[36] Blushing with Milf

In Kaoru's modest yet tidy apartment, the atmosphere suddenly shifted into an unexpected romcom moment. That morning, soft sunlight streamed through the window, casting a golden hue over the room. Kaoru, who had fallen asleep on the sofa the night before, slowly opened his eyes, his mind still half-asleep. But as his vision focused, he was immediately stunned.

In front of him wasn't just an ordinary sight but two soft mounds that seemed so close, so real. His breath caught. What the hell?! he thought in panic. His gaze rose slightly, and there she was—Shiranui, a graceful woman with long, blackish-purple hair, who usually remained calm, now looking equally shocked.

"Ahh!" Shiranui let out a small gasp, her eyes widening as she realised the awkward position they were in. In her haste to get up, she lost her balance. Her petite foot slipped on the carpet, and before Kaoru could react, she fell on top of him, making the situation even more complicated.

Kaoru groaned softly, his body pinned beneath Shiranui's sudden weight. This... this is bad, really bad, he thought, unable to do anything but lie there awkwardly. His heart pounded—not from battle or the threat of death as usual—but because of this situation, which felt much harder to handle.

"U-uh... sorry!" Shiranui stammered, her face flushed bright red. She tried to get up again, but this time her arm slipped off the edge of the sofa, causing her to fall even harder, right back on top of Kaoru.

"Ugh..." Kaoru held his breath, feeling even more trapped. "Shiranui, could... could you please get off me?" he asked, his voice a little choked with both embarrassment and confusion.

Shiranui, feeling utterly mortified, tried to find her footing again, but her trembling hands only made the situation worse. How could I be so clumsy? she thought, dying of embarrassment. "Sorry... sorry! This was really an accident!" she exclaimed in desperation, her face as red as a ripe tomato.

Kaoru, who usually wasn't fazed by even the strongest demons, now found this situation far beyond his capabilities. "Just relax... don't move too quickly," he said, trying to calm her, though his own face had turned red as well.

Finally, with a great deal of effort, Kaoru managed to help Shiranui off him. They both sat on the sofa, catching their breath. The atmosphere in the room felt strange. Shiranui kept her head down, utterly embarrassed, while Kaoru scratched his head, not sure what to say.

"S-sorry again, I don't know what just happened…" Shiranui muttered, biting her lip in shame.

Kaoru looked at her for a moment, then replied softly, "It's okay. All of this... well, it's just the effect of lost memories. Maybe it'll take time for everything to feel normal again."

The woman glanced up at him, then gave a small smile. "You're always so calm, Kaoru-kun."

Kaoru chuckled internally. Calm? In a situation like this? Perhaps a world full of conspiracies, demons, and threats was easier to deal with than awkward moments like this. But one thing was certain—whether on the battlefield or in an unexpected romcom moment, Kaoru's life was never truly peaceful.


Two days had passed since the event that had changed many lives, especially Yukikaze's. The young girl had grown increasingly gloomy, as if a dark shadow loomed over her soul that wouldn't go away. Trauma tore at her spirit, shredding what little remained of her childhood that should have been full of happiness. Her father, who had once been her protector and hero, was now just a bitter memory—a man used as a cruel experiment until Yukikaze herself was forced to end his life with trembling hands.

The funeral for her father took place in a grim atmosphere. Dark clouds hung low in the sky, as if mourning the fate of that family. Shiranui, Yukikaze's mother, attended, even though she no longer remembered who her husband was. However, there was an inexplicable feeling deep inside her that compelled her to come, like a profound intuition. The faces of others around the grave looked at her with sorrowful expressions, offering their condolences with sympathy. Shiranui could only bow her head, unsure of how to respond to them, as most of them were people who now felt like strangers to her lost memories.

Kaoru, who had promised to restore Shiranui's memories, was still searching for a solution. He knew well that this wasn't just a matter of magic or some extraordinary power that could be fixed overnight. The emotional wounds within Shiranui and Yukikaze ran far deeper, more complex, and required more than just a healing spell.

Shiranui, now living in Kaoru's apartment, felt like a stranger in her own body. Without her memories, she didn't recognise her daughter as she once had and didn't feel the same connection. Yet, deep down, she knew something was missing, something she needed to find again. Although she attended the funeral, standing beside her daughter and receiving condolences from relatives and friends she no longer knew, Shiranui still felt as though an invisible wall separated her from the world around her.

Yukikaze, on the other hand, felt trapped in a whirlpool of despair. Every smile her mother once had now seemed like a hollow mask. The young girl bore a heavy burden for her age, witnessing how her family had been torn apart. If not for the support of people like Kaoru and his friends, Yukikaze's mental state might have crumbled completely. However, despite enduring, the emotional scars she carried would always remain.

Kaoru had promised to restore Shiranui's memories, but that would take time.

After spending hours poring over books on psychological medicine and various mental healing theories, Kaoru stepped out of the library, only to find himself surrounded by a group of men in black suits. In an ordinary situation, most people might panic, but Kaoru simply looked up, surveying his surroundings with a calm gaze, his hands still tucked in his pockets.

"Wow... what's this?" Kaoru asked in a casual tone, as if he were watching a scene from a detective film rather than standing in the middle of a potentially dangerous confrontation.

One of the men in black opened his mouth to speak, but before any words came out, a luxury car pulled up to the side of the road. The window in the back rolled down slowly, and a woman's voice was heard.

"Kaoru Rasputin…" The voice was firm yet feminine, with an accent that undeniably carried authority. Inside the car sat a woman who immediately caught Kaoru's attention. Her long, dark blue hair stood out, with sharp bangs that added to her commanding presence. Her blue-green eyes glinted sharply behind the sunglasses she wore. Despite her formal attire—a white blouse with a black blazer—she still exuded an incredible allure. The top two buttons of her blouse were left undone, revealing cleavage that couldn't be ignored.

"We need to talk," she continued, her voice cold but full of certainty, leaving no room for argument.

Kaoru narrowed his eyes, observing every detail of the woman and the situation around him. Though his body remained relaxed, his mind worked quickly, analysing the circumstances with the help of his Parallel mind ability. However, his strong curiosity made him more interested in finding out what this woman wanted than in escaping or confronting her with force.

"Is there something I can help you with, Miss?" Kaoru finally asked, his voice calm yet laced with a hint of sarcasm.

The woman smiled faintly, seemingly pleased with Kaoru's composed response. "Get in the car. This conversation isn't suited for the street." Her tone was commanding, yet there was a sense that she knew Kaoru couldn't be treated like an ordinary person.

Kaoru shrugged casually. "Seems like there's no other option, huh?" he muttered, before slowly walking towards the car, surrounded by the men in black, who kept a cautious distance.

As Kaoru got into the car, he felt a different kind of tension—not from the men in suits, but from the conversation that was clearly about to unfold between him and this mysterious woman.