The Traitor, Trevor of Claw Isle

[A/N: I suppose 25 Chapters is an appropriate gap...unless I am capable of committing to the 30. Wilds will not allow that to happen at the moment. So much to much much awesomeness...

There is so much to do and I am barely 40 hours in lmao....]

(Third Person POV)

Inside the Throne Room, many Lords and Ladies were gathered to witness the trial of Trevor Celtigar. It was not long before Lord Bartimos Celtigar, Trevor's father, had arrived and pleaded to the Lord-Hand to show mercy to his house. Otto Hightower dismissed the Lord and told him that the King would decide his fate on that fateful day. 

Right now, Lord Bartimos stood before the King, who sat on the Iron Throne. Baelon and Daemon stood to Viserys's left, merely looking at Bartimos without saying any words. 

"Y-Your Grace...." Bartimos said as he got to his knees, "I implore you.....I had no idea that this happened.....Please spare my Family....If you wish to take the life of someone for Trevor's crimes, take mine...." 

Viserys leaned back and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, "Lord Bartimos, you come before the Crown...." He started, "And state that you are not involved in your son's this the case?" 

"Y-Yes, Your Grace...." Bartimos said, "I....I had no idea....why would I allow this? Why? For Trevor to do such a is unforgivable....!! House Celtigar was honored and humbled to take Princess Rhaenyra into our home! I treated her like my own daughter...! I loved my grandsons as much as you did, Your Grace..!!" 

"Viserys and Maelor..." Viserys said, "They died...and you mourned them...." 

"That, I did." Lord Bartimos said, "I mourned them, I was devastated.....and I was glad to know that Aemma was safe and healthy, it filled my heart with relief." 

"Aemma Celtigar...." Viserys said as he looked to the side 

On the right side of the hall, Queen Alicent stood with her children. Aemma, Rhaenyra's daughter, stood next to Aemond. She had her hands in front of her and looked down with a bit of a frown. She occasionally glanced at her mother, who was standing a few feet away, next to Ser Harrold and Ser Criston. 

"Yes...." Bartimos said, "My granddaughter...." 

"Well, that is the thing, Lord Bartimos." Viserys said, "I have done some thinking....while it is true that your son committed a heinous crime....and it is only fair that your House pays a price....and you will...." 

Bartimos gulped, "Y-Your Grace...mercy..." 

"Oh, but it is mercy." Viserys said seriously, "Considering that you did not come with any hostile intent, I find it appropriate to find a merciful punishment. You are to denounce Trevor Celtigar, cut ties with your son completely. Not only that but from this day on, Aemma Celtigar is no longer. She is to be referred to as Aemma Targaryen. She is no longer your Granddaughter, she is only mine. Do you understand, Lord Bartimos?" 

Lord Bartimos nodded, "Y-Yes...." 

"Go on." Viserys said

"I, Lord Bartimos of House Celtigar...." Bartimos said, "Hereby denounce Trevor and Aemma Celtigar....from this day on....they are no longer members of House Celtigar...." 

"This was something that my Heir thought of." Viserys said, "Which is quite unlike him, if you ask me. He would have burned everything your House stood for but he showed restraint. I would appreciate that if I were you." 

Bartimos looked at Baelon who had his hand resting on Blackfyre's handle, "T-Thank you, My Prince." 

Baelon said nothing, merely stared at Bartimos. 

The Lord of House Celtigar than slowly stood up and bowed, "Your Grace, I am eternally grateful." He said

"We will now bring forth the traitor!!" Viserys said suddenly

The doors opened and guards walked in, dragging Trevor alongside with them. He was bound in chains, his face full of some bruises. This was caused by some beatings during the night of his arrest, he had shown resistance and the guards had to beat him for a while. 

Bartimos stepped aside as they brought him forth. 

Trevor glanced at Aemma who looked at this with wide eyes, a bit shocked to see her Father in this state, "A-Aem-" 

"Quiet." The guard pushed him forth

Aemma looked away as she covered his mouth, a bit of tears in her eyes. 

Aemond grabbed her hand, "It is okay." He said

Trevor then looked at Rhaenyra, who was staring directly at him, a look of pain and despair in her eyes. Trevor's emotionless eyes pierced right at her, trying to get a reaction out of her. He did not say anything but no words were needed to come out of his mouth. Rhaenyra knew that at that moment, Trevor did not regret anything. 

The Princess looked away and gulped, trying to hold back the tears. 

Viserys leaned forward, "Trevor...." He said, "I would call you Trevor Celtigar but you are no longer are simply Trevor of Claw Isle now." 

Trevor licked his lips, "Your Grace." He nodded, "Yes, it appears that I am no longer a titles and family name stripped from me...." 

"You are here before your King and the Lords of the Realm...." Viserys gestured at the hall, "To answer for your crimes. You see, I am a merciful King, I am willing to hear out the reasonings of a traitor before I sentence them to death." 

Trevor looked at Baelon, who was giving him a serious look, "Hm...." He said, "Well...what crimes am I being accused of? As far as I could tell, I was ambushed by the Pr-" 

"Do not pretend to not know what you are here for." Otto cut him off, "You confessed to the Heir that you manipulated your way to marrying the Princess all for the sake of ambition and confessed that it was indeed you that conspired with Willam Blackwood and Harwin Strong to poison Prince Baelon Targaryen in his wedding day. Not only that, you had tried to directly kill the Prince that night he lured you out." 

Trevor nodded, "Right...." 

Viserys looked at Trevor, "Well?" He said, "What is it going to be?" 

"No matter how I look at it, the power of the King is absolute...." Trevor said, "Anything I say will not matter because you have made up your mind. I am to be sentenced to Death.....right?" 

"You are a were meant to die the moment you confessed your crimes." Viserys said, "To have Baelon killed means waging war on the Crown. And all this.....ambition....this drive for all stems from one thing and one thing only; Balerion. Everyone in the Realm wants a piece of what Balerion is but the harsh reality is that they will not! Balerion, The Black Dread is Prince Baelon's dragon!" 

"You think it is because of Balerion that I wanted Baelon gone?" Trevor asked with a smirk, "Oh no.....that is not the case." 

"Then why was it?" Visery said, "Humor us." 

Trevor pointed at Baelon, "Your Son..." He said, "Your son fucked my wife." 

There was a loud gasp among the crowd behind Trevor, the lords of the court immediately began to murmur amongst themselves, processing what was just said. 

"Pardon me?" Viserys said with a raised eyebrow

"That is right, you heard me correctly." Trevor said as he turned around to face the lords, "Prince Baelon and Princess Rhaenyra had an affair!! She was unfaithful to me.....and shared the bed of her younger Brother, the Heir, the rider of Balerion...." 

"That is why I did this."