[38] DCST (Department of Countering Supernatural Threats)

Kaoru was taken to a building that, at first glance, looked like an ordinary pharmaceutical company. However, this appearance was just an illusion. The three-hour journey to this secretive place had begun to test Kaoru's patience.

"Seriously?" Kaoru muttered, his eyes scanning the building's plain sign, far too ordinary for something hidden so carefully.

"Of course," Asagi replied in a calm tone, as if she was used to the confusion of those brought here. "This department is classified, so we disguise it as a pharmaceutical company. The real facility... is below us." Her eyes narrowed slightly, hinting at the depth of the secrets about to be revealed.

They entered the building, which, from the outside, did indeed appear to be a typical office—well-dressed employees, a friendly receptionist, and an overall normal workplace atmosphere. However, once they reached the lift, everything changed. Asagi pressed a sequence of buttons—seemingly random numbers and codes—that created a complex pattern difficult to follow.

Once the lift doors closed, the machine began to descend, slower than usual. "It'll take a little while longer," Asagi said. "We're heading to the underground headquarters. No ordinary access can get here."

Minutes passed until, finally, after nearly ten minutes, the lift stopped. When the doors opened, the sight before Kaoru left him momentarily stunned. What had once appeared to be a regular office building had now transformed into something straight out of a Hollywood action film about secret agents.

In front of him stretched a vast room with high ceilings, filled with enormous screens displaying various data, digital maps, and CCTV footage from around the world. Advanced technology was everywhere—tables loaded with futuristic computers, soldiers in tactical gear moving efficiently, and scientists overseeing what appeared to be secret experiments. Silver-blue neon lights added to the futuristic feel of the place, as if Kaoru had just stepped into the secret headquarters of a global organisation.

"Welcome to the heart of the Supernatural Defence Department," Asagi said, her voice still steady but carrying weight. "This is a world the public never sees."

Though his eyes widened for a moment, Kaoru maintained his composed expression, his well-practised poker face in place. "Alright," he responded curtly, hiding his silent amazement.

"Follow me," Asagi continued, leading the way with a professional stride.

Kaoru followed leisurely, occasionally glancing around, taking in the place that seemed straight out of a science-fiction action movie. Every staff member they passed greeted Asagi with genuine respect—some even saluting with unavoidable sincerity. Asagi returned their greetings with a slight nod, maintaining her calm and focused demeanour.

"You're quite famous around here," Kaoru muttered, whistling softly, his tone teasing but still polite.

Asagi offered a faint smile, downplaying the compliment. "Oh, it's nothing. They just admire hard work," she replied modestly, though there was an unmistakable pride in her voice.

'More than hard work, they see you as a hero,' Kaoru thought to himself, his eyes narrowing slightly as he analysed the movements of those around them.

They arrived at a large room with a plaque clearly marked "Head of Department's Office." Asagi stopped in front of the imposing door.

"Wait here. I need to give the report to the chief," Asagi said before entering the room without waiting for a response.

"Alright, I'll wait," Kaoru replied casually, leaning against the nearest wall.

As Asagi disappeared behind the door, Kaoru let his eyes wander, taking in every detail of the room. The place was truly impressive—every aspect felt advanced, futuristic, and yet mysterious. The air in the room felt cool, with soft neon lights running along the walls, enhancing the atmosphere of cutting-edge technology.

In the midst of the quiet, his gaze settled on a young woman who appeared confused in front of a vending machine. She was wearing a combat outfit that was clearly that of a Taimanin, but with a far more... provocative touch. Her blonde hair was tied in a high ponytail with a large ribbon securing it neatly. Her bright blue eyes stared at the vending machine in visible confusion, like a child trying to figure out something new.

Her combat outfit, more akin to a bikini than battle armour, made Kaoru pause for a moment. Her prominent figure starkly contrasted with the awkward situation she was in—standing there, fumbling with a coin as her trembling hand tried to insert it into the machine. Every movement seemed filled with clumsiness, as though she wasn't used to such a simple task.

Being the gentleman he was, Kaoru couldn't stand seeing a woman in distress. With a small smile that had melted many hearts before, he stepped closer. "Hello… Can I help you, miss?" he asked in a friendly tone, adding a hint of charm to his voice.

What happened next, however, was entirely unexpected. The woman flinched at the sound of his voice, turned swiftly, and the look she gave Kaoru was as if she had seen something utterly repulsive. Her expression twisted with disgust, full of unmasked loathing, like a blade of cold steel piercing Kaoru's heart.

"Tch..." she hissed softly, her blue eyes glaring at Kaoru with venomous disdain.

Kaoru's smile froze on his face, like a mask that had suddenly lost its meaning. Inside, he felt a deep wound, as though an invisible steel arrow had brutally pierced his chest. The rejection was so cold, so unexpected, that it shattered the confidence he usually carried with ease. 'This can't be happening...' he thought, almost unable to believe that his usual charm had failed so spectacularly. In an effort to remain composed, Kaoru tried to rationalise the strange situation, maintaining a smile that now felt more awkward than charming.

"Is there a problem?" he asked again, his voice lower this time, trying to hide the discomfort creeping into him. The once-winning smile now felt like a clumsy attempt to save face.

The girl simply scoffed softly, her expression remaining cold and indifferent. "No problem..." she replied curtly, almost mockingly. Her hateful gaze returned to the vending machine, entirely ignoring Kaoru's presence just a few steps away, as if he were no more than a shadow unworthy of her attention.

For Kaoru, this was an entirely new experience. Throughout his life, his charm had never failed to capture attention. His smile was usually enough to conquer hearts, to melt even the thickest of ice. But this time, the girl in front of him—with her revealing bikini-like combat outfit—seemed entirely immune to all of Kaoru's allure.

'This can't be right,' he grumbled internally, but quickly tried to reason with himself. Perhaps this girl had a trauma with men. Yes, that was the logical explanation. Maybe she had experienced something terrible, something that made her despise all men. Kaoru looked at her again, observing more closely. There was a cold aura and a tension surrounding the girl, as if she bore some unseen burden.

'That must be it,' Kaoru thought, trying to reassure himself. 'She just needs a gentler approach, something out of the ordinary.' Kaoru smiled inwardly, planning his next move.

The girl continued to struggle with the vending machine, inserting the coin but not getting the result she wanted. Kaoru realised this was the perfect moment to show another side of himself—not just physical charm, but genuine helpfulness. Without saying a word, he stepped closer, his movements slow and careful, as if he didn't want to startle her again.

"This machine can be tricky sometimes," Kaoru said, his tone soft and understanding. "May I help?"

For a moment, the girl paused, then glanced at him with hesitant eyes. She examined Kaoru once again, as if weighing his intentions. "Hmph," she muttered quietly, but she didn't reject Kaoru this time. That was enough for him.

Carefully, Kaoru took the coin from the girl's hand, deliberately avoiding touching her skin to ensure she didn't feel uncomfortable. Then, with a smooth, confident motion, he inserted the coin into the machine, and within seconds, the desired drink was dispensed.

"Voila," Kaoru said, handing the can to the girl, a triumphant smile on his face, though he knew he had to tread cautiously.

The girl took the can without much fuss, but this time, her gaze had changed slightly. There was a tiny, almost imperceptible hint of gratitude in her eyes, though it was still cloaked beneath a deep-rooted disdain for men. "Thank you," she said briefly, her voice barely audible.

Kaoru simply nodded. "Anytime, miss. Anytime."