is weak and has the quality of weakness i.e less powerful and less strong.
A weak strength would not have a full ability to be strong or effective. It has a low and average strength. It might not be capable of achieving goals and getting good results because of its diminishing power.
A weak strength has a low support and successfulness in doing things. It has a strength but is likely to fail.
A weak strength has a low courage or boldness resulting to low self esteem. It is likely to confuse and lost one. A strength that lacks strength but doesn't have the full or required strength, it is weak and unreliable. It has challenges, barriers, hindrances and obstacles that makes its strength weak, if not careful, the viles of its weak strength can overcome such strength.