(Baelon's POV)
I lay in bed as Helaena was nuzzled against my cheek, hugging me, "Tomorrow, the Gods will test my strength." I told her softly, "I wish for you to support me....to believe in me..."
It was after we had gotten intimate, feeling her warmth on my body was a welcomed feeling. I loved every single second of it, being with this woman....my wife, my everything. I could not bear the thought of leaving her alone in this world and the fact that I was going to undertake a Trial By Seven, risking losing my life for the sake of what I believed was right....
It was terrifying....truth be told....but being with her made me be at ease. I did not deserve her, I truly did not. But fate would have it that we stayed together till the end of time. I loved her, with every ounce of my being.
"I will." She said softly, "Worry not."
I leaned in and kissed her on the head, "Know that I only do this for you and for the rest of the family." I told her, "Okay?"
"Yes....of course." She said softly, "However...well, I will no longer speak on it...."
"Hm..." I said
"Baelon...." She said, "Should we do.....have children....what would be their names?"
"I do not know....." I said, "I already told you, whatever you desire...."
"But what do you desire, Baelon?" She asked me, "I also want to please you, to make sure you are happy....."
"Hm....." I said with a chuckle, "I got a name in mind for a son, but let us not spend too much time thinking of it...."
"Oh?" she said, "The way that chuckle sounded, you must really like that name.....mayhaps....because of that, I would be willing to bear you a child...."
"One step at a time." I told her, "I want to get this over with. Afterwards, we'll focus on the future and what it has in store for us."
"Very well..." She said as she ran her hand across my chest, "I enjoy you, Baelon.....you make me feel alive....make me feel like I am normal.....every time I am one with you....."
"Do not speak like you are not normal." I told her, "You are special, however...well...that was a contradictory statement....You are my Wife, Helaena. That is all...I will make you happy no matter what. But here is a question...."
"What is it?" She asked
"Do you truly enjoy living here? Rather than Dragonstone?" I asked her
"Dragonstone is quiet....and peaceful.." Helaena said, "I do like it....but I am already used to being here....King's Landing....I know you enjoy Dragonstone more.....and I really don't mind where I am....so long as I am with you."
"You are right." I said, "I do prefer Dragonstone...more than here.....it's quiet.....alone...nobody will bother us.....Let us try to enjoy it as much as we can before we become King and Queen. Because once that happens, we are stuck here...."
"As long as I am with my family, I does not matter." She told me, "Say.....when you become King, what would you do first?"
"Hm?" I asked
"Just curious." She said, "What would be your first order as King?"
"I don't know." I said, "It really depends...but.....upon thinking it further....I suppose...."
"What is it?" She asked
"I would like to keep our Dragons to our House." I said truthfully, "To prevent what that traitor attempted....."
"What do you mean?" She asked me
"If a daughter is born form a Targaryen, she is allowed to claim a dragon." I told her, "But if she does not marry within the Family and is married off to another House, her children will not be allowed to claim dragons...I am aware that House Velaryon are Valyrian House and so is House Celtigar...but it is too risky and I would rather keep anything of the sort from happening..."
"That would cause some dire problems..." She said, "The daughters....and their children would hold a grudge."
"To avoid a potential conflict between dragons, it should not matter." I said, "A King must bear the burden. Father intends to please everyone and while that is a good approach, to a certain extent, it is not what should be done. A King must be firm, sometimes. Merciful, but Firm. He has set a good example....by allowing this Trial. He is giving a traitor a chance to allow the gods to judge him. If he can do that to a Traitor who committed a grave crime, that shows that he is merciful. However, allowing me to execute him should he fail to gather warriors, it shows that he can be Firm and ruthless....."
"You...." She said, "I believe you would be a good king."
"I hope so." I said, "But I do not think much of it. I wish our Father a long life, I truly do. I want him to watch our children grow up...when we have them...."
"I saw a dream, Baelon....." She said suddenly
"What kind of dream?" I asked
"A Dragonknight rides both crimson and bronze wings...." She said softly, "I do not understand it.....but....."
I kissed her forehead, "Don't think much of it." I said, "Let us just....relax...."
I heard a knock on the door after I said this, "Baelon." Uncle's voice was heard, "It is urgent, come with me."
I sat up, "Curses...." I whispered under my breath, "I'm going. Get Ser Criston to guard the door!"
"Ser Criston and Ser Steffon are on their way." Daemon said, "Hurry and get dressed, we have something to deal with. It is urgent, hurry!"
"Alright alright." I said as I got off bed, "I am sorry, Helaena."
"It is okay..." She said, "Be safe..."
I leaned in and kissed her on the lips briefly, "I love you."
"What in the hells is this?" I asked Daemon as we got into a small square behind some buildings in the city, "Daemon...."
Before us, there were several bodies laying on the ground. They belonged to members of the City Watch, they were bloodied and presumably dead. Surrounding them, there were other Goldcloaks that were covered in blood and panting hard, signifying that they had just finished a battle.
"Our Strong friend has tried to make a move." Daemon said, "Fortunately, most of the Goldcloaks are loyal to me and I had them cleanse the City Watch of these rats."
I looked at them, they were all giving me approving nods, "Well done...." I said as I walked over to the nearest corpse, "Where is he?"
"Well...." the nearest Goldcloak said
"I am here." a voice said
I turned around and I heard the Goldcloaks draw their swords. From an alley, I saw a man walk out of the shadows, followed by several men that were wearing leather armor and holding weapons. The man had dark hair and dark eyes with a black beard.
It was Harwin Strong.
"Look at who decided to show his face." Daemon drew his sword, "Harwin Breakbones.....you got some fucking balls...."
Harwin spat on the ground, "I take it Trevor named me one of his fellow champions for the Trial By Seven, didn't he?" He said, "You cannot harm me....."
"Oh, is that so?" Daemon said
"Uncle." I said before looking at Harwin, "So....after all this time, you show yourself. Tell me, Harwin, why?"
"Why what?" He asked
"Why are you with Trevor?" I asked, "You caused your father to exile himself to the Wall.....I heard he died in an expedition Beyond it...it could all be avoided if you did not betray the Crown."
Harwin looked at me for a few seconds before sniffing his nose and cracking his neck, "The other five champions have been decided and gathered." He said, "It does not matter who these warriors are and where they reside, does it?"
"Why do you ask?" Daemon asked
"Did you gather all of your champions, Princes?" He asked,
"Because come tomorrow, we are going to slaughter you."