Trial By Seven VI

(Third Person POV)

Aemond parried a swing from Harwin, "Quite chaotic, this entire thing has been…." He said as he stepped back and deflected another swing, "Don't you think, Uncle?"

Daemon had lunged at Trevor and theust his blade at him, "Does it matter?!" He exclaimed, "As long as this traitor cunt is dead, I don't care!!"

"Ha!" Trevor said as he blocked a swing, "I am not surprised that you feel that way, my prince!"

"Don't call me that." Daemon pivoted to the right and swung his blade as Trevor dodged and countered with his own, "A fucker like you does not deserve to call me that."

"Then what do I call you?" Trevor said

Daemon parried his blade and went for a riposte but Trevor pivoted and dodged. He swung his blade at the Rogue Prince but Daemon had stepped back to avoid it.

As this happened, Aemond was fending off Harwin, blocking and parrying his attacks with skill. Breakbones was somewhat surprised thay Prince Aemond Targaryen was capable of doing something.

"You are not half bad." Harwin said

Aemond scoffed as he rushed him, "Shockingly, neither are you." He said as he unleashed a flurry of slashes, "But you were a respected and formidable Knight….."

Harwin parried all of them but the speed at which Aemond repositioned himself took him by surprise as the One-Eyed Prince thrust his blade, aiming for the stomach.

"I was once…." Harwin said as he avoided by stepping to the side

"Once." Aemond stepped forward and swung the blade upwards in an attempt to slash him, "But now? A dead man walking."

Harwin avoided the attack and countered with a swing, which was blocked by Aemond and forced back due to the strength of Breakbones.

"Long before you sucked on your mother's tit, I was earning my name…" Harwin said with a scowl, "Do you think you have what it takes to beat me?"

"I suppose we'll find out." Aemond said as he straightened up, "If my brother can easily defeat you, then I am confident that I can as well."

"Don't be so sure." Harwin said

Aemond dodged a swing that came quite quickly, swinging his own in response. Harwin parried it, but Aemond pivoted and tried rushing him again. Breakbones blocked the swing and pushed him back, swinging horizontally at Aemond, which he avoided by stepping back.

Harwin then took three steps to the side before charging at him with a fast downwards swing with both hands to which Aemond jumped to the side to avoid.

"Hm." Aemond said as he tried countering but was too slow

Harwin was already on a defensive stance when Aemond rushed him and he managed to parry the swing. As Aemond stepped to the side, Harwin swung his sword hard and nearly hit the Prince, cutting through the air.

Aemond then thrust his blade at Harwin's eye, trying to finish it in one blow but despite his size, Harwin was quite fast.

Breakbones then shoulder-tackled Aemond in a quick and swift motion that surprised the Prince. The blow was hard enough to take him off his feet a few inches and caused him to stumble a few steps before falling.

"Down you go." Harwin said

Aemond was scowling and gasping for air, as the blow had hit him in the chest, "C-Curses….!"

Harwin rushed him and tried to stab him but the One-Eyed Prince rolled out of the way and immediately stood up.

As Aemond straightened up, he noticed another sword swinging at him and he ducked just in time.

"A-aemond!" Queen Alicent exclaimed from the stands as she watched with nervousness

Aemond stepped away to see that the attacker was one of the bastards; Lynn. He saw that Yohn Royce had rushed over to aid.

"Forgive me, Prince Aemond!" Yohn said as he swung his sword at Lynn

The Bastard parried his blade by holding it behind him as the steel clashed and in a quick instance, he spun and swung it back at the Royce Knight. 

Yohn parried it again and tried for a shoulder tackle but Lynn sidestepped and tripped the Knight. As Yohn stumbled, Lynn tried to capitalize by thrusting his sword at the Knight's head but his arm was held back by someone holding it. 

"What do you think you are doing?" Aemond said as he held Lynn's arm with one hand, "You attack me and think I won't have anything to say about that?" 

Lynn pried himself free, "Hm...." He said, "This is a seven on seven free for all, anything goes." 

"This is not the fighting pits." Aemond said as he stepped back, avoiding Harwin who swung his sword down, "You are in the Red Keep, fighting for the life of a traitor." 

"It is much more than that." Lynn said as he lunged at the prince

Aemond parried his sword and stepped to the side, "Is that so?" He said, "I would say that I am intrigued to know what your story is.....but I simply do not care." 

As Harwin tried to rush Aemond, Yohn Royce stepped from behind and shoulder-tackled him, causing him to stumble. Harwin then straightened up and parried a sword strike from the Royce Knight and stepped back as he avoided another full swing. 

"Ser Yohn." Harwin said, "It is good to see you after all these years." 

"You would like for me to say the same, but that is not the case." Yohn said with a serious scowl, "You've betrayed the Realm, brought shame to your House's name, and caused your Father to take the black. He's no longer with us as he had died in an expedition beyond the wall. I need you to understand, Harwin, that you are marked for death. Nobody can dare defy the Targaryens and get away with it, especially when the mightiest of their dragons still lives." 

Harwin swung his sword at him, "Is that so?" He said as Yohn blocked the blade, "All of you.....all of you are willing to be so subservient to them?" 

"We do it because it is the only choice!" Yohn exclaimed, "Some would say we are cowards but for the sake of peace and stability, their power is needed! Before The Conqueror, there were nothing but Wars among the Kingdoms, death and destruction everywhere! There were times of peace occasionally but the threat of all-out war was always there! When Aegon I came and conquered Westeros, that ended. It is their dragons that keep the Realm in check, for its own benefit! If we massacre each other, what will we do against a threat from the East?" 

The two men clashed fiercely, dodging and parrying blows against each other as everyone watched. Yohn Royce noticed that while Harwin was stronger than Lynn, he was less skilled. There was something about the Targaryen bastard that was capable of outpacing the Royce Knight. 

"Is that how you see it?" Harwin asked him

"Yes and you bringing those three proves my point." Yohn said, "You've brought a potential war to our steps and you don't even know it!" 

Harwin stepped back and slightly smirked, "Oh, I know it." He said, "We know it. Trevor knows it..." 

"That is the entire point."