(Third Person POV)
"Your Grace." A young Knight walked up to King Viserys, "I wish to participate in the Trial."
Viserys and Otto were standing outside the courtyard where the Trial would take place when the young black-haired Knight approached them.
Viserys frowned, "And who might you be?"
The Knight bowed slightly, "I am Garlin Flowers."
Otto raised his eyebrow, "Flowers?" He said, "You are a Knight?"
"Yes, Lord-Hand, i was knighted by Lord Tyrell after the incident near Highgarden," he said, "After hearing of what happened two years ago, I was motivated to come to the Capital and should justice be served, I would aid in serving it."
Viserys nodded slowly, examining the Knight's attire. He was wearing casual clothes that were in good condition and had a longsword sheathed in a strap to his side,
"I see…" Viserys said, "Can you hold your own in a fight?"
"Yes sir, I participated in some Tourneys and even fought against bandits." He said, "I am more than willing to fight against traitors as well."
Otto nodded, "Very well." He said, "It should go without saying that a Trial by Seven is not something that guarantees a man's safety. You could die in battle."
"That is a risk that I am willing to take." Garlin said
"Well, I suppose we can take you." Viserys said with a smile, "Good fortune to you, Young Ser."
The King patted the Knight in the shoulder as the young man bowed slightly and began to walk away.
The King and his Hand then watched as the Young Knight disappeared into the small crowd of people that were gathered in the courtyard. In just a few short hours, Trevor would be brought before them and will announce his Champions.
"Only one warrior left to complete the Seven," Otto told Viserys, "Who do you think will be willing to partake?"
"I do not know." Viserys said, "This is not something to take lightly, though. Many show their love to Baelon but are not ready to show some great risk. I figured one of Lady Royce's cousins were going to step forth."
"I hear she's in the Capital, I will send for her." Otto said
"Where is Baelon?" Viserys asked, l figured he'd be here."
"When I called for him, he refused." Otto said, "He's spending time with Heleana."
"The two have become inseparable." Viserys said with a chuckle
"If you don't mind my asking, Your Grace," Otto said, "What would be done about the Princess Rhaenyra?"
"What do you mean?" Viserys asked
"She is Trevor's wife." Otto said, "The Realm will expect something."
"Nothing will be done." Viserys said with a frown, "My daughter has been through enough. I will not punish her any further….The Gods took her sons away, I will not drive a blade deeper into her heart."
"Very well…." Otto said with a nod
Viserys sighed, "All of this….." He said,"The Gods are merely testing us. The Traitor is right…..should Baelon come out victorious…he truly is favored by them….He is Fated to become something greater than life…"
"We can only assume that they are right." Otto said, "Baelon was once a frail child….and he grew to be a strong young man…."
"That is right." Viserys said as he looked up, "I just hope that the gods do not plan on taking him from us on this day."
"Something tells me that it will not be the case." Otto said, "We should have faith in him. Do you truly think he would die on us so easily?"
"I suppose you are right." Viserys said,
"He would not do that to us."
Baelon Targaryen walked into the courtyard and saw that the preparations were nearly complete. There was a small arena that was being built; a wooden barrier forming a large circle that had enough space for a melee.
He was wearing his black outfit and had Blackfyre strapped to his side, his hair combed neatly as his mere presence was more than imposing.
Baelon looked around, seeing that there were many people already gathered; lords that had quickly converged on the Red Keep when hearing of this monumental event.
"Hm." Baelon said as he looked to his side and saw that Ser Gwayne Hightower was leaning on the barrier, "Everything seems ready…."
The Heir then walked over to Gwayne as the Queen's brother noticed him and gave him a nod.
"My Prince." He said
"I take it my Mother is not happy with your decision." Baelon said with a slight smirk
"She is not." Gwayne told him, "But what can I do? I do this for the honor and dignity of our Houses, for the Crown."
Baelon nodded, "Good man." He said as he crossed his arms, "I suppose it will start in another hour or two."
"Are you not nervous?" Gwayne asked him, "This is a fight that might end your life, My Prince."
"Overthinking it will not help much should the odds be stacked against me." Baelon said seriously, "And I do not feel like the odds are against me.....I am more than confident."
"One would call you a fool for thinking like that." Gwayne said
"Let them call me whatever they want." Baelon said, "I did not accept this Trial if I did not consider myself good enough for it. Four, Five, Seven, or even Ten men.....it matters not to me. I will stand tall by the end of it, victorious. I am Baelon Targaryen, not many men know what that means.....Today they will learn."
Gwayne stared at him for a couple of seconds, a glint in his eyes, "I understand it now." He said simply as he smiled slightly
Baelon frowned, "Understand what?"
"The reason why my sister adores you, why Daeron and Aemond admire you so much...." Gwayne said, "Why even my own Father respects you. Hells, why Daemon of all people doesn't mind being ordered around by you. I understand it now."
"And what might that be?" He asked
"I cannot explain it in cohesive words." Gwayne said, "You have a fire that represents House Targaryen inside you....one that lights the way forth....as long as you are confident in yourself, everything that you face will be naught but small obstacles....My Sister, the Queen, always speaks highly of you whenever you are not around, despite how much you stress her out. And I can see why. You are.....well, you can say that you are much like the beacon of the Hightower...in your own way.....a Fire that lights the way for the Realm...."
Baelon smirked slightly, "What's this?" I said, "You sound like your father. Saying that despite not being blood, I could be a Hightower....don't make me laugh, Ser Gwayne....I am a Dragon, that is all....but....you are not wrong. It is dragons that lead the Realm....and I may be the mightiest of them all."
Gwayne was about to say something when he noticed some movement at the entrance of the courtyard. Baelon saw this and turned around to see a group of armed individuals entering the scene.
"What the....." The Prince said as some of the guards posted placed their hands on their blades, "What now?"
Baelon then saw that one of the men, taller than the rest, stepped forth and placed his hand on the handle of a sword strapped next to him. The Heir saw that this man had dirty white hair that was tied to a ponytail and what looked like faded-purple eyes.
"My name is Eryn!!!" The Man bellowed as he drew his sword, causing the guards to do the same and get in a defensive stance, "I am one of the Champions that will fight on behalf of Trevor Celtigar!!!"
Gwayne looked at Baelon, "Oh, so he's one of them?" He asked
Baelon raised his eyebrow and took a step forth, "Oh?" He said as he placed his hand on Blackfyre's handle, "Celtigar? I apologize, whoever you are, but Trevor is no longer a Celtigar...."
The Man frowned and looked at Baelon, "Is that so?" He said, "You must be the Prince."
"That I am." Baelon said as he tilted his head, "The Trial starts in around two hours, you are too early. And back to our topic....Trevor of Claw Isle is no Celtigar, not anymore.....He, just like you....."
"Is just a White-Haired Cunt."