In the year 2027, Izzan Min-hoo, an unemployed man trapped in a human trafficking syndicate, is forced to undergo training with an advanced neuron chip implanted in his brain. This chip monitors his emotions and can explode if they go out of control. After completing deadly missions and killing innocent people, Izzan is deemed a failure and betrayed by his own comrade, who ends his life. Reincarnated as a baby in a magical world, Izzan begins a new life with the help of Athena, an AI that now serves as his guide in mastering magic.
Hey there, awesome readers! Thanks for being here. Get comfy, maybe grab a snack, and let's jump right into the story. It's going to be a wild ride—hope you enjoy every bit of it!
Every page of this book leaves me wanting more. I can’t wait to read more chapters and see how the story unfolds! Crazy up! Crazy up! Crazy up!
The first few episodes are really setting the stage for what’s to come. The transition to the magical world is a big moment, and it sounds like things are just starting to get interesting.