Dreadful poison

In the silent night, a figure was moving rapidly without any sign of stopping. Wherever the figure passed, the vegetation nearby bent over as if they had been blown over by a massive gust of wind.

No ordinary creature or human could move at such a speed. It was a wonder how this figure could achieve this.

The figure covering its face with a black hood kept moving forward, passing by many trees, and only after a while did it stop.

Looking around, the figure stopped at a patch of grass, which was covered with a dark red liquid. On closer inspection, the liquid seemed to have a hint purple. The figure quickly identified the liquid as blood, but the appearance of this blood puzzled it, and with it's experience, it guessed that it seemed to be mixed with some poisoned.

It was unknown how the figure could see all this in the dark. Any normal human would not be able to see all this in this dark night. In fact, they probably would not even notice the blood on the patch of grass.

Stretching out a hand, the figure touched the blood and put the stained finger closer to its nose. After taking a sniff, the figure seemed to now be sure that the blood contained some poison.

Looking at its hands, it suddenly felt strange, as if something was crawling inside its finger. In that moment, the figure's eyes seemed to glow. In it's vision, it saw through the finger as if it was transparent, but it could only see the different components in colours. Looking at it closer, it saw a purplish colour that seemed to be spreading at an extremely terrifying speed. In no time at all, it had already covered this finger.

Seeing this, the figure became alert. It immediately mobilized the energy inside it's body to attack this foreign entity, but after the energy made contact with that purplish hue the result the figure expected to see did not happen, and instead this purplish hue seemed as if it had gained life.

Looking at the shades, it seemed to clash with this energy. The figure thought that soon this purplish hue would be overwhelmed but, in a moment, it discovered an abnormality in its body. The energy he had mobilized seemed to have been diminished, but this was not the main point. Instead, the purplish hue seemed to be getting thicker and spreading to the rest of the fingers.

This was not what the figure had expected. It had at least expected a battle of attrition. Sure, it would lose a bit of the energy, but in return, the purplish hue would also be reduced, and sooner or later, the purplish hue would be completely vanquished, but this was not what was happened.

It seemed as if the purplish hue was using the energy as fuel and multiply. The figure immediately took a few steps back from the patch of grass, then sat down cross-legged, and , on the other hand, took out a wooden box and opened it. Inside, it were some round balls of some sort, which seemed to be crudely made. The figure did not waste time and took one of them and put it inside its mouth.

The figure's eyes were still glowing as it sensed and paid close attention to its body. The round ball went down the throat and proceeded further as if propelled by some force. It passed the stomach and went further down and stopped at a spot where it was engulfed by the same energy that was fighting the purplish hue. When the two met, the round ball seemed to change shape and dissolve, turning into a liquid form.

The energy then propelled this liquid to spread all the way to the abnormal finger, where it made contact with the purplish hue, which had already spread to three fingers.

In that moment, the figure's brows furrowed. The outcome it expected did not happen, and instead, the liquid had also become fuel for this purplish hue.

Looking at this, the figure grabbed three more balls from the wooden box and threw them in its mouth. However, the result was the same as before, and now all the fingers on the hand seemed to be covered in this purplish hue.

The figure remained still for a moment, seemingly out of options, with one finger tapping its knees as if deciding against something. Still monitoring the purplish hue, the figure suddenly felt a burning sensation on from the poisoned fingers, and looking at the purplish hue which seemed to want to spread past the wrist, it no longer hesitated and pulled out an axe from its back slashing straight at the wrist.

With a muffled grunt, blood splattered everywhere, and the axe's blade edge, which was also covered in blood, was laid down on the ground. The figure clenched its teeth as if trying to bear the pain.

Without looking at the fallen wrist, the figure immediately took one more round ball from the box and threw it in its mouth. The same process of dissolving it repeated, and it was then directed to the bleeding wrist by the energy.

In no time, the blood stopped pouring out, and the liquid started to clot the entire area where the axe had cut.

A short while later, the figure took a breath of relief, feeling that the previous situation was simply too dangerous.

With a sense of regret, it looked back at the grass stained with the poisoned blood. Ever since it gained extraordinary abilities, it had become over-confident. It's vigilant and cautious nature as a hunter had been dulled because of this. If only it had been a bit cautious, it would not have needed to cut its own wrist.

However, there was no medicine for regret in this world, so it could only turn its head down, looking at the wrist that fell off.

Right before cutting its own wrist, it had felt an intense burning sensation as if someone had ignited a flame in its blood. Looking at the wrist now, it seemed to understand.

After the poisoned wrist fell on the ground, it had started to decompose. Looking at it this way, it seemed that in a short while, the hand would soon melt and waste away.

The figure's heart began to palpitate with a sense of fear. It felt glad it had acted as decisively as it did. Otherwise, the appearance of this wrist would have been its fate if the poison had been allowed to spread even more.