[44] There's something strange about Asuka

Kaoru finally escorted Asuka to her penthouse, which was so luxurious that it left Kaoru momentarily speechless. Though he was used to strange things, seeing Asuka's lavish residence stunned him a little, especially considering he himself lived in a modest one-bedroom apartment.

"Hmmm~ So this is your place?" Kaoru asked, glancing at the towering building before him.

Asuka nodded with a slightly awkward expression. "Yes," she replied curtly, fidgeting with the ends of her hair nervously.

Kaoru observed Asuka with great interest. Today, the girl seemed more anxious than usual, and Kaoru couldn't resist teasing her. "Why are you so jittery today? Are your mechanical arms or legs malfunctioning?" he asked playfully, trying to lighten the mood.

"No…" Asuka replied tersely, clearly not amused by the jest.

Kaoru sighed deeply. He could sense that something was bothering Asuka. Without thinking twice, he stepped closer to her, moving as if to shield her from a passing cyclist on the pavement. However, his sudden movement caused Asuka to become cornered, her back pressed against the wall. The space between them was now uncomfortably close, leaving Asuka startled.

"Eeep!" Asuka squeaked in surprise.

Without changing his position, Kaoru sighed again. "Sorry… But you've been ignoring me the entire way here, and it's been bugging me. Also, the guy on the train earlier who tried to harass you… he was wearing the same uniform as you. What's going on? Tell me," Kaoru asked seriously, his voice low and firm, making Asuka feel even more nervous. She could even feel his breath on her cheek, causing her face to flush.

"I'm fine, really! There's nothing going on!" Asuka responded sharply, though it was clear she was lying.

Kaoru's gaze hardened, unimpressed. "Don't lie, Asuka. You're a terrible actress."

Asuka grumbled before locking eyes with Kaoru's red gaze, a hint of anger flickering. "Is this how you plan to get the truth out of me?" she asked, clearly annoyed by Kaoru's approach.

Kaoru sighed, trying to suppress his frustration. "Asuka, come on. I just want to help. You know I can't just sit back when something's bothering my friend."

"So, we're just friends, huh? Just acquaintances?" Asuka retorted challengingly, her lips pursing slightly.

Kaoru was momentarily taken aback, then scratched his head in frustration. "No, that's not what I meant! Geez, this girl is getting more annoying by the minute!" he muttered, mostly to himself.

Asuka raised an eyebrow at him, as if daring him. "Then what do you mean, Kaoru? Say what you really feel."

Kaoru fell silent, staring deeper into Asuka's eyes. There was something behind that gaze, something difficult to put into words. He wanted to protect her, but it was more than just the desire to safeguard a friend.

"I…" Kaoru began, his voice softer than before. "I just want to make sure you're okay. That's all."

Asuka looked at him for a moment before finally letting out a long sigh, releasing some of the tension she was feeling. "You're always like this… caring too much."

Kaoru gave a small smile, slightly relieved. "Of course. That's my job, isn't it?"

Asuka eventually smiled faintly, though still pouting. "Fine, but don't overdo it. I can take care of myself."

Kaoru nodded, though deep down, he knew this wasn't over. Something bigger was going on, and he was determined to find out what it was. As they both adjusted their positions, luckily, the street was quiet. No one had noticed the earlier awkward scene—after all, in this big city, it wasn't unusual for young couples to get cosy in public.

Asuka stepped away slightly and stood in front of the entrance to the building, while Kaoru gazed at her with concern, sensing that Asuka was still hiding something. He could feel it—there was something Asuka wanted to ask but seemed hesitant to voice, perhaps worried about burdening Kaoru, even though he himself didn't feel troubled. In his mind, helping a pretty girl like Asuka was more than just a duty.

Suddenly, Asuka's body trembled slightly. It seemed like she was gathering her courage. Kaoru raised an eyebrow as Asuka turned again, this time looking at him with an expression that was hard to decipher. There was a determination in her eyes that caught Kaoru by surprise.

"What?" Kaoru asked, confused by this sudden change.

Asuka took a short breath before speaking in a quiet voice, "Mmm… thank you." She looked down, but before Kaoru could respond, she lifted her head again, her face almost on the verge of tears. Then, with a swift movement that made Kaoru's heart race, Asuka stepped forward, standing on her toes slightly to reach Kaoru's lips.

The kiss was brief—just a soft touch of their lips—but it was enough to make time seem to stop for Kaoru. He was taken aback by Asuka's boldness, and though the kiss was simple, it felt so real, so sincere. As their lips met, Kaoru could feel Asuka's nervousness, but also her honesty.

In an instant, Kaoru's instincts kicked in. Without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around Asuka's waist, pulling her a little closer. Yet, despite the strong urge to deepen the moment, Kaoru held himself back. He wasn't the type of guy to take advantage of such a situation.

After what felt like forever but was only a few seconds, Asuka pulled away, her face burning red. Her eyes were slightly wet, but she wore a faint smile. "Sorry… I don't know why I did that," she stammered.

Kaoru gave a soft smile, trying to ease the tension. "You don't need to apologise," he said calmly. "I… understand."

Asuka looked down, her face reddening further. "I… I should go inside now."

Kaoru stood frozen at the entrance of the building that had just swallowed Asuka within. He let out a long breath, still processing what had just happened. Asuka's sudden courage to kiss him—it wasn't just a simple thank you. There was something deeper, more complex behind her action. Kaoru was certain that Asuka was hiding something, and he was determined to find out what it was.

The image of the incident on the train flashed through his mind again. The man who blatantly harassed Asuka seemed to be wearing the same uniform as Asuka's school. But Asuka's passive reaction and her silence regarding the incident only heightened Kaoru's suspicions. He began piecing things together—Asuka's sudden bravery, her silence on the train, and now this unexpected kiss. All of this led Kaoru to believe that Asuka might be under pressure or being threatened by someone at her school.

"That's odd," Kaoru thought. "Asuka's a Taimanin, a formidable fighter. If this were work-related, she'd handle it easily." However, this seemed more personal, as if the issues at Asuka's school and her role as a Taimanin were separate. Kaoru couldn't ignore the fact that something much bigger was going on.

Shaking his head, Kaoru decided he couldn't just let this slide. He wasn't willing to take any chances. "I don't want this to end up like one of those *netorare* stories in manga," he thought grimly, recalling the tragic plots he'd read. He wouldn't let anyone take Asuka away from him, especially if there was something sinister lurking in the background.

With renewed determination, Kaoru decided he would stake out Asuka's school tomorrow. He had to make sure that whatever was going on, Asuka would be safe. Not only that, he immediately summoned his familiar, a large black crow with sharp eyes, which he used for surveillance. The crow flew low in the air, trailing Asuka to ensure she wouldn't be in danger until the next day.

"Now that she's taken a step towards me, I don't plan on letting her go," Kaoru muttered to himself. If anything tried to disrupt Asuka's life, he'd be there, standing in front, protecting her.

With that, Kaoru turned and walked away, his mind already beginning to plan his next move. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.