Episode 15: "Unexpected Flames V"

Mira Bringing Izzan Home

With great worry, Mira carried the still unconscious Izzan back home. Upon arriving, she immediately laid him down on his bed, her efforts to calm both herself and her son evident. She tucked the blanket around Izzan while whispering softly.

Mira Elric (checking Izzan, talking to herself): "Oh, Izzan... wake up soon, my dear. I can only hope everything will be alright."

Report to Aldric

Meanwhile, a bank employee at the dock witnessed the incident and quickly reported it to Aldric.

Bank Employee Deco: "Mr. Aldric, something serious has happened at the dock. Your wife, Mira, seems to be in a big trouble, and something is wrong with Izzan. You need to come home immediately!"

Hearing this report, Aldric panicked and rushed to his bank owner, Lord Belric, to request early leave.

Aldric Elric (panicking): "Lord Belric, I need to leave right now. There's an emergency at home, and I need to go immediately."

Lord Belric (noticing Aldric's panic): "Of course, Aldric. Emergency situations must be prioritized. I hope everything is okay."

Aldric ran out of the bank quickly, not paying attention to his surroundings. In his rush, he failed to notice a thief trying to flee after committing a minor crime. The collision between Aldric and the thief made a loud clanging noise, like metal clashing.

Sound of Collision: "CLANG!"

Aldric fell and bounced, trying to get back up. The thief fell to the ground and was unconscious. People around began to gather, assuming Aldric had captured the thief.

People (whispering and praising): "Look at that! Mr. Aldric is truly heroic! Even after catching the thief, he doesn't boast about his achievement. How humble of him!"

Person 1: "He must be a true hero. No wonder he's so respected!"

Person 2: "We should tell everyone about his heroic actions!"

The crowd took the thief to the security office, narrating the incident with admiration.

Person 1: "Mr. Aldric bumped into the thief and captured him immediately! Then he just left after his heroic act!"

Security Officer: "Hmm... interesting. Thanks for reporting this. Heroic actions should indeed be recognized."

Head of Security: "We should reward Mr. Aldric for his actions. Even though it was accidental, he showed courage. I will plan an award for him."

However, Aldric, unaware of this, felt confused after the collision.

Aldric Elric (listening to the rumors): "What exactly happened? I just bumped into something on the street... nothing too important."

At Home

When Aldric arrived home, he headed straight to his son's room with great concern. But seeing Izzan appearing fine and playing with his favorite toys in bed, his emotions were a mix of relief and confusion. In his panic, he had burst into the room so forcefully that the door came off its hinges, and he held the door handle in his right hand while searching around.

Aldric Elric (screaming in panic while holding the door handle): "Izzan! Izzan! Where are you?!"

Aldric ran to the backyard with the door handle, looking silly and bewildered. Finally, he found Izzan and Mira in the backyard, calm and happy.

Izzan Elric (wondering about his father): "Dad, why are you carrying that door handle? Is it a new toy?"

Mira, seeing the situation, was both annoyed and confused by Aldric's actions.

Mira Elric (angrily): "Aldric! What are you doing with that door handle? Put the door back where it belongs and stop making a mess!"

Aldric, feeling slightly embarrassed and confused, began to fix the door clumsily. Meanwhile, Mira comforted Izzan, who was now calm and feeling better. The atmosphere at home was tense but warm, with Aldric trying to correct his mistake and Mira remaining calm to ensure everything was back to normal.

Aldric Elric (complaining while fixing the door): "Why does this always happen? I just wanted to come home and make sure everything was alright."

Mira Elric (gently, while comforting Izzan): "Aldric, don't be too hard on yourself. We're all okay now. What matters is that our family is together."

With the door finally fixed and the atmosphere calming down, the Elric family could finally relax. Despite the day's unexpected events, they felt closer to each other and grateful for Izzan's safety. The small harmony amidst the chaos was a reminder of the importance of support and love within the family.