Episode 36: "Uncle Dorian’s Mansion II"

After a brief journey, the artifact vehicle stopped in front of a grand and imposing house. The architecture was so awe-inspiring that Izzan stood in stunned silence as he stepped out of the vehicle. Having lived in the simplicity of Solus Fortress, he couldn't help but be amazed by the sheer size and beauty of his uncle's mansion.

Wide-eyed, Izzan looked around, taking in every detail—from the towering pillars to the courtyard adorned with intricate statues and a large fountain. He walked slowly, unaware of how "out of place" he appeared to onlookers. At one point, he even reached out to touch the carvings on the walls, gawking like a child seeing such grandeur for the first time.

Athena, who had been silently observing, could no longer hold back her irritation. Her voice rang sharply in Izzan's head, filled with frustration.

Athena: "Aheeem! Aheeem! Ahem!!"

Athena: "Izzan! What are you doing? You look like a country bumpkin seeing the outside world for the first time! Focus, this isn't the time to act like a fool!"

Startled by Athena's scolding, Izzan blushed in embarrassment, realizing he had completely lost control and forgotten how he should be acting. Before he could respond to Athena, however, loud laughter erupted behind him. Dorian, who had been watching his nephew's behavior, laughed heartily at the sight of Izzan's reactions.

Dorian: "Hahaha! Izzan, you're truly entertaining! I can see how your father and mother raised you in Solus Fortress. They must have given you a life full of simplicity and happiness."

Dorian clapped Izzan on the back with a hearty pat, still chuckling, while Izzan felt more and more out of place. Despite the deep sadness in his heart from losing his parents, Izzan found a small sense of comfort in his uncle's laughter, as if it lifted some of the heaviness he carried.

Meanwhile, a servant standing near the front door, named Randel, observed the entire exchange with a puzzled and somewhat hesitant expression. He looked unsure and wanted to ask who this seemingly "rustic" young man was but held back, not wanting to offend his master.

After the laughter died down, Dorian noticed Randel's uncertainty. With a smile still lingering on his face, Dorian gave his servant a reassuring nod, indicating that Izzan was a special guest.

Dorian: "Randel, this is my nephew, Izzan. He is the son of my brother, Aldric Elric. From now on, treat him with respect. Izzan is an honored guest here."

Randel immediately bowed respectfully.

Randel: "Of course, Master Dorian. My apologies for the doubt. Welcome, Master Izzan."

Izzan smiled shyly, still adjusting to the new, grand surroundings so different from the life he'd known. Dorian led him inside the mansion, and as the doors opened, the splendor of the interior struck Izzan even more. Thick red carpets lined the long hallway, and chandeliers sparkled overhead. The fragrant scent of spices and delicious cooking wafted from a distant kitchen.

Despite the beauty surrounding him, though, a sense of emptiness lingered within Izzan. Memories of his parents flooded his mind, making him realize that no matter how luxurious the surroundings, the pain of loss couldn't be erased so easily.

Izzan (thinking): "Father… Mother… Are you seeing this?" His heart ached once more. But this time, he resolved not to let himself be consumed by sorrow. With his uncle by his side, he vowed to grow stronger and seek justice for his family.

Dorian placed a gentle hand on Izzan's shoulder.

Dorian: "You must be tired, Izzan. Let's talk more after you've rested. We have much to discuss, but your health is the most important right now."

Izzan nodded quietly, grateful for his uncle's thoughtfulness. Together, they walked toward a large room prepared for Izzan.

As Izzan stepped deeper into his uncle's vast mansion, the overwhelming sadness in his heart gradually lessened, replaced by a sense of awe at the treasures around him. Every corner of the house was filled with ancient artifacts, magical relics, and weapons proudly displayed along the corridors. Izzan's eyes lit up with fascination, as if he were hypnotized by the opulence and splendor of everything in sight.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Izzan began asking questions about the various items.

Izzan: "Uncle, what is that? It looks like a sword, but there's a blue crystal in the hilt."

Dorian smiled, pride evident in his expression. He could tell his nephew was captivated by the artifacts scattered around the house.

Dorian: "Ah, that's a magical sword from the Kingdom of Arthalos. It was used by the ancient knights during the war against the dragon race. The blue crystal is actually the 'Essence of Sky,' a rare sky element that grants the ability to hover and enhances the wielder's speed."

At the same time, Athena—always connected to Izzan's thoughts—popped up with a panel of information, displaying the details as if it were a video game.

Athena: "Arthalos Magic Sword. Main Ability: Increases speed and agility. Allows temporary hovering with minimal mana consumption."

Izzan's eyes sparkled, captivated by the thorough explanations from both Dorian and Athena. Every step he took down the grand corridor felt like a new adventure, discovering extraordinary things he had never imagined before.

He then stopped in front of a large shield hanging on the wall. It looked heavy and sturdy, with a symbol of a howling wolf emblazoned in the center.

Izzan: "And this shield? It looks incredibly strong. Who wielded it?"

Dorian smiled again, proud to share the story behind the shield.

Dorian: "That belonged to General Garon from the Kingdom of Aethra. He was known for being invincible on the battlefield. The wolf symbol represents Garon's fighting tactics—cunning and fierce, like a wolf hunting in the shadows."

Not to be outdone, Athena once again displayed a panel of information.

Athena: "General Garon's Shield. Main Ability: Absolute defense. Can withstand high-level magical attacks as well as heavy physical blows without breaking. Extremely heavy, requires immense physical strength to wield."

Izzan was completely entranced. Every story from Dorian and the visual data from Athena made him feel like he was inside a game, where every object had a history, unique abilities, and untold power.

Izzan: "Uncle, how did you acquire all these artifacts? Did you really encounter dragons and face legendary warriors?"

Dorian chuckled, amused by the eagerness on his nephew's face.

Dorian: "Haha, not all of them were obtained personally. Some were acquired through royal auctions, others from dangerous missions I undertook. And yes, a few I won in fierce battles. But don't worry, Izzan. If you grow strong and brave enough, one day you too can possess such legendary artifacts."

Hearing his uncle's words, Izzan's heart burned with determination. He imagined himself one day wielding powerful relics, protecting those he loved, and becoming someone strong enough to face any threat.

Athena, who had been silent for a while, suddenly spoke up with a sarcastic tone.

Athena: "Izzan, stay focused. Don't forget your true purpose here just because you're dazzled by all these shiny things. Remember, we're not here to have fun."

Izzan felt a little stung by her remark, but he knew Athena was right. Even though he was amazed by everything he saw, he couldn't lose sight of his main goal—to seek his uncle's help in dealing with the looming danger threatening his family.

Finally, they arrived at the room prepared for Izzan. The room was just as grand as the corridor they had passed through. A large bed covered with silk, an antique carved desk, and shelves filled with thick books added to the luxurious atmosphere. Izzan couldn't contain his gratitude.

Izzan: "Uncle, this… this is too much. I've never slept in a place like this before."

Dorian patted Izzan's shoulder gently, a warm smile still on his face.

Dorian: "This is your home now, Izzan. What's mine is also yours. Rest well. We'll discuss everything tomorrow. There's much we need to take care of."

Izzan nodded, still in awe of everything around him. But as he settled in, he felt a sense of calm and gratitude. He had found his uncle when he needed him most. Today may have been difficult, but under his uncle's protection, Izzan knew he would find the strength to rise again and face whatever lay ahead.