[A/N: You have no idea how good of a mood I am in....I love Monster Hunter....
For that, have this chapter...]
(Baelon's POV)
"You really are serious about this." Father told me
"I am." I said seriously, "I am going to see this through. Whatever that filth says or does, it won't matter. He is going to die. Whether it be by my blade or by anyone else....he's going to fucking die."
We were in his chambers, he was sitting down and drinking his tea.
"That...anger...." Father said, "Can you wield it properly?"
I looked at him, "He's not dead yet, is he?" I said, "If I could not control it, he would have been ashes by now, I just said this."
He sighed, "I suppose that is true."
"He tried to kill me.....on my wedding, on the day that my wife was the happiest." I walked up to him, "Father, you saw her, didn't you? You saw her smile, the way she looked at me....her eyes, so full of hope and joy. Growing up with her, it was rare to see her eyes glimmer that much."
"They only did so when she was with you." He said
"And he tried to take that away...." I said seriously, "He ruined that....he fucking ruined it...I will never forgive him for what he did...Never....."
I turned around and began to pace around the room, trying to control myself. I clenched my fists and just looked around the room, calming myself down.
"What of Rhaenyra?" Father asked
I stopped, "What about her?"
"Do you forgive her?" He asked me
I looked at him, "Forgive her?"
"She didn't know that Trevor manipulated her...." Father said, "She is a victim....as much as you were. Everything was done out of ambition, getting her. Do you think she will trust any man after this?"
"It does not matter if I forgive her or not. What matters is that justice is served." I said
"Baelon." He said, "The two of you need to speak about thi-"
"No." I cut him off, "Enough has been said to her. You are the King. You will do with Rhaenyra as you see fit. I will have no say in that."
"She is your sister." He stood up, "I hate seeing the two of you like this. You are blood, you must not be divided like this. The two of you came out from the same womb, there is a bond there that you are discarding. She loves you so much, that you don't even know it. It pains her even more that her own brother does not want to look at her in the eye. Please, Baelon, do this for me."
I turned around and began to walk away,
"I don't care."
"There is nothing to worry about, love." I squeezed Helaena's hand, "Once we get through this, the two of us will go back to Dragonstone...."
I leaned closer to her and kissed her on the cheek.
"Hm...." She said softly, "I...do not want to leave yet."
"I see." I said
We were in her chambers, sitting in the couch. I wanted to come and be with her until the trial started, until my people have rooted out the rest of the traitors. She was a bit anxious, I could tell. Even if I was safe and out of harm, the idea of someone actively wanting to get to me might scare her more than I expected.
"I want to stay here…." Helaena said softly, "With our Family…..until I feel that I am comfortable."
"Of course." I kissed her on the forehead, "Of course, love. We will do just that. Everything is going to be okay. After all this is over, we will talk about what we will do, alright? Yes?"
She looked at me and gave me a smile, "Yes…." She said as she patted my cheek, "I cannot imagine a world without you, Baelon. I would not want to live if you die…"
"Don't say that." I said with a frown, "You will make me sad, Helaena."
"It is the truth." She said softly, "I only want you."
"But such talk is depressing." I told her, "I will not die. It is fine, everything will be fine. Justice will be served, the gods will see to it."
"I will pray to them to keep you safe." She whispered to me, "I don't want to lose you."
"I will be fine." I kissed her on the cheek, "I give you my word."
"Okay…." She said softly
[Later That Night]
"It's going to happen on the Morrow." Daemon said, "You best get some sleep."
I shook my head, "I cannot sleep."
We were outside the keep, in the training yard. I had decided to take a walk and ran into Uncle who apparently did the same thing.
"He's going to die." Daemon said, "The only reason we are doing this is to see who reacts in any way that will tell us they are his allies. It is best to root them out and eliminate them."
I nodded, "Right."
I heard faint footsteps alongside the tapping of a cane.
I turned around to see Larys Strong limping towards us.
"My Princes…" he have us a nod, "I am glad to have found you here at this hour."
"Larys." Daemon said, "What do you have for us?"
"My Brother is indeed here." He said, "There is a problem, however. There is a good chance that some Goldcloaks will turn on us on the moment the Trial happens."
"That is impossible. Those men are loyal to the Crown." Daemon said
"How can you be so sure?" I asked Larys
"I have some Goldcloaks that report to me." He said, "My Brother used to be one, was second in command and got along pretty well with them. He is quite popular, even now."
"How many?" I asked him
"Around 20 or so." Larys said, "Not much but enough to create confusion among the City Watch."
"Well…" I said, "That is something…."
"What do we do?" Daemon asked me
I looked down, "Harwin Strong, huh?" I said, "I do wonder what has been his deal….."
"If I recall, my Brother seemed to be quite infatuated with your elder sister." Larys told me, "But I suppose the princess fell for Lord Trevor instead."
"I see….it all comes down to a Targaryen Princess…" I said while shaking my head, "Of course it does…."
"We need to know what to do…" Larys said, "Who knows what else they have in store."
I looked at him, "Let them try." I said seriously, "What are twenty measly men to me?"
"To The Black Dread?"