[37] Beware

Asagi Igawa sat in the front seat, her sharp eyes focused on the young man who had become the centre of her attention. Kaoru Rasputin, a name that had recently become a hot topic among the Taimanin, had been reported by Rinko as the mastermind behind the complete destruction of Yomihara's brothel and the collapse of the evil organisation led by the Incubus King in a single night. This was not someone to be underestimated.

In a world increasingly filled with supernatural crime, individuals like Kaoru, who appeared out of nowhere and dismantled large organisations within hours, were entities that could not be easily ignored. More so now, with Edwin Black—a dangerous Class S entity known to the government as one of the greatest threats in the supernatural world—beginning to make his move. The situation was becoming chaotic, yet the general public seemed trapped in indifference. Not because they were unaware of the supernatural threats, but because those events hadn't yet touched their daily lives. However, if beings like Edwin Black and the Incubus King, Asmodeus, truly turned their attention towards the human world, a catastrophe was only a matter of time.

Japan, it seemed, was becoming the epicentre of all this supernatural chaos. Something about this country attracted entities from other realms, as if there was a force drawing them in. The government and the Taimanin were fighting hard to maintain the balance and prevent total destruction, but individuals like Kaoru presented a new mystery—a remarkably powerful being whose intentions remained unclear.

Asagi narrowed her eyes, assessing Kaoru who was seated beside her in the back seat of the slowly moving car on this night. The young man appeared far too calm, even humming quietly as if the situation they had just encountered was merely a minor disturbance in his life.

"You seem pretty calm in all of this," Asagi finally said, her voice low but observant.

Kaoru casually shrugged, completely unbothered by the attention he was receiving. "Yeah, I've been through plenty of weird situations, so this is nothing much," he replied lightly, as though everything was just a routine event.

Asagi looked at him seriously and then let out a short sigh. "I see... In that case, I won't beat around the bush," she continued, her tone becoming more firm and authoritative. "Tell me your intentions. Someone like you, who destroys an evil organisation and defeats the Incubus King in one night, is clearly not someone to be taken lightly. We need to gauge the level of threat you pose. While it may seem like we're being overly cautious, know that this is for the sake of countless innocent lives."

Kaoru's expression shifted slightly, from a lazy playfulness to something more serious, though a faint smile still lingered on his face. He murmured softly, "Threat level, huh?" as if deeply pondering, then slowly turned his gaze back to Asagi. "I understand your concerns, and I don't blame you for being cautious. But if you want to know my intentions..."

Kaoru locked eyes with Asagi, his gaze full of meaning. His faint smile sharpened, growing more mysterious, reflecting the complexity within him. "Shouldn't you tell me first who you are and where you're from? It'd be dangerous for me to reveal my intentions while I still don't know who's demanding answers from me," he said, his tone demanding, though still casual.

Asagi stared at him for a few seconds, then took a long breath, clearly unfazed by Kaoru's demand. "Hah... Is that so," she said, exhaling as though she had expected this to happen. "Very well. We're from Japan's Supernatural Crime Response Centre, a defence department affiliated with the Taimanin from Gosha village." Asagi paused for a moment, looking at Kaoru intently. "I am Asagi Igawa, one of the executives in this department."

Kaoru nodded slowly, his smile unchanged. "Hmm, I see. Interesting," he muttered, as if accepting the explanation, though it was clear his mind was still racing, analysing every word and piece of information he had just received.

For a moment, the atmosphere inside the car was thick with tension. The air felt heavy, as if every word spoken could cut through the uneasy silence. But in Kaoru's eyes, there was a spark of intrigue, as though this conversation was merely the opening to something much bigger, something hidden behind the veil of this meeting.

Kaoru crossed his arms casually, then let out a smile that wasn't entirely sincere. "I'm Kaoru Rasputin," he said confidently, "as you can see, I'm of Russian descent. And as for my intentions, well, I was just unlucky enough to get caught up in that mess yesterday. Honestly, I have no harmful intentions towards anyone." He paused for a moment, as if remembering something, then added lazily, "I just want to be left alone, waiting for someone to fix my phone... and I just remembered that."

Asagi's gaze didn't change, still sharp and fixed on Kaoru. "So... am I supposed to believe that just like that?" she challenged, a faint smirk forming on her lips, showing she wasn't easily swayed by Kaoru's casual confession.

Kaoru sighed, slightly lowering his head like someone exhausted by the constant accusations. "Haah... if you don't believe me, maybe Shiranui wouldn't be staying at my place right now, right?" he said, his eyes dimming briefly before continuing. "I'm just a benefactor. Nothing more. So, perhaps it would be better if you didn't focus too much on me. After all, I've already helped with your work—haven't I?"

A mysterious smile still tugged at Kaoru's lips, this time sharper, as if he was enjoying every second of the confusion on his counterpart's face. "Truly, I have no ill intentions. It's just that sometimes fate leads us down paths we never planned for, doesn't it?" he said softly, as though stating a simple, undeniable fact.

Asagi, on the other hand, couldn't hide her suspicion. Her blue-green eyes remained locked on Kaoru, scrutinising every expression on his face, searching for any hint of deception. After a long sigh, she looked deeper into his eyes, her voice now sharper and more commanding. "You're a difficult person to read, Kaoru Rasputin. But don't think this is over." Her tone was firm, but there was also a hint of weariness from the lingering uncertainty.

Kaoru glanced briefly out the window, watching the city grow dim as dusk settled, before turning back to Asagi with a half-lazy look. "So, where are you taking me?" he asked in a flat voice, though there was a small tone that suggested he already knew the answer.

Asagi didn't hesitate to respond, "To the Department of Defence. We'll be conducting a series of tests to measure the potential threat you might pose, and only then will we make a decision." Her voice remained firm, making it clear this wasn't a request, but an order that wasn't up for negotiation.

Kaoru simply gave a small nod, stifling a laugh behind his lips. "This is the part I always hate," he said with a heavy sigh, as if exhausted by the situation that seemed to repeat itself in his life. "Tests, surveillance, judgment... it's always the same." He stared at the now-darkening sky, as if seeking some solace from the view outside the window. "I just want a quiet life, but it seems that's too much to ask for."

The atmosphere inside the car remained tense, but there was also an irony to this conversation—a silent power play between two strong and enigmatic individuals, trapped in a world filled with conspiracy and secrets yet to be unveiled.