The Champions III

(Baelon's POV)

"Who else would fight with us?" Daemon asked me, "I hear Aemond is joining in. Are you sure about that?" 

"I sparred with him, he's decent." I said as I leaned on the railing on the balcony where we stood, "I hope that he will be alright." 

"The two of us are enough to provide a good challenge to them." He told me, "Adding Aemond and Laenor will only complicate things. Should they die, it will start more problems than resolve them." 

"I have a feeling that they will both be fine." I told him, "That leaves three to join us. Father has forbade the Kingsguard from taking part, which was a questionable decision." 

"Agreed." He said, "But with the risk of something happening in the hours we have left, it is best if they're focused on their duties. Although, it would be nice if Ser Harold and Cole are involved." 

"Well, Father is the King and his word is law." I said as I sighed, "There's not much we can do about it." 

"True." He said, "Do not be sour about it. He only wishes for you to leave a legacy behind should you die." 

"I will not die." I said firmly

"I know you won't." He chuckled, "But precautions must be taken. It is about time that you had a child with Helaena." 

"I am going to try and convince her. Hopefully, she won't hate me." I said

"She won't." He told me as he patted my shoulder, "So, who do you think we should ask to take part on our side?" 

"Who knows....." I said

"I have an offer." I heard a voice say 

I turned to see Otto walking up to us, his hands behind his back. 

"Ser Otto." Daemon said, "What brings you here?" 

Otto stopped and looked at me, "My Prince, I apologize if you are upset about the order His Grace gave you." He said, "You must understand, it is for the sake of the Realm." 

"I know." I said, "I'll see to it that it is done. But enough of that, what is it that you need, Otto?" 

"My son has requested to take part." Otto told me, "Ser Gwayne Hightower...." 

Daemon blew raspberries, "The Queen will not be happy." He said, "Her two sons and now her brother....." 

"Ser Gwayne is a loyal knight of House Hightower and by extent, House Targaryen." Otto told me, "He is Princess Helaena and Prince Aemond's uncle by blood and he feels that Trevor has insulted our House as well by attempting what he did at the wedding." 

"I did not know he was here." I said as I looked at him

"He is." He said

"Well, if that is what he wishes to do." I said, "I do not mind." 

"Are you certain?" Daemon asked

"He is a capable fighter." I told him, "There is no reason to deny him." 

"Thank you, My Prince." Otto said, "I wish to speak my mind before anything else....should you allow me to." 

I nodded, "Sure." 

"You may not be my blood, but I cannot help but feel responsible for you. You are my Granddaughter's Husband, after all." He told me, "I watched you grow from a free-spirited boy to a strong-minded man. If it were my personal feelings.....I would not have anyone else be with Helaena, whom I care for deeply." 

"Hm...." I said as I looked at him, "Yea.....well, in a way, I did look up at you as a Grandsire....even if I never showed it." 

He nodded with respect, "I will go and tell Gwayne the news." He said, "He would feel honored to be allowed to take part in this." 

He turned around and walked away. 

"Well..." Daemon said, "That leaves two, I suppose." 

"Yes." I said, "Who should we recruit?" 

"Time is of the essence." 


I sat next to Helaena, "There's five of us now." I said as I leaned back, "We need two. Lord Beesbury's grandson, Alan, has volunteered....and Lady Royce, whose cousin was in the Capital, has offered one of her Knights..." 

"It is good to know they are loyal to our House." She said softly

"Yea." I said as I looked at her, "I am sorry, Helaena. I know this is reckless of me....." 

She didn't say anything, merely looked at the small tapestry in her hand, running her finger across the embroidery. I looked at it and recognized that it was one of the first tapestries she had ever sewn for me when we were much younger. It was that of our House's sigil with four small towers surrounding them and three small falcons at the top. 

I remembered what she had meant by this; we were Targaryens with Hightower and Arryn blood respectively. She was a Hightower while I was Arryn....or had Arryn blood through my birth mother. While we were kin, I never really interacted with House Arryn. I do recall Lady Jeyne visiting one time back when I was younger and I met her; she was kind and sweet to me. But that was all,. 

Helaena had made that tapestry to symbolize both our blood and where we came from. At that time, I did not understand why she would do that in a single tapestry but now I know; she had always wanted us to be together. 

I placed my hand on her lap, "You know I love you....." I said, "I would never hurt you." 

She looked at me, "You will not die." She said softly, "I have seen it. You will stand above four dead dragons and will cleave the Crab in half." 

I blinked, "H-Huh?" 

She looked back at the tapestry, "And will become cold." She said softly, "After a while, we will be together....on our peace...." 

"I...I see...." I said

It must be one of her prophecies.....I have not heard one of them in such a long time that it took me by surprise. I did not want to think about what she meant by any of that but one thing is for sure; Trevor was the Crab and I was going to kill him. 

That is all that matters to me. 

"I love you, Baelon." She said softly, "Know that whatever you are about to tell me, I understand. And I will not hate you for it." 

I sighed, "Then....." I said, "No...forget it....I will not....." 

She looked at me, "What is it?" 

I looked at her, "I will defy our Father." I told her, "It is not like it is the first time in doing so." 

She gave me a slight smile, "It is who you are." 

I patted her cheek, "I want you...." I said softly, "May I have you?" 

She nodded, "I am your wife....I am yours....." She said, 

"You can always have me."